Easily open files and directories within the Windows Sandbox system.
This tool creates custom configuration scripts based on the user's intent. The following file extensions are accomodated;
- v1.1
- ps1
- cmd/bat
- v1.0
- Directory
- exe
- msi
A prerequisite is the Windows Optional Feature 'Containers-DisposableClientVM', you can install that by running the following command in an elevated powershell prompt;
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Containers-DisposableClientVM
- Clone this repository
- Create an empty directory accessible for all users, eg
C:\Program Files\WindowsSandbox
- Open an elevated powershell command prompt
- Change directory to the cloned repository on your local system
- Execute the
scriptpowershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File .\Install-Shortcuts.ps1 -InstallDirectory 'C:\Program Files\WindowsSandbox'
You can uninstall with the script 'Uninstall-Shortcuts.ps1'.