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OmniPortal - a Flask-based portal that intends to simply the creation of Guests & Employees in Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OmniVista


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OmniPortal - a Flask-based portal that intends to simply the creation of Guests & Employees in Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OmniVista. The idea is that OmniPortal can be hosted on Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OmniSwitch with AOS Release 8 in the future.

Run OmniPortal

You have multiple options to run OmniPortal

  • I recommend to regularly take a backup of your ~/conf/ directory at a secure place

Run OmniPortal (locally on your machine)

There are a couple of additional things that need to be done for the OmniSwitch, e.g. updating the paths to /flash/python/ This is work-in-progress, so expect rough edges! I strongly recommend to work with a .venv!

git clone

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

python3 -m flask --app omniportal --debug run --host --port 5000

  • You'll want to update your app.secret_key before you do anything else (all automated in current build)
  • Navigate to (you don't want to run debug if outside of development phase)
  • Attempt to login with admin/admin123, the attempt will fail and inform you that "admin/"<Take note of your random password!> account was created in omniportal_users.json
  • Navigate to /admin and do your settings
  • Change your password! Please don't use something valuable, as the omniportal_users.json stores this unencrypted (as of now)! DONE >= v0.0.6

Run OmniPortal in Docker (local build)

You'll find the files that store the configuration/settings in /home/$USER/omniportal_conf/

Build locally

sudo docker build --tag omniportal:latest .

Run OmniPortal

sudo docker run --rm --name omniportal -v ~/omniportal_conf/:/usr/src/app/conf/ -p 5000:5000 -d omniportal:latest

Optional: Run OmniPortal with --debug

sudo docker run --rm --name omniportal -e EXTRA_OPTIONS="--debug" -v ~/omniportal_conf/:/usr/src/app/conf/ -p 5000:5000 -d omniportal:latest

Stop OmniPortal-Docker

sudo docker stop omniportal

Run OmniPortal (my image) from with Docker

You'll find the files that store the configuration/settings in /home/$USER/omniportal_conf/

sudo docker run --rm --name omniportal -v ~/omniportal_conf/:/usr/src/app/conf/ -p 5000:5000 -d

Stop OmniPortal-Docker

sudo docker stop omniportal

Run OmniPortal (my image) from with Podman

This describes how you can run OmniPortal from with Podman on Raspberry Pi (Raspberry Pi OS - Bullseye)

Install Podman

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt install podman

Create configuration directory

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ mkdir ~/omniportal_conf

Start OmniPortal

You likely want to use a released version like 0.0.7 and not 0.0.7-dev.5.

That means you'll run the command like this: podman run -dt --rm --name omniportal -v ~/omniportal_conf/:/usr/src/app/conf/ -p 5000:5000/tcp

The OmniPortal is afterwards accessible via http://Your Raspberry Pi IP address:5000/

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ podman run -dt --rm --name omniportal -v ~/omniportal_conf/:/usr/src/app/conf/ -p 5000:5000/tcp
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob c6556b3b6858 done  
Copying blob 6fcb34aff92a done  
Copying blob cc847055b6ed done  
Copying blob eb59b4321d1a done  
Copying blob 8e3ee81ebede done  
Copying blob 62a9257cdbac done  
Copying blob 627e3277a97e done  
Copying blob 3a27312b5662 done  
Copying blob c626bb6f5f66 done  
Copying blob 8fc6102b0b82 done  
Copying config 82b5820d55 done  
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures

Podman: List images

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ podman images
REPOSITORY                    TAG          IMAGE ID      CREATED       SIZE  0.0.7-dev.5  82b5820d557c  17 hours ago  126 MB

Podman: List running containers

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ podman ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                     COMMAND          CREATED        STATUS            PORTS                   NAMES
66ba1a2dd3bb  ./  4 minutes ago  Up 4 minutes ago>5000/tcp  omniportal

Podman: Stop the container

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ podman stop -l

Run OmniPortal in Rancher Desktop / k3s / k8s

You are able to run OmniPortal on your favorite flavour of kubernetes. The following outputs are taken from my Rancher Desktop on Apple MBP with Apple Silicon. The container images are available for amd64, arm & arm64 from:

kubectl get nodes

benny@Bennys-MacBook-Pro ~ % kubectl get nodes
NAME                   STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
lima-rancher-desktop   Ready    control-plane,master   66m   v1.24.6+k3s1

kubectl get pods -A

benny@Bennys-MacBook-Pro ~ % kubectl get pods -A
NAMESPACE     NAME                                      READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system   svclb-traefik-748d5f86-hbw84              2/2     Running     0          66m
kube-system   helm-install-traefik-crd-877ks            0/1     Completed   0          66m
kube-system   helm-install-traefik-xg99r                0/1     Completed   0          66m
kube-system   coredns-b96499967-msv6t                   1/1     Running     0          66m
kube-system   traefik-7cd4fcff68-lbsjg                  1/1     Running     0          66m
kube-system   metrics-server-668d979685-26zrm           1/1     Running     0          66m
kube-system   local-path-provisioner-7b7dc8d6f5-dwjbb   1/1     Running     0          66m

kubectl get sc

benny@Bennys-MacBook-Pro ~ % kubectl get sc
local-path (default)   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   false                  66m

Change directory to OmniPortal deploy directory

Change directory to where you cloned/downloaded the OmniPortal deploy .yaml files.

benny@Bennys-MacBook-Pro ~ % cd python/omniportal/deploy

Review/Update ingress-omniportal.yaml

Adapt ingress-omniportal.yaml to your needs. If you run Rancher Desktop, you can access the OmniPortal at http(s):// Note that the HTTPS/TLS certificate is the default certificate coming with Traefik and will throw an error message in your browser.

kind: Ingress
  annotations: traefik
  name: ingress-omniportal
  - host:
      - path: /
        pathType: Prefix
            name: omniportal
              number: 5000

kubectl apply --dry-run=client -o yaml -k . --validate=true

After you adapted the configuration to your needs, validate before deployment.

benny@Bennys-MacBook-Pro deploy % kubectl apply --dry-run=client -o yaml -k . --validate=true
apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion: v1
  kind: Namespace
    annotations: |
    creationTimestamp: "2022-10-22T12:08:34Z"
    labels: omniportal
    name: omniportal
# ... a lot more output    

kubectl apply -k .

Assuming that everything went fine, we deploy OmniPortal now.

benny@Bennys-MacBook-Pro deploy % kubectl apply -k .                                         
namespace/omniportal created
service/omniportal created
persistentvolumeclaim/omniportal created
deployment.apps/omniportal created created

What if OmniPortal doesn't work in Rancher Desktop (or k3s/k8s)?

Readiness probe failed

Synopsis: OmniPortal not available

Reason: Readiness probe failed

Solution: Fixed in >= v0.0.2

benny@Bennys-MacBook-Pro deploy % kubectl -n omniportal get pods
NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
omniportal-69d887b7b7-rzb6g   0/1     Running   0          26s
benny@Bennys-MacBook-Pro deploy % kubectl -n omniportal get events
LAST SEEN   TYPE      REASON                  OBJECT                             MESSAGE
67s         Normal    WaitForFirstConsumer    persistentvolumeclaim/omniportal   waiting for first consumer to be created before binding
67s         Normal    ScalingReplicaSet       deployment/omniportal              Scaled up replica set omniportal-69d887b7b7 to 1
67s         Normal    SuccessfulCreate        replicaset/omniportal-69d887b7b7   Created pod: omniportal-69d887b7b7-rzb6g
67s         Normal    ExternalProvisioning    persistentvolumeclaim/omniportal   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "" or manually created by system administrator
67s         Normal    Provisioning            persistentvolumeclaim/omniportal   External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim "omniportal/omniportal"
64s         Normal    ProvisioningSucceeded   persistentvolumeclaim/omniportal   Successfully provisioned volume pvc-dabe3ec3-61e8-4266-96c6-793c1ce04112
62s         Normal    Scheduled               pod/omniportal-69d887b7b7-rzb6g    Successfully assigned omniportal/omniportal-69d887b7b7-rzb6g to lima-rancher-desktop
62s         Normal    Pulling                 pod/omniportal-69d887b7b7-rzb6g    Pulling image ""
53s         Normal    Pulled                  pod/omniportal-69d887b7b7-rzb6g    Successfully pulled image "" in 9.649704921s
53s         Normal    Created                 pod/omniportal-69d887b7b7-rzb6g    Created container omniportal
53s         Normal    Started                 pod/omniportal-69d887b7b7-rzb6g    Started container omniportal
2s          Warning   Unhealthy               pod/omniportal-69d887b7b7-rzb6g    Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 404
benny@Bennys-MacBook-Pro deploy % kubectl -n omniportal exec -it omniportal-69d887b7b7-rzb6g -- bash

(In the meantime I fixed the path for the readiness probe in deployment-omniportal.yaml)

benny@Bennys-MacBook-Pro deploy % kubectl apply -k .                                                
namespace/omniportal unchanged
service/omniportal unchanged
persistentvolumeclaim/omniportal unchanged
deployment.apps/omniportal configured unchanged
benny@Bennys-MacBook-Pro deploy % kubectl -n omniportal get deployment                              
omniportal   1/1     1            1           9m37s
benny@Bennys-MacBook-Pro deploy % kubectl -n omniportal get pods      
NAME                          READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
omniportal-57f97c5f4f-lsg95   1/1     Running       0          20s
omniportal-69d887b7b7-rzb6g   0/1     Terminating   0          9m46s
benny@Bennys-MacBook-Pro deploy % kubectl -n omniportal describe node lima-rancher-desktop
Name:               lima-rancher-desktop
Roles:              control-plane,master
benny@Bennys-MacBook-Pro deploy % kubectl -n omniportal get ingress   
NAME                 CLASS    HOSTS                           ADDRESS          PORTS   AGE
ingress-omniportal   <none>   80      4h40m

Delete/Access configuration from persistent volume (pv) in Rancher Desktop

OmniPortal uses a local-path storage class. In Rancher Desktop this can be found inside the lima-rancher-desktop VM.

You may need to access this to remove/edit files after changes that are marked as BREAKING-CHANGE!

benny@Bennys-MacBook-Pro deploy % kubectl get pv    
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                   STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
pvc-dabe3ec3-61e8-4266-96c6-793c1ce04112   500Mi      RWO            Delete           Bound    omniportal/omniportal   local-path              4h51m
benny@Bennys-MacBook-Pro % rdctl shell 
lima-rancher-desktop$ sudo su -
lima-rancher-desktop:~# cd /var/lib/rancher/k3s/storage
lima-rancher-desktop:/var/lib/rancher/k3s/storage# ls
lima-rancher-desktop:/var/lib/rancher/k3s/storage# cd pvc-dabe3ec3-61e8-4266-96c6-793c1ce04112_omniportal_omniportal/
lima-rancher-desktop:/var/lib/rancher/k3s/storage/pvc-dabe3ec3-61e8-4266-96c6-793c1ce04112_omniportal_omniportal# ls
omniportal_secret_key.json  omniportal_users.json

Access logs of the pod

benny@Bennys-MacBook-Pro deploy % kubectl -n omniportal get pods
NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
omniportal-6f8747c587-bsqkk   1/1     Running   0          159m
benny@Bennys-MacBook-Pro deploy % kubectl -n omniportal logs omniportal-6f8747c587-bsqkk
 * Serving Flask app 'omniportal'
 * Debug mode: off


Edit the messages.po in the translations/de/LC_MESSAGES or e.g. translations/es/LC_MESSAGES

Extract (new) translatables into messages.pot

.venv/bin/pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -k _l -o messages.pot .

Update the corresponding individual language files

.venv/bin/pybabel update -i messages.pot -d translations

Compile the translation when translation-work is done

.venv/bin/pybabel compile -d translations

Ideas to be evaluated

  • There is no logic yet that handles "running on OmniSwitch with AOS R8"
  • No Adaptive Card is sent yet after creating the Employee account
  • The code could need some structuring into multiple files
  • Possibly it would make sense to move to sqlite instead of JSON files, to be evaluated later
  • Integrate with Grafana/Prometheus
  • Review which options are there for k8s/traefik (ingress) HTTPS certificates
  • Avaya OneCloud CPaaS (for e.g. SMS) is not implemented yet

TODO (next)

  • Buttons in "guest-accounts"-overview should be functional
  • Evaluate an escalation if password modifiction is attempted with wrong token
  • Allow employees to self-register for an account (e.g. for given domains on allowlist)
  • Update functions for undesireable words in username/password
  • Offer an option to set $TZ in container runtime to address for UTC vs. local time (e.g. CET / Europe/Berlin)


  • Implement email notifications DONE >= v0.0.7
  • i18n for email-notifications (for EN/DE) DONE >= v0.0.7
  • Added "podman" instructions and example on how to run OmniPortal on Raspberry Pi


  • "Guest" and "Admin"-role are the two only roles taken into account so far BREAKING-CHANGE DONE >= v0.0.6
  • Rework employee module to allow creation of employee-users which are stored with a pseudo-account in cloud DONE >= v0.0.6
  • Store OmniPortal passwords only as a hash DONE >= v0.0.6 BREAKING-CHANGE

v0.0.1 - v0.0.5

  • Switch to Python v3.9 Alpine Linux image to make the security scanner of happy DONE >= v0.0.4
  • Update Dockerfile to do apt update, apt dist-upgrade & apt clean to collect latest updates DONE >= v0.0.3
  • Update deployment-omniportal.yaml to a given version e.g. :0.0.3 instead of :latest DONE >= v0.0.3
  • Create app.secret_key, omniportal_users & omniportal_settings automatically if those don't exist and store in conf directory DONE >= v0.0.2
  • Create Dockerfile & distribute via DONE >= v0.0.2 (Thanks to dgo19 for the help!)
  • Figure out how to setup & deploy OmniPortal to Rancher Desktop (k3s/k8s) DONE >= v0.0.2 (Thanks to dgo19 for the help!)
  • Setup fully automated GitHub Actions Workflow for multi-architecture container images DONE >= v0.0.2 (Thanks to dgo19 for the help!)




OmniPortal - a Flask-based portal that intends to simply the creation of Guests & Employees in Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OmniVista



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