This repository contains details of the build process and usage for materials from the Bioc2019 conference.
The workshops (except the CWL workshop) are all installed and
ready-to-run inside docker; you will need to install docker on your machine to
follow along. We have a base docker image seandavi/bioc_2019 that contains
the operating system and base R installation. The workshops and additional package (over 600)
are included as a separate download that can be mounted into the container
as a volume
. To use the entire set of workshop materials, do:
Make a directory for the installed packages:
mkdir /home/ubuntu/bioc-libs # or another convenient directory with about 20GB of free space
Download and untar entire tar.gz file with all installed packages and materials:
cd /home/ubuntu/bioc-libs # use the directory from above wget tar -xzf bioc2019-usr-local.tar.gz
Run docker locally with (you may or may not need
depending on your docker setup):# again, use the directory from above sudo docker run --name bioc_2019 -d -v /home/ubuntu/bioc-libs:/usr/local/lib/R/site-library \ -p 80:8787 -e PASSWORD=bioc seandavi/bioc_2019
- username: 'rstudio'
- password: 'as you set it--bioc above'
To contribute a new workshop, open a BiocWorkshops issue starting with
the [Workshop]
keyword in the title of the issue. Provide a link to the
repository in the issue message body. You may also include GitHub usernames
of workshop collaborators. For a successful workshop build, adhere to the
- Package your workshop as an R package. The example package demonstrates all key elements of how your package must be prepared, and also provides an example
for Continuous Integration against bioc-devel. - Include a standard vignette in the vignettes directory
- Put any extra files (images, .bib) in
and reference them in the vignette usingsystem.file
- Number 3 requires package chapter installation before vignette build or
when building the package. - Use only one top-level section (
), for the title of your workshop. All other sections must be second-level (##
) or lower. You may find the usage section of the Bookdown documentation helpful for background. - Do not use
functionality. The style will be based on bookdown/gitbook.
Update the DESCRIPTION file adding packages utilized in your workshop to the Imports field.
BioC2019 workshops will run on bioc-devel (3.10). That means that this book will be built on bioc-devel, workshop participants will use virtual machines running bioc-devel, and your workshops will be tested against bioc-devel. See Using ‘bioc-devel’ during mid-April to mid-October for how to run bioc-devel; thankfully we are in the easy time of year for running release and devel side-by-side. Also, the dummy chapter includes a highly recommendable TravisCI setup for Continuous Integration against bioc-devel.
Please be aware of the following deadlines for the Bioconductor 2019 Conference in New York
- Mon May 27: draft workshop materials submitted as an Issue to this Bioconductor GitHub repo
- Mon June 10: complete workshop submitted. Only bugfixes / refinements should be made after this point.
- Mon June 17: All workshops complete and building without error. No new commits to contributor repos will be incorporated.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.