A system for the management of 3D printer filament. Based on cereal containers as individual dryboxes for spools of filament.
The primary purpose of Tefnut is to keep filament clean of dust/debris to avoid jams and clogs, and can also help with keeping filament dry. I found there is too much air leakage in the system to maintain a low humidity long term without regular swapping of large amounts of dessecant. That being said, with regular swapping of large amounts of dessecant it is possible to keep each filament completely dry.
This set of modifications and new custom parts moves VincentGroenhuis' rewinder into a Rubbermaid 1776473 21-Cup Dry Food Container. When combined with a panel mounted pneumatic fitment or mmu tube holder you can print directly from this dry-box.
For use in high(ish) temperature printing, where the Prusa MMU2s electronics cannot function, this butler keeps the filaments handy for loading, all without needing to open the dryboxes. See the github site for The Filament Butler for instructions and files.
This slide-down box-holder keeps the dry-boxes in place during lid-lifting maintenance.
A similar push-to-connect interface for 6mm tubing as the pneumatic fitment tube holders, for connected the tubing to the MMU2.
A two-part mod; An attachment point for 6mm OD tubing on the outside, and a funnel guide for filament being pulled from spools that are almost out of filament on the inside.
An anchor point for the lid intended for a 2mm twisted steel cable to loop through and create an over-lifting protection.