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IoT Engineering

Terrarium - Monitoring and Control System

A temperatur, humidity and reaction monitoring system with configurable temperature, humidity and alerts. Control the values with the Terrarium-Box and with the included WebApplication which can be used on Mobile and Desktop.

This project is part of the IoT Engineering course.

Team members


Source code



TerrariumWebApp.html (JavaScript)

Sensor/Actuator Device: DTH11 / RGB-LED

Source code
Setup hardware

Note: the connect the DTH11 sensor with the ESP8266 you need to redirect pin 16 and pin 15 using the blue / green jumper cable to Grove connector A2.

Special Thanks to Mr.Amberg (@tamberg) for his help to archieve this fix

Sensor/Actuator Device: Ultrasonic-Range / RED-LED

Source code
Setup hardware

Note: connect the LED adapter only after the reset and when the ESP8266 Wi-Fi connection is establishd.

Same Setup for both devices

  • Set Wi-Fi credentials

    const char *ssid = "MY_SSID";
    const char *password = "MY_PASSWORD";
  • Set Firebase credentials

    //FirebaseESP8266.h must be included before ESP8266WiFi.h
    #include <FirebaseArduino.h>
    #define FIREBASE_HOST "?????????????"

Setup Firebase

HINT: ESP8266 Core SDK must be at least 2.4.1.

Firebase Software

  • Install Arduino json library: Install version 5.13.1 (and not the possible latest !!!) Watch install video
  • Install Firebase library: Download latest stable build HERE > unzip in "Documents\Arduino\libraries" NOTE, There is a bug in "v0.3 Bi-directional streaming support" > update fingerprint
  • Open file FirebaseHttpClient.h and replace fingerprint: 6F D0 9A 52 C0 E9 E4 CD A0 D3 02 A4 B7 A1 92 38 2D CA 2F 26 CLICK HERE FOR INFO

Firebase Backend

  /* Visit to learn more about security rules. */
  "rules": {
    ".read": true,
    ".write": true

Setup WebApp (Static-HTML)

  • In the HEAD:
    <!-- The core Firebase JS SDK is always required and must be listed first -->
    <script src=""></script>

    <!-- TODO: Add SDKs for Firebase products that you want to use -->
    <script src=""></script>
  • To initialize Firebase in your WebApp, you need to provide your App's Firebase project configuration.
const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: "api-key",
  authDomain: "",
  databaseURL: "",
  projectId: "project-id",
  storageBucket: "",
  messagingSenderId: "sender-id",
  appId: "app-id",
  measurementId: "G-measurement-id",
  • To GET and SET Data from/to Firebase-Realtime-Database
          // Initialize Firebase

          // handl the recieved Data
          const gotData = data => {
            const {
            } = data.val();

            // ...

        // error Handling
        const errData = err => {
            console.log("errData: " + err)

        // referenc to the Firebase-Dabase
        const ref = firebase.database().ref();

        // get Data from Firebase-Database when Value changes
        ref.on("value", gotData, error);

        // update Value to the Firebase-Database (so the ESP8266 can get it)
        const setValueToDatabase = (attribute, value) => {
            const obj = {
                [attribute]: parseInt(value, 10)




  • Measures temperature, humidity and movements
  • Shows temperature and humidity on the display
  • Desired temperature and humidity can be set
  • Warms or cools the terrarium (shown with chainable LED)
  • Receive an alarm if the animal has not moved for a certain period
  • Motionlessness alarm can be set

Reference model

Interface documentation

  • Firebase API to read from the Realtime-Database
curl 'https://[PROJECT_ID]’
  • Firebase API to write to the Realtime-Database
curl -X POST -d '{"temp" : "23", "humi" : "33"}' \ 'https://[PROJECT_ID]'

Live demo


1) Sensor takes the values

  • Sensor device

    • Use case: Temperature, humidity and movements are measured
  • Actuator device

    • Use case: The display shows the current temperature and humidity

2) The measured data are displayed in the Web App

  • Web browser
    • Use case: The temperature and humidity are displayed

3) The desired temperature and humidity can be set via the Web App

  • Web browser
    • Use case: Set the desired values

4) The actuator provides feedback on the set values

  • Actuator Device
    • Use case: The LED lamps light up either red or blue, depending on the warmer or colder temperatures

5) The time for the "alarm" can be set via the Web App

  • Web Browser
    • Use case: The time for the alarm when the animal is no longer moving is set

6) The actuator informs

  • Actuator Device
    • Use case: If the animal does not move for the set period, the red LED lamp lights up


IoT Terrarium - Monitoring and Control System with Arduino [Arduino, C++, Firebase, JavaScript]







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