- Docker
- Port 80 available
- Open terminal in the root folder of the nginx_lime_survey project
- Run
docker compose up
- Run
docker container inspect nginx_lime_survey-mariadb-mariadb-1
container name may vary, we want to inspect the mariadb container
- Look for IPAddress inside Network
- Save it in clipboard
- Navigate in the browser to http://localhost
- Start installation process
- All LimeSurvey pre-requisites should be met
- Fill database requirements:
- IP: Paste the one in the clipboard:3306
- Database name: limesurveydb
- Database user: limesurveyuser
- Database password: localhost
- Default username and password for lime survey:
- user: admin
- password: password
If you desire to change database name, username or password feel free to modify the compose.yaml