Library for .net micro framework devices.
- I2C address scanner
- Class for control OLED display with SSD1306 driver.
- Class for character LCD display with HD44780 driver. Controled by I2C I/O expander (PCF8574).
- Class for HC-05 bluetooth module (basic AT commands, R/W data, recv. data event, packet mode)
- Class for ESP8266 wifi module
- beta, problem with receiving data larger than 1024B
- only TCP tested
- Class for digital pressure sensors BMP180
- Class for GPS module NEO-6M
- More will be added...
OLED display video URL:
Tested only on OLED 128x64. If you have different display check Init method. You can modify Init method according to Adafruit begin method (
Class can be configured with binary masks if your I/O expander has pins connected in different order.
Works with espressif firmware version 00200.9.4. Another firmwares not tested. Problem with receiving data larger than 1024B. Only TCP tested. TODO: Maybe better timeouts for AT commands.
SSD1306 datasheet:
ESP8266 AT commands:
BMP180 datasheet: