Arduino Arcade Controller
The purpose of this project is to add the necessary libraries to turn a teensy 3.0 into both a joystick or keyboard controller for use in MAME emulation.
I created this project because I was creating a four player arcade cabinet that would allow for up to 10 buttons per player. When researching PCBs to use with this cabinet every one I found was either to expensive or did not support the number of players/inputs I was looking for. Since I had some experience working with arduino's in the past I decided to buy a couple of teenseys and solve this problem myself.
I am putting this source code up here on github to hopefully help give a starting off point for the next maker who finds themselves in the same situation I was in.
Hardware used for creating arcade controllers
Each of my four arcade controllers had - 1 - Teensy 3.2 board 1 - Sanwa JLF joystick. 10 (11 for the player one who had an addtional escape button) - Happ competition buttons.
When choosing what hardware to use for my cabinet I found this article extremely useful.
Why I made the technology and design choices I did
Why Teensy 3.2 board - I choose the teensy 3.0 board because teensy offers a robust library that sits on top of arduino which supports keyboard/mouse/joystick input out of the box saving me time on writting the underlying libraries.
Why support both a keyboard and joystick mode. My plan for this arcade cabinet was to emulate both MAME(digital joystick) and Gamecube(analog joystick) games. By supporting both a joystick and keyboard mode I made working with emulators easier.
Issues and solutions I ran into
One problem I ran into was since the joystick is all digital inputs and only determines direction not magnitude what would be the best way of simulating a analog joystick for gamecube emulators? What I ended up deciding on doing was using one of my buttons as a magnitude switch that toggled the joystick from a high magnitude direction to a low magnitude direction.
Since I would not have easy access to my components how would I handle switching between the joystick and keyboard modes. I decided the easiest and best way from me to switch between modes was to switch when all eight of the players primary buttons are pressed.
Set Up
- Install arduino
- Run teensy installer for arduino
- In arduino IDE go to manage libaries and add Bounce2
- Go to your arduino directory and add a symbolic link from the arduino libraries directory to this github project's libaries directory.