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Boss Settings

Batfoxkid edited this page Nov 4, 2019 · 22 revisions

Adjusted Settings:

Ragedamage | "ragedamage" "1900"

Added an option to adjust "ragedamage" with a formula, similar to how "health_formula" works, or the option to apply infinite rage by setting it to 1 or disable the HUD and raging completely by setting it to -1.

Minimum Speed | "maxspeed" "340"

Added an option to freeze the boss in place by setting it to 0 or -1 to disable FF2's speed management entirely.

Boss Version | "version" "1"

When set to 99, it prevents the boss from being loaded in on non-Unofficial versions of FF2.

Added Settings:

Triple Damage | "triple"

Weapons automatically triple in damage when their initial damage is below 160 in public FF2, this mostly effects bats, knifes, and ranged weapons. There are settings to adjust this however globally by ff2_triplewep ConVar, per-boss by "triple" setting, or per-weapon by damage modifiers.

The tripling damage effects afterburn, bleed, and many forms of damage done by the boss. Normal damage modifiers don't effects these however but Damage vs players and Afterburn damage bonus do. If you are planning to make a public boss, it is recommended that you have "triple" "1" on and adjust using damage modifiers, if not, tell about requiring this fork for removing the extra damage bonus or put "version" "99" to force the boss only used in this fork.

Random Crits | "crits"

This edit allows some bosses to random crit with "crits" setting. ff2_crits determines the default bool. This is useful to apply certain bosses or weapons the ability to random crit. This is also recommended to turn on for knifes, as having crits off won't apply backstab critical damage. You can adjust how often a critical hit is pulled by attribute.

Setting the crit chance is by attribute "No random critical hits" or the hidden one (which is recommended if your going to use any other value than 0). For example "28 ; 0.5" means 50% less than the normal crit rate already while "28 ; 1.5" means 50% more than the normal crit rate while "28 ; 0" or "15 ; 0" means it doesn't have random crits at all.

Self-Knockback | "knockback"

You can choose to enable or disable bosses being able to rocket jump or take any form of knockback by their own weapons. "knockback" is the setting with ff2_selfknockback being default. It's recommended that you make sure that weapon replacing abilities maintain at-least one weapon with Wearer never takes falling damage attribute, otherwise the boss will take fall damage. If your not using this, then making sure the attribute is on is not a huge case. Note: Bosses taking fall damage problem might be solved, still recommend doing the above.

Blocked Bosses | "donator" "0" "admin" "0" "owner" "0" "hidden" "0"

This is similar to "blocked" but for players with a role. Useful for donator, admin, or other benefits. "donator", "admin", "owner", and "hidden". The first three is for the boss to blocked off in boss selection menu and being selected randomly, "hidden" along with one of these three will hide the boss from players who don't have access. "hidden" by-itself will hide the boss from the menu and will only be selected randomly. To set custom permissions required to select these bosses, ff2_donator_boss, ff2_admin_boss, and ff2_owner_boss must be in admin_overrides.cfg like so:

	"ff2_donator_boss"	"a"	// Reservation flag allows selecting donator-ranked bosses
	"ff2_admin_boss"	"b"	// Generic flag allows selecting admin-ranked bosses
	"ff2_owner_boss"	"z"	// Root flag allows selecting owner-ranked bosses

No First Round | "nofirst" "0"

"nofirst" setting helps some bosses who may have problems or may not work as intended during the first round of FF2. This prevents the boss being selected or by random during arena rounds.

Rage Minimum | "ragemin" "100"

"ragemin" sets the required amount of rage to activate the 'RAGE' ability.

Rage Maximum | "ragemax" "100"

"ragemax" sets the maximum amount of rage that can be stored.

Rage Mode | "ragemode" "0"

"ragemode" sets how the rage is used:

0 - Reset to 0% on RAGE
1 - Subtract from ragemin
2 - Prevent using RAGE
3 - Prevent losing any RAGE on use

Control Point Type, Delay, Alive, Time | "pointtype" "pointdelay" "pointalive" "pointtime"

Sets the control point settings similar to the ConVars.

Countdown Health, Alive, Time | "countdownhealth" "countdownalive" "countdowntime"

Sets the countdown timer settings also similar to the ConVars.

Sappable | "sapper"

"sapper" sets whether Spy sappers can stun the boss and/or minions when used:

0 - Disable
1 - Can sap the boss
2 - Can sap minions
3 - Can sap both

Custom Icon | "icon" "leaderboard_streak"

"icon" sets the boss's own icon in game_text_tf entities if it's being used. Not for servers who have this disabled or multi-bosses.

Multi-Language Names | "name_"

This allows you to set the name of a boss in a specific languages (similar to "description_"), this will show to players who game's are in the specific language, otherwise it will default to server's language, then "name" if also unavailable. "name" is still required for bosses for things such as natives.

Boss Team | "bossteam" "0"

Allows to assign a boss to a specific team and mercenaries too. If Boss vs Boss mode is enabled, the boss will be forced to that team if unoccupied. This might not work correctly whilst in Boss vs Boss mode and using an outside boss selection plugin.

0 - Server Default
1 - Random Team
2 - Only RED Team
3 - Only BLU Team

No Boss vs Boss | "noversus" "0"

Blocks or prevents a boss in Boss vs Boss mode. Setting to 1 blocks the boss from being assigned to the defined "BossTeam" which helps plugins who use the native. Setting to 2 blocks the boss from being played at all while Boss vs Boss is in use. These settings might not work if your using an outside boss selection plugin.

Boss Version | "fversion" "fversion_minor" "fversion_stable"

Similar to "version", "version_minor", and "version_stable" but corresponding to the Unofficial's version.

Goomba Blacklist | "goomba" "1"

Adjusts who can Goomba Stomp (if enabled). Note that team specific settings are overriden in Boss vs Boss mode.

0 - Nobody
1 - Everyone
2 - Boss Team Only
3 - Merc Team Only
4 - Non-Bosses Only
5 - Merc Team and Bosses Only
6 - Bosses Only

Capture Blacklist | "blockcap" "1"

Adjusts who can capture the point (if enabled). Note that team specific settings are overriden in Boss vs Boss mode.

0 - Nobody
1 - Everyone
2 - Bosses Only
3 - Boss Team Only
4 - Non-Bosses Only
5 - Merc Team Only
6 - Merc Team and Bosses Only

Server Command | "command"

Executes a server command once the round begins, limited to 512 characters.

Map Exclusion | "map_exclude"

Determines if the boss can be played on the current map, note the formatting is different from other settings:

	"map1"	"arena_offblast_final"
	"map2"	"koth_"