This project is for visualising human motion data captured with Kinect V2. Currently the project is in developing stage and will release the alpha version soon.
Currently we don't have release binary version. If you would like to try the application, please download and compile the source code. Please follow the Installation section for detail.
This project uses Git Flow as the branching model wit some minor adjustment. Basically there are three long-running branches:
release This branch ONLY contains released code, including major, minor and patch releases. Each merge to this branch will be tagged agaist a release version. Developers are not allowed to commit or create pull request against this branch. Only merges from master branch are allowed.
master This branch contains working code, which passes all the automated and manual testing. Developers are not allowed to commit or create pull request against this branch. Only merges from develop branch are allowed.
develop This branch accepts pull request from developers.
Some other temporarily branches includes feature, bug and hotfix branches. They should be deleted immediately after being merged to develop branch.
This project uses the Code Analyser with all rules for static code analysis. Additionally, StyleCop is used to check make sure the coding style is consistent. So before making pull request, please check if there is any Warnings relating to code you just added.
This project is developed with .Net Framework 4.7.2 and Visual Studio 2017. Other packages are managed by Nuget.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the GPL V3 License