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An integration package of Croquet for Rogue Engine to provide serverless networking.


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Rogue Croquet


This is an integration package of Croquet for Rogue Engine to provide networking capabilities without the need for a server.

The package is an early beta and may be missing some features, that said, given how Croquet itself is very mature and production ready, you should be safe to us this package in production. This project is open source and open for contributions.

This repo includes a skeleton project to act as a basic guide, along with the package itself in its corresponding folder.


The First thing you need to do is sign up for Croquet and get your App ID and API Key. Then create a file in YourProject/Static called croquet.json with the following content:

  "appId": "[your app ID here]",
  "apiKey": "[your API key here]"

These are public so don't worry about writing them down there. Still, it's highly recommended to add Static/croquet.json to your .gitignore if your project is open-source.

To install the package in your project, search for "Rogue Croquet" in the Marketplace within the Rogue Editor and hit install.

Then in the Editor you need to add the CroquetConfig component to an object in your scene, preferably the scene root itself.

Now you're ready to start creating your own Models and Views to synchronize your players.

To use this project simply clone it and open it with Rogue Engine. Open the project in two browser windows side by side. When you move the blue ball on one of them using WASD, you'll see the white ball moving on the other.

How it works

Croquet has a Model-View pattern, where clients running the exact same Model are synchronized through the use of Multisynq reflectors.

In a regular client-server application the Model would be the equivalent of the net code, only in this case, it runs on the client. Since only those running the same Model can be synchronized within a Session, we can make client-side authoritative computations.

The Views will provide the purely client-side code tied to the visuals.

In this dynamic the View can read the Model but the Model can't read the View, although, they can receive messages from each other through a publish/subscribe mechanism.

For more info on this check out the Croquet docs.

The Rogue Croquet Model-View

Rogue Croquet works some magic under the hood to get rid of a lot of boilerplate and simplify the communications between Models and Views.

For the view we'll make a regular Rogue Engine component extend the CroquetView component and above it we'll create a class that extends BaseModel. Our Model class must follow the naming format [component name]Model.

import * as RE from 'rogue-engine';
import CroquetView from '@RE/RogueEngine/rogue-croquet/';
import { BaseModel } from '@RE/RogueEngine/rogue-croquet/BaseModel';
import { RogueCroquet } from '@RE/RogueEngine/rogue-croquet';

export class MyViewModel extends BaseModel {}

export default class MyView extends CroquetView {}

Check out Assets/Components/ in this repo for a full example

The Rogue Croquet Actor-Pawn

In Rogue Croquet an Actor represents the Model of an object controlled by a user and the Pawn is the View of that Actor.

We use Prefabs to tell the view what an Actor looks like for you and the rest of the players. The Prefab must contain the Actor-Pawn component on its root.

To create the Actor-Pawn component we'll make a regular Rogue Engine component extend CroquetPawn and above it we'll create a class that extends the Actor Model class. Our actor class must follow the naming format [component name]Model same as any other model.

import * as RE from 'rogue-engine';
import CroquetPawn from '@RE/RogueEngine/rogue-croquet/';
import { Actor } from '@RE/RogueEngine/rogue-croquet/Actor';
import { RogueCroquet } from '@RE/RogueEngine/rogue-croquet';

export class MyPawnModel extends Actor {}

export default class MyPawn extends CroquetPawn {}

Check out Assets/Components/ in this repo for a full example

Actor Child Models

An Actor-Pawn can have multiple Model-View children. These will be created and destroyed together with their parent Actor.

The child models can be anywhere in the prefab structure

- PrefabRoot (Actor, ChildModel1, ChildModel2)
  - ChildObject (ChildModel3)
    - DeepNestedObject (childModel4, childModel5)

This helps you syncronize multiple elements of a player separately while still within the context of the same Actor. An example of this would be a Player actor with a child Model that handles transforms and a deep nested one that handles a weapon instantiated by a prefab.

Static Models

Certain models need to have only one instance synchronized between clients. To achieve this we need to give both the Model and View, the property isStaticModel = true. A good example of this would be a Model handling the Game Logic as seen in the Game component in this repo.

export class MyViewModel extends BaseModel {
  isStaticModel = true;

export default class MyView extends CroquetView {
  isStaticModel = true;

Synchronize Properties

To communicate between Model and a View, Rogue Croquet provides a simple way to bind properties with the same name between them using the decorator @MyModel.prop(). This creates a one-way bind, so whenever the given property is updated in the Model, it'll be updated in the View.

You can pass in true as a parameter to create a two-way bind, allowing the View to update the given property using this.updateProp("myProp"). Alternatively, you can pass in a number to set the minimum amount of milliseconds that must have passed before calling updateProp for that property again.

It works both with regular Model-Views and Actor-Pawns.

export class MyViewModel extends BaseModel {
  counter = 0;

  onInit() {

  update() {
    this.counter += 1; // this will update MyView.counter

export default class MyView extends CroquetView {
  counter = 0;

  // You're not required to add props to the Model unless you
  // need to use it there. they'll be defined there for you.
  myName = "";

  init() {
    if (this.isMe) {
      this.myName = "My Name";
      // this will update myName in the Model and will 
      // broadcast to all clients

Synchronize Actions

Another way to "communicate" between Model and View is to create methods that will be executed in both. You can achieve this using the @MyModel.action() decorator.

You can optionally pass in a number to set the call rate, this is the minimum amount of milliseconds that must pass before it can be called again.

It works both with regular Model-Views and Actor-Pawns.

export class MyPawnModel extends Actor {}

export default class MyPawn extends CroquetPawn {
  // Define the action and it's call rate to 30ms.
  myAction() {
    // Do something in both the Model and View using common API
    if (this instanceof MyPawnModel) {
      // Do something only in the Model
    } else {
      // Do something only in the View


The CroquetLoby component is a pre-configured, extendable Lobby system that you can use in your project by simply adding it bellow the CroquetConfig.

This lobby system provides a powerful and simple way to match players in rooms. The default configuration will create a lobby with rooms of 1-8 players and will reload the current scene when the scene has started and hooks in the CroquetConfig component to connect to the given room.

A Lobby is simply a session that gets stored locally in the RogueCroquet.mainSession. On the other hand, the room will be a session stored locally in the RogueCroquet.activeSession.

To configure a room we need to extend both it's model and view, and then define one or more of its properties or methods to make the lobby and rooms behave in the way that we need them to.

import { RogueCroquet } from '@RE/RogueEngine/rogue-croquet';
import { CroquetLobby, CroquetLobbyModel } from '@RE/RogueEngine/rogue-croquet/';
import * as RE from 'rogue-engine';

export class MyLobbyModel extends CroquetLobbyModel {
   * Define your room properties to configure its behaviour.
   * These are the default values.
  autoMatch = true; // Whether to match players automatically.
  allowJoinStarted = true; // Lets players join a room that has already started.
  deleteEmptyRoom = true; // Whether to delete rooms when left vacant.
  roomMinPlayers = 1; // The minimum amount of players needed to start a room.
  roomMaxPlayers = 8; // The maximum amount of players allowed in a room.

  match(viewId: string) {
    // We can optionally override tis method with your own match-making logic.

   * These methods can be called to perform certain actions.
   * This is especially useful to customize the functionality
   * of your lobby and rooms.

  createRoom(name: string, scene: string)
  deleteRoom(name: string)
  joinRoom(viewId: string, room: Room)
  startRoom(room: Room)
  leaveRoom(viewId: string)
  leave(viewId: string);

export default class MyLobby extends CroquetLobby {
  // OPTIONAL you can get a list of the rooms and views in this lobby using a prop
  // This is useful if there's no auto-match and you wish to show players the rooms they can join.
  // It's not recommended otherwise.
  @LobbyModel.prop() room: {name: string, views: string[], started?: boolean, scene: string}[] = [];
  @LobbyModel.prop() views: {[viewId: string]: string} = {};

   * Name of the selected scene when creating a room.
   * Useful, for example, to let the user select a map.
   * If it's undefined or an empty string it'll use the current scene.
   * IMPORTANT: Don't forget to add the Scene in the Build menu.
  roomScene = "";

   * Name of the scene to load when going back to the lobby.
   * If it's undefined or an empty string it'll use the current scene.
   * IMPORTANT: Don't forget to add the Scene in the Build menu.
  lobbyScene = "";

  onJoinedLobby() {
    // Do something when this client has joined this lobby

  onJoinedRoom((room: { name: string; scene: string; started: boolean})) {
    // Do something when this client has joined a room.

  onBeforeRoomStarted(room: {name: string, scene: string}) {
    // Do something before a room starts

  onBeforeRoomEnded() {
    // Do something before a room ends




viewId: string

The ID of the view related to this Model.

isStaticModel: boolean

When true, the model will have a single instance synchronized between all clients.



This will be exectuted when this Model is initialized.


This will be executed when this Model is removed an destroyed.

onBeforeUpdateProp(key: string, value: any)

This will be executed before a property key is updated with the given value by the View, using updateProp(). If you return a non-undefined value, it will use that to override the incoming value. This is especially useful to perform authoritative checks on the model.


This will handle the removal and destruction of this Model.


prop(twoWayBind?: boolean | number)

Used on the View's propertis to generate a bind between properties of the same name in the Model. You can pass in true as a parameter to give write access to the prop using updateProp. Alternatively, you can pass in a number to set the minimum amount of milliseconds that must have passed before calling updateProp for that property again. This helps you manage the amount of messages you're sending per second. You shouldn't send more than 20.

action(rate?: number)

Use it on a Method in the View's code to make it run on both the Model and the View. You can pass in a number to set the minimum amount of milliseconds that must pass before it can be called again. Every time the view executes an @action() it's broadcasted to all clients so this helps you manage the amount of messages you're sending per second. You shouldn't send more than 20.


extends BaseModel


models: Map<string, BaseModel>

A collection of all child models of this Actor.


This is used internally to provide common API for CroquetView and CroquetPawn


isStaticModel: boolean

Tells this View that the related model is Static, so we'll be synchronized to its ony instance.

model: BaseModel

This is the last received version of the model related to this view. It's been serialized and parsed along the way so it doesn't hold any references.

view: Croquet.View

This is the View of our local client.

viewId: string

This is the ID of the view managing this Model-View.

sessionId: string

The ID of the session where this View was created.

initialized: boolean

This tells us whether both Model and View of this component have been initialized

isMe: boolean

This tells us whether this Model-View is being managed by the local client.



Runs when both the Model and View have been initialized.

onBeforeUpdateProp(key: string, value: any)

Runs right before the property key is updated with the given value by the Model.

updateProp(key: string, force = false)

Updates the two-way bound prop with the given key in the Model with its current value. You can optionally use the second parameter to force an update, regardless of the update rate set in the prop() decorator.

If the update is sent, the return value will be true. If on the countrary the update is not sent, the return value will be false. If there's not update rate set on the property, this will always return true.

dampV3(from: THREE.Vector3, to: THREE.Vector3, lambda: number)

Frame independent, smooth interpolation from vector to vector. A higher lambda value will make the movement more sudden, and a lower value will make the movement more gradual. Interpolation will be applied directly to the from vector.


extends CroquetComponent


parentPawn: CroquetPawn | undefined

The parent Actor-Pawn of this Model-View if any.


extends CroquetComponent


pawnPrefab: RE.Prefab

The Prefab to instantiate in other clients for this Actor-Pawn. Can be the same one as the local client.

model: Actor

Same as CroquetComponent.model only this will be an instance of Actor.


An integration package of Croquet for Rogue Engine to provide serverless networking.







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