This project is a group collaboration to create a fun and realistic Dragonball Z / Dragonball Super (eventually) kind of game. The plan originally is to build it in the Unity3D Game Engine, but if better software becomes available, we can also transfer some of the code to the other system.
Playable Races:
- Namekian
- Saiyan =========
- Heran (race of Bojack) =========================
The avatars will be character-controlled, however, when they are severely hurt, they will become like ragdoll rigidbodies. In this way, as fights are happening, for the most part, controlling movement will be easy, yet if a significant damage occurs, they are knocked unconscious or killed, and their body should react based on how the environment is throwing them around.
Initial Release Features:
To start the game, the 4 or 5 fundamental abilities should be:
- Melee Attack
- Attack Beam
- Attack Ball
- Defense
Using Triggers, we will use ki as a force field of sorts. The avatar must use his ki to create a force around himself. The bigger his power level, the further in distance that force extends. When two forces across space collide, it 'pushes and invades' the scope of force field of an avatar and they can sense the ki and how strong it is.
- King Kai Planet
- Kami Lookout (Hyperbolic Time Chamber)
- Desert Wastelands
- Planetary Destruction (Moons)