A collection of my Packer templates for building Vagrant baseboxes.
The current basebox set includes Red Hat 7 and rhel varitants Centos and OEL At time or writing only OEL is in Beta release candidate.
- centos-7.0-x86_64.json
- oel-7.0-x86_64.json
- rhel-7.0-x86_64.json
The boxes were built and tested with virtualbox 4.3.14 Note the VirtualBox guest addtions do not work for version 4.3.12
The boxes were built and tested on VMware Fusion 6.0.4.
First, download and install Packer .
The templates are JSON files that describe how each box that can be built. You can use packer build
to build the boxes.
$ packer build -only=virtualbox-iso centos-7.0-x86_64.json
If you want to use a another mirror site, use mirror variable.
$ packer build -var 'mirror=http://mirror.home.lan/centos' -only=virtualbox-iso centos-7.0-x86_64.json
As Red Hat Enterprise Linux ISOs are not publicly retrievable the URL in the template is fake. Likewise as the OEL ISO's required accpecting the license agreement and setting some cookie the URL is also not good. To use these templates you should substitute your local server where you host the ISO's, using the mirror variable as above.