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Alpha 6 - The protection killer

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@Poslovitch Poslovitch released this 03 Nov 10:45
· 3218 commits to master since this release


This pre-release fixes a major bug with protection and also implements PlaceholderAPI integration. Addons now have to register their own placeholders. If you've got any idea of placeholders you'd like us to add, feel free to post them here : #322.
There is no need to update your addons alongside this release.

The Challenges addon still didn't receive an update, is it safe to keep it?

Yes, it is. Some of its minor features may no longer work, but the addon is globally working fine.


How to read it

Each change/tweak/bug fix is listed in the corresponding category.
If a change is likely to do something that needs the user to keep a close eye on, then it is labelled with an icon.

Here is a list of the labels:

  • ⚠️ - the change is breaking the API and/or deprecate some parts of it. It theorically should only concern addons, so make sure to update them as well!


  • API
  1. Added PlaceholdersManager. You can get it using BentoBox#getPlaceholdersManager().
  2. ⚠️ Removed AbstractFlagListener#getWhy() - it was internally not used and was most likely not used by addons.
  • Features
  1. Implemented PlaceholderAPI integration (#322).
  • Bug fixes
  1. Fixed protection listeners not being registered in Bukkit as the plugin was no longer considered as "loaded" at the time the registration was taking place.