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ismael-lajaaiti committed Mar 30, 2023
1 parent 4ff4f85 commit 9a26a44
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Showing 5 changed files with 148 additions and 95 deletions.
61 changes: 28 additions & 33 deletions use_cases/diversity-vs-nti-intensity.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,11 +23,9 @@ n_foodweb = 50 # Replicates of trophic backbones.
# and not before.
# To do so, we have lowered the `abstol` and `reltol` arguments of
# `TerminateSteadyState`.
# Moreover, we have set the `verbose` argument of the `ExtinctionCallback`
# to remove printed information about species extinctions.
tmax = 10_000
callback = CallbackSet(ExtinctionCallback(1e-5, false), TerminateSteadyState(1e-8, 1e-6))
verbose = false # Do not show '@info' message when species go extinct.
verbose = false # Do not show '@info' messages during simulation run.
callback = CallbackSet(ExtinctionCallback(1e-5, verbose), TerminateSteadyState(1e-8, 1e-6))

# Set up non-trophic interactions.
intensity_range_size = 5
Expand All @@ -42,59 +40,56 @@ interaction_names = keys(intensity_values_dict)
n_interaction = length(interaction_names)

# Main simulation loop.
# Each thread writes in its own DataFrame. We merge them at the end of the loop.
df_to_merge = DataFrame[]
Threads.@threads for i in 1:n_foodweb # We parallelize computation if possible.
df_tmp = DataFrame(;
# Each thread handle a single food web and writes in its own DataFrame.
# Merge the DataFrames at the end of the loop.
dfs = [DataFrame() for _ in 1:n_foodweb] # Fill the vector with empty DataFrames.
Threads.@threads for i in 1:n_foodweb # Parallelize computation if possible.
df_thread = DataFrame(;
foodweb_id = Int64[],
interaction = Symbol[],
intensity = Float64[],
diversity = Int64[],
# First we create a trophic backbone.
# First, create a trophic backbone.
foodweb = FoodWeb(nichemodel, S; C, Z)
# Secondly we loop on the different non-trophic interactions we want to study.
# Secondly, loop on the different non-trophic interactions to study.
for interaction in interaction_names
intensity_values = intensity_values_dict[interaction]
# Third, we increase the non-trophic interaction intensity.
# Third, increase the non-trophic interaction intensity.
for intensity in intensity_values
# We add the given non-trophic interaction to the trophic backbone
# Add the given non-trophic interaction to the trophic backbone
# with the given intensity.
net = MultiplexNetwork(foodweb; [interaction => (L = L_nti, I = intensity)]...)
functional_response = ClassicResponse(net; c = i_intra)
params = ModelParameters(net; functional_response)
solution = simulate(params, rand(S); tmax, callback, verbose)
# We save the final diversity at equilibrium.
push!(df_tmp, [i, interaction, intensity, richness(solution[end])])
solution = simulate(params, rand(S); tmax, callback)
# Save the final diversity at equilibrium.
push!(df_thread, [i, interaction, intensity, richness(solution[end])])
@info "Interaction $interaction (foodweb $i) done."
push!(df_to_merge, df_tmp)
dfs[i] = df_thread
df = reduce(vcat, df_to_merge)
@info "All simulations done."
df = reduce(vcat, dfs)

# First, for each trophic backbone we compute the relative diversity difference
# compared to the reference that is given by the trophic network that does not
# contain non-trophic interactions, i.e. intensity = 0.
# Compute the relative diversity different for each network
# compared to the reference network that does not contain non-trophic interactions,
# i.e. non-trophic intensity is null.
groups = groupby(df, [:foodweb_id, :interaction])
relative_difference(x, x_ref) = (x - x_ref) / x_ref
for sub_df in groups
reference_row = findfirst(x -> x == 0, sub_df.intensity) # Trophic interactions only.
reference_row = findfirst(==(0), sub_df.intensity) # Trophic interactions only.
S_ref = sub_df[reference_row, :diversity]
:diversity => ByRow(S -> relative_difference(S, S_ref)) => :delta_diversity,
relative_difference(S) = (S - S_ref) / S_ref
transform!(sub_df, :diversity => ByRow(relative_difference) => :delta_diversity)
df = combine(groups, :) # Secondly, we recombine the DataFrames.
# Third, for each interaction and intensity combination we compute the mean
# and the confidence interval of diversity variation.
ic95(x) = 1.96 * std(x) / sqrt(length(x)) # Confidence interval at 95%.
df = combine(groups, :) # Recombine DataFrames.
# Compute the mean and the confidence interval of diversity variation for each interaction.
ci95(x) = 1.96 * std(x) / sqrt(length(x)) # Confidence interval at 95%.
df_processed = combine(
groupby(df, [:interaction, :intensity]),
:delta_diversity => mean,
:delta_diversity => ic95,
:delta_diversity => ci95,

# Plot diversity variation versus non-trophic interaction intensity.
Expand All @@ -115,9 +110,9 @@ for (idx, interaction) in zip(indices, interaction_names)
x = df_interaction.intensity
y = df_interaction.delta_diversity_mean
ic = df_interaction.delta_diversity_ic95
ci = df_interaction.delta_diversity_ci95
scatterlines!(x, y)
errorbars!(x, y, ic; whiskerwidth = 5)
errorbars!(x, y, ci; whiskerwidth = 5)

# Write x and y labels.
Expand Down
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions use_cases/paradox-enrichment.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
import AlgebraOfGraphics: set_aog_theme!

using CairoMakie
using DataFrames
using EcologicalNetworksDynamics

biomass_extrema(solution, last)
Compute biomass extrema for each species during the `last` time steps.
function biomass_extrema(solution, last)
trajectories = extract_last_timesteps(solution; last, quiet = true)
S = size(trajectories, 1) # Row = species, column = time steps.
[(min = minimum(trajectories[i, :]), max = maximum(trajectories[i, :])) for i in 1:S]

foodweb = FoodWeb([0 0; 1 0]); # 2 eats 1
functional_response = ClassicResponse(foodweb; aᵣ = 1, hₜ = 1, h = 1);
K_values = LinRange(1, 10, 50)
tmax = 1_000 # Simulation length.
verbose = false # Do not show '@info' messages during the simulation.
df = DataFrame(;
K = Float64[],
B_resource_min = Float64[],
B_resource_max = Float64[],
B_consumer_min = Float64[],
B_consumer_max = Float64[],

# Run simulations: for each carrying capacity we compute the equilibrium biomass.
for K in K_values
environment = Environment(foodweb; K)
params = ModelParameters(foodweb; functional_response, environment)
B0 = rand(2) # Inital biomass.
solution = simulate(params, B0; tmax, verbose)
extrema = biomass_extrema(solution, "10%")
push!(df, [K, extrema[1].min, extrema[1].max, extrema[2].min, extrema[2].max])

# Plot the orbit diagram with Makie.
set_aog_theme!() # AlgebraOfGraphics theme.
c_r = :green # Resource color.
c_c = :purple # Consumer color.
c_v = :grey # Vertical lines color.
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[2, 1]; xlabel = "Carrying capacity, K", ylabel = "Equilibrium biomass")
resource_line = scatterlines!(df.K, df.B_resource_min; color = c_r, markercolor = c_r)
scatterlines!(df.K, df.B_resource_max; color = c_r, markercolor = c_r)
consumer_line = scatterlines!(df.K, df.B_consumer_min; color = c_c, markercolor = c_c)
scatterlines!(df.K, df.B_consumer_max; color = c_c, markercolor = c_c)
K0 = 2.3
v_line1 = vlines!(ax, [K0]; color = c_v)
v_line2 = vlines!(ax, [1 + 2 * K0]; color = c_v, linestyle = :dashdot)
fig[1, 1],
[resource_line, consumer_line, v_line1, v_line2],
["resource", "consumer", "K₀", "1+2K₀"];
orientation = :horizontal,
tellheight = true, # Adjust the height of the legend sub-figure.
tellwidth = false, # Do not adjust width of the orbit diagram.
35 changes: 17 additions & 18 deletions use_cases/persistence-vs-producer-competition.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
using AlgebraOfGraphics
import AlgebraOfGraphics: set_aog_theme!
import ColorSchemes: get, viridis
import Statistics: mean, std

using CairoMakie
using ColorSchemes
using DataFrames
using EcologicalNetworksDynamics
using Statistics

# Define global community parameters.
S = 20 # Species richness.
Expand All @@ -16,11 +17,9 @@ n_replicates = 100 # Number of food web replicates for each parameter combinatio
C_values = [0.05, 0.1, 0.2] # Connectance values.
tol_C = 0.01 # Tolerance on connectance when generating foodweb with the nichemodel.
tmax = 2_000 # Simulation length.
verbose = false # No information printed during simulation.
verbose = false # Do not show '@info' messages during simulation run.

standardize_K(foodweb, K, αij)
Standardize total carrying capacity `K` for the number of producers in the `foodweb`
and interspecific competition among producers `αij`.
Expand All @@ -30,10 +29,10 @@ function standardize_K(foodweb, K, αij)

# Main simulation loop.
# Each thread writes in its own DataFrame. We merge them at the end of the loop.
df_to_merge = DataFrame[]
# Each thread writes in its own DataFrame. Merge them at the end of the loop.
dfs = [DataFrame() for _ in 1:length(C_values)] # Fill the vector with empty DataFrames.
Threads.@threads for C in C_values # Parallelize on connctance values.
df_tmp = DataFrame(; C = Float64[], αij = Float64[], persistence = Float64[])
df_thread = DataFrame(; C = Float64[], αij = Float64[], persistence = Float64[])
for i in 1:n_replicates
foodweb = FoodWeb(nichemodel, S; Z, C, tol_C)
for αij in αij_values
Expand All @@ -45,22 +44,22 @@ Threads.@threads for C in C_values # Parallelize on connctance values.
# Measure species persistence i.e. the number of species that have
# a biomass above 0 (`threshold`) at the last timestep (`last`).
persistence = species_persistence(solution; threshold = 0, last = 1)
push!(df_tmp, [C, αij, persistence])
push!(df_thread, [C, αij, persistence])
@info "C = $C, foodweb = $i, αij = $αij: done."
push!(df_to_merge, df_tmp)
push!(dfs, df_thread)
df = reduce(vcat, df_to_merge)
@info "All simulations done."
df = reduce(vcat, dfs)

# We compute the mean persistence and the 95% confidence interval (`ic95`)
# Compute the mean persistence and the 95% confidence interval (`ci95`)
# for each (C, αij) combination.
groups = groupby(df, [:C, :αij])
df_processed = combine(
:persistence => mean,
:persistence => (x -> 1.96 * std(x) / sqrt(length(x))) => :ic95,
:persistence => (x -> 1.96 * std(x) / sqrt(length(x))) => :ci95,

# Plot mean species persistence with its confidence interval
Expand All @@ -73,17 +72,17 @@ ax = Axis(
ylabel = "Species persistence",
curves = []
colors = [get(ColorSchemes.viridis, val) for val in LinRange(0, 1, length(C_values))]
colors = [get(viridis, val) for val in LinRange(0, 1, length(C_values))]
for (C, color) in zip(C_values, colors)
df_extract = df_processed[df_processed.C.==C, :]
x = df_extract.αij
y = df_extract.persistence_mean
ic = df_extract.ic95
ci = df_extract.ci95
sl = scatterlines!(x, y; color = color, markercolor = color)
errorbars!(x, y, ic; color, whiskerwidth = 5)
errorbars!(x, y, ci; color, whiskerwidth = 5)
push!(curves, sl)
Legend( # Put legend on top of the figure.
fig[1, 1],
["C = $C" for C in C_values];
Expand Down
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions use_cases/tritrophic-biomass-vs-temperature.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import AlgebraOfGraphics: set_aog_theme!
import ColorSchemes: tol_light

using CairoMakie
using EcologicalNetworksDynamics
using DataFrames
using EcologicalNetworksDynamics

# Create tri-tropic network.
tritrophic = FoodWeb([0 0 0; 1 0 0; 0 1 0])
Expand All @@ -20,17 +20,18 @@ T_values = values(T0:1:T40)

# DataFrame to store the simulations outputs.
df = DataFrame(; T = Float64[], trophic_level = Int64[], Beq = Float64[])
verbose = false # Do not show '@info' messages during simulation run.

# Run simulations for each temperature across gradient.
for T in T_values
set_temperature!(params, T, ExponentialBA()) # Modify parameters with temperature.
# Simulate biomass dynamics with modified parameters.
B0 = params.environment.K[1] / 8 # Inital biomass.
# `set_temperature!()` expresses rates in seconds,
# thus we also simulation time in seconds.
# then simulation time is expressed in seconds as well.
# Simulation length and time steps are taken from Binzer et al., 2012.
tmax = 315_360_000_000 # From Binzer et al., 2012.
callback = ExtinctionCallback(1e-6, false) # Remove TerminateSteadyState callback.
callback = ExtinctionCallback(1e-6, verbose) # Remove TerminateSteadyState callback.
solution = simulate(params, [B0]; tmax, callback)
Beq_vec = solution[end]
for (Beq, tlvl) in zip(Beq_vec, trophic_lvl)
Expand All @@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ for (sub_df, color, markersize) in zip(groupby(df, :trophic_level), colors, mark
sl = scatterlines!(T_celsius, sub_df.Beq; color, markercolor, markersize)
push!(curves, sl)
Legend( # Put legend on top of the figure.
fig[1, 1],
["producer", "intermediate\nconsumer", "top predator"];
Expand Down

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