Releases: BayAreaMetro/bayarea_urbansim
PBA50+ Draft Blueprint Release
This release includes code changes to run PBA50+. This includes:
- 2020 base year data update
- Housing element data
- Exogenous forces
- Code changes to run new strategy data
PBA50+ Initial Release
This release marks the completion of a series of modeling cleaning tasks that restructure, document, and visualize the code base to make the inputs, outputs, and analysis of a model run more easily accessible. Cleaning was performed while maintaining the same model results from PBA50. This BAUS version will be used to perform all subsequent PBA50+ modeling.
The following tasks are part of this release:
✓ Clean Code PR 1 (PR #316) Remove scenario settings from code
✓ Clean Code PR 3 (PR # 317)- Organize model inputs
✓ design initial Tableau dashboard - model inputs
✓ design initial Tableau dashboard - model outputs
✓ design initial Tableau dashboard - interim data
✓ Document model input files
✓ Document model output files
✓ document model assumptions and settings
✓ Clean Code PR 8 (#319)- Clean model summaries (with Visualize)
✓ Clean Code PR 7- Clean outdated code
✓ explore Tableau performance improvement options
Validation - Compare 2020 modeled to 2020 census
✓ incorporate feedback and finalize dashboard template
✓ Clean Viz PR 1 (#325): Update Output Viz, bring into BAUS model flow
✓ Fix broken BAUS gh-pages documentation
✓ Clean Viz PR 2 (#329): Update & Add Interim Output Viz to BAUS
✓ Clean Viz PR 3: Update & Add Inputs Viz to BAUS
✓ Clean Results PR 14- Create consistent model runs
✓ document interim data w/ table dictionaries
✓ Fix missing zone_id assignment on households and jobs tables
PBA50 Plan and Draft EIR Completion
This returns the code to master.
This develop merge into master contains the code used for PBA50 EIR Alternatives (NP, Alt1, Alt2). The formal release tags the BAUS EIR Alternatives version at a slightly earlier commit (, which was the last commit used for the official runs.
Changes in this merge:
All coding for EIR Alts scenarios/policies
eir_coc_id, ex_res_bldg added to parcels geography
Adds a small set of parcels to nodev (conservation eaesment / parks?)
Updates UGBs with newly incorporated land
Scenario-ize superdistrict sqft per job file
Improve subsidized units growth calc in postprocessing summary
Inundate parcels to prevent SLR islands in the Travel Model
Changes included this merge that were post-release: documentation/config log only
PBA50 EIR Alternatives Final Runs
Includes all additional coding required to build out NP(s25), Alt1(s26), and Alt2(s28) for the Plan Bay Area 2050 EIR.
PBA50 Final Blueprint
This is version of the model used for the official model run for the PBA50 Final Blueprint (s24)
PBA50 Final Blueprint Major Development Complete
Covers all major code change to represent strategies etc for the PBA50 Final Blueprint. Runs with the internal data directory at 147e89815de6656600673b66ceccf23df95500bd.
PBA50 August & September Additions for Final Blueprint
This (use sept release branch) switches to s24 to start construction of the PBA50 Final Blueprint. It includes:
- No unplaced households
- New upzoning
- Updated Development projects (consistency improved, can add deed restricted units)
- Deed Restricted preservation strategy
- Post-processing summaries (scripts, autorun from baus run)
PBA50 Draft Blueprint July Release
This contains various cleaning and fixes done just after the posting of the released Draft Blueprint.
- Development projects list- including malls/office opp_sites, more housing, incubators
-- fix for overabundance of non-res sqft added
-- fix for Diridon and other fixes - Logsums with Crossing
-- new set: 2035_TM152_DBP_Plus_04/2050_TM152_DBP_PlusCrossing_05 - Regional controls
- Upzoning- including PPAs
- Sea Level Rise
- Reduce Barriers to Housing (market rate developer)
- Inclusionary Zoning
- VMT Fee
- Renter Protections
- ADUs
- Jobs-Housing fee
Enhancement/cleaning since 1.7:
- Draft Blueprint growth geography summaries produced
- Employment sectors are correct (columns are no longer flipped)
- Configuration.log expanded and cleaned
- Jobs-housing fee and VMT fee summaries condensed
- Affordable housing code cleaned
PBA50 Draft Blueprint
This contains all draft blueprint crossings plus (s23) control totals, strategies, development projects, and logsums. It contains the current working version of the BASIS BOC data.
Nearly Complete PBA50 Draft Blueprint
This has commits related to the py3 transition, a new installation approach, code cleaning, and most of the PBA50 Draft Blueprint policies (lacks final logsum, dev proj, and all basis work).