create isochrone geojson from gtfs data
- locate a folder containing GTFS data as csv files. Required are:
- stops.txt
- calendar_dates.txt
- trips.txt
- stop_times.txt
git clone
cd gtfs-isochrone
# create python3 virtual environment
apt-get install build-essential python3-dev
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# download and extract data
mkdir -p data/orleans/
curl > data/
unzip data/ -d data/orleans/
# prepare the data (required only once)
python prepare data/orleans/
# run the development server
python server data/orleans/
# get geojson from a query on http://localhost:9090/isochrone
# example of valid query with this dataset :
# -> http://localhost:9090/isochrone?lat=47.9007&lon=1.9036&duration=60&start=2020-07-02T13:00:00
Manual deployment on AWS EC2:
git checkout master
git pull
sudo ln -s /home/ubuntu/gtfs-isochrone/api.nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/apps/orleans-api.conf
sudo nginx -s reload
I use uwsgi to run the file
as explained here.
nohup uwsgi --socket --wsgi-file --master --processes 3 > uwsgi.log &
I changed nginx configuration as follow (/etc/nginx/site-available/default
server {
location /gtfs-isochrone/ {
# remove this part of the url
rewrite ^/gtfs-isochrone(.*)$ $1 break;
include uwsgi_params;
# ...
# listen 443 ...
- add date to stoptimes using trips + calandar_dates
- compute walk duration between all stops
- input: start lat, start lon, start-time, max duration -> end-time
- filter stoptimes between start-time and end-time
- filter: walk duration too long
- from starting position, get all reachable stops. Columns:
- stop_id
- arrival_time (ie start time + walking duration to the stop)
- from selected stops -> find reachable stoptimes
- same stop id
- end-time > trip-stoptime > arrival_time
- if no reachable stoptimes was found: exit loop
- expand reachable stoptimes
- next stoptimes of the allready found trips
- split stoptimes:
- A: those that were marked reachable
- B: all others, kept for next loop
- from group A stoptimes:
- drop duplicate stops: keep earliest arrival_time
- walk from the new stops to all possible stops -> new arrival times
- remove if arrival time > end-time
- drop duplicated stops: keep earliest arrival_time
- we now have a new list of reachable stops (stop_id, arrival_time)
- if it is the same as before: FINISHED
- else:
- restart loop with these new selected stops
- we have list of (stop, shortest_arrival_time)
- create circle with radius = walking distance for each stop (shapely.buffer)
- add circle from start position
- merge all circles in a single shape (shapely.union)