Brian Leschke 2016
This python program can be used to detect hashing algorithms of specified users in the /etc/shadow file and attempt to crack those hashes. The attack vector is a dictionary attack and uses the dictionary file "phpbb.txt" which is found at
You will need:
- Any modern version/flavor of Linux/Unix
- System privileges to access /etc/shadow
- Python 2.7 (unknown compatibility with higher versions)
In order to use this code you will have to download and unpackage this repository listed below:
All files need to placed in the same file location/folder in order for the program to run (unless you specify the file location).
To run the program, type the following in a terminal window under the directory in which the files were placed:
sudo python
To change the location of the shadow file, you will need to edit the "" file with a text editor of your choosing. You will need to edit these two variables located towards the top of the file to match your dictionary file and shadow file locations.
PASSWD_DICT = 'phpbb.txt'; # path to password dictionary
SHADOW_LOC = '/etc/shadow'; # path to shadow file