Releases: Boehringer-Ingelheim/goat-health-app
Releases · Boehringer-Ingelheim/goat-health-app
1.0.0-beta.3 (2021-05-13)
Bug Fixes
- i18n: replace local language (en-US with en) for better language support and detection (b7683ca)
1.0.0-beta.2 (2021-04-30)
Bug Fixes
- audio: enable controls for audio element (2c9559c)
- chapters: remove not available tranlsation key (c83a08b)
- chapters: sorting of chapter and section id (f92c3ff)
- chapters: use correct tranlsation key (35ada72)
- filesystem: audio stream could not be saved on device (711ab2a)
- i18n: correction of the image structure (3d19c1c)
- i18n: correction of the list structure (c4121ea)
- i18n: correction of the text structure (480a1e2)
- i18n: use lookup up form of namespaces (a8bc228)
- i18n: use menu title from translation file (8744463)
- typescript: change Favorite from interface to type (8458c8f)
- chapters: add chapter content about basic of health (f39d95b)
- chapters: add chapter content about breeding (d43b432)
- chapters: add chapter content about common diseases (56c592a)
- chapters: add chapter content about dangerous diseases for goats, cows or people (9acea5b)
- chapters: add chapter content about earning money with goats (c45e359)
- chapters: add chapter content about how do diseases happen (bcc8a79)
- chapters: add chapter content about how to prevent and treat diseases (96f72dc)
- chapters: add chapter content about recognize symptoms and distinguish diseases (423f108)
1.0.0-beta.1 (2021-04-03)
Bug Fixes
- bump minor version for ci testing (320f712)
- chapter: use medium thumbnail on card (a8f8d67)
- chapter-footer: use light theme (3d9565d)
- headers: harmonize page headers (b520bbb)
- i18n: add new content (4bd158b)
- i18n: disable debug of i18next (cafdcac)
- i18n: fix translation assignment (3c87384)
- i18n: missing translation on search (be00070)
- i18n: remove typo in prefix (e066b95)
- i18n: use explicit supported language (4920339)
- images: write the processed images to the console (2086b7a)
- ios: show cards in a line (ecce884)
- ios: show condense header in primary color (c56039d)
- menu: fix offset of menu to the status-bar (7b53ffb)
- menu: support safe-area at the bottom (bda4d99)
- routes: remove
from menu url (2c7dee4) - settings: show current version (8dcf2b5)
- speech: pause audio when navigation to another page (e63244d)
- speech: set default speech name (e3ae391)
- store: only persist and restore user store (07f80c7)
- theme: respect safe-area and collapse-condense header on dark mode (754e84c)
- theme: use prefer-color-scheme for system theme (ec53b0d)
- disable tutorial for the moment (3246580)
- remove console log (4dbcbbe)
- remove console logs (74e78bf)
- remove forgotten connected-react-router implementation (da95944)
- remove persist gate loading text (e21df7f)
- remove unused vars (c1aabc7)
- show chapter footer correctly (2ba9693)
- show fullscreen correctly (7f5b9f5)
- white flashing on startup (a093188)
- theme: use correct background color (7804baa)
- chapters: add chapter 02 (3940921)
- chapters: mark chapter as favorie (5bc6d4b)
- chapters: show chapter title on page view (6f78fb1)
- credits: add credits page (2d0d342)
- favorites: add page to view favorite marked articles (c82cdbe)
- home: add navigation to chapter on click (85bb3b5)
- i18n: add language tamil (ta-IN) (1908ebb)
- i18n: add new credits content (beec009)
- i18n: update credits content (0f70baf)
- image: use optimized images (webp) and thumbnails (3530b88)
- images: add zoomable imager viewer (fe663c4)
- ios: add init ios production build (b3cb584)
- menu: use settings as menu entry (31342e2)
- routes: remove page from routes (62d453f)
- search: add option for search view (ed6daf2)
- search: add search functionality (860ac9c)
- search: change view for search results (57b91bb)
- search: make non-english text searchable (4af05b8)
- search: use query param for search input (1b0c8dd)
- speech: add text to speech (95fe32e)
- speech: update speech with language change (76e7aff)
- sso: add open graph meta data (b28c709)
- show splash-screen (c8a8954)
- settings: add confirmation before resetting (64b0dde)
- settings: add link to credits page (904bade)
- status-bar: use dark style for status-bar (828d37e)
- theme: improve dark theme (e04611e)
- add style and center image title (b0e6df2)
- update style of image and image-text (d58ce09)