This is programm written for Linux X11 desktop environment.
To recognize handwritten pattern program uses tesseract-ocr.
You can find compiled .deb and .AppImage packages in releases page.
- Install dependencies:
sudo apt install xdotool
sudo apt install tesseract-ocr
Note: I would recommend to install tesseract 4 (instead of tesseract 5). Because the results is the most accurate when using with tesseract 4 (at least for recognition of text (writing) in Chinese language).
Install programm (you can find compiled .deb package in releases page)
Download training data for tesseract-ocr and copy training data files to data folder of tesseract-ocr (for example for tesseract-ocr 4.0 it would be this folder /usr/share/tesseract-ocr/4.00/tessdata/).
Or alternatively you can put these files in watever folder you like and run program with --tessdata-dir
cli parameter and point to the folder where training data files are located.
By default program uses language chi_all, which you can download from this source, or you can select desired language by running program with cli parameter --lang
and set language.
- Launch the program with or without cli parameters
and just use it.
or -l
- language used to recognize handwritten pattern.
- custom folder where is located the training data (for tesseract-ocr) used to recognize handwriting pattern.
or -a
- programm will send request to tesseract-ocr automatically after every stroke.
handwriting-keyboard-t --tessdata-dir=/home/user/ --lang=chi_sim -a
In this case (above), to recognize hand written pattern programm will use training data from folder "/home/user/" and language "chi_sim" (Chinese simplified), particularly the file "/home/user/chi_sim.traineddata". Also in this case the programm will automatically send request to tesseract-ocr after every stroke, because it was launched with "-a" parameter.
Programm written by using tauri framework
The script from is used to make a writing canvas.
To recognize handwritten pattern program uses tesseract-ocr.
In order to run from code or compile the programm: You need to install Node.js 18 or newer version and Rust as well.
Install Node.js dependencies: npm install
Run program in development environment: npm run tauri dev
Run program in development environment with cli (command line) parameters: npm run tauri dev -- -- -- cli_parameters
Compile the programm: npm run tauri build
Older version of this program using Google API instead of tesseract-ocr is available by this link: