This repository contains the relevant code to utilize a Convolutional Neural Network to classify the Gleason grades of prostate cancer.
The image database is sourced from the Automated Gleason Grading Challenge 2022 (AGGC2022).
- copy the github repo:
git clone
- create an environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
- Go to demo folder
python --i /data/acharl15/gleason_grading/test_folder/Subset1_Test_24.tiff --output_folder ./demo_result/ --model ../neural_network_training/checkpoint/Subset1_epoch36.pth --background "white"
--i: define original image path --output_folder: define result path --model: define pretrain model path (saved under ./checkpoint/) --background: define what is the color of the background of the same scans ("white","black").
The output contains:
- patch_mask.jpg: binary image indicating tissue region
- G_pred.jpg: Scalar Image, Absolute classification of each patch image. Whiter color means higher grading score. Size of height x weight (where the pixel value is the predicted class label) (0:empty background, 3. 1:normal, etc)
- G_pred_color.jpg: Colored Heatmap based on G_pred.jpg
- G_pred_after_mor.jpg: Scalar Image after closing morphological transformation. Size of height x weight (where the pixel value is the predicted class label) (0:empty background, 3. 1:normal, etc)
- G_pred_after_mor_color.jpg: Colored Heatmap based on G_pred_after_mor.jpg
- result.pck : saved y-probability, true label, and index in pickel file, which is a dictionary. output[“yprob”] = yprob (size: n*5) output[“ytrue”] = label (size: n) output[“index_x”] = index_list_x (size: n) output[“index_y”] = index_list_y (size: n) Colored image label: Green: normal; Blue: stroma; Yellow: G3; Fuchsia: G4; Red :G5 Each pixel value is corrected by confidence level, where ambiguous color assignment indicates lower confidence level of class assignment.
The automated grading system also contains the following 2 steps:
- Trained model parameters are saved under the