Releases: Banana4Life/WhereIsMommy
Submission 4
Web Version:
Controller support might require axis remapping.
The Linux version may not support fullscreen mode, use windowed mode or switch to the web version.
Changes since Submission 3 (post-jam, gameplay changes):
- Adjusted texts and added new ones for clarity
- Moved items to better suggest their usage
- The camera is now higher up and can be rotated using the mouse or right stick on a controller
- Added a forth button to prevent players from finishing without seeing the full game
Submission 3
Web Version:
Controller support might require axis remapping.
The Linux version may not support fullscreen mode, use windowed mode or switch to the web version.
Changes since Submission 2 (post-jam):
- Added missing voice over
- Volume adjustments
- Dialog adjustments
Submission 2
Web Version:
Controller support might require axis remapping.
The Linux version may not support fullscreen mode, use windowed mode or switch to the web version.
Changes since Submission 1:
- Added a new unique song to the end scene
Submission 1
Web Version:
Controller support might require axis remapping.
The Linux version may not support fullscreen mode, use windowed mode or switch to the web version.