This project implements Chess web game. You can play in three modes: online, local and with chess Engine.
Backend is implemented based on Gin Web Framework. It is basic RESTful API for local game + socket communication for online games. Backend uses Postgres db to store games data.
Frontend is classic SPA based on React with TS via create-react-app. Frontend uses react-chessboard as visual headless chess representation layer + chess.js for chess logic.
Docker is half setup. You cannot unfortunately run everything with one command yet: I am working on it. But the setup process is nevertheless quite easy.
You would need node and npm installed. Go to frontend folder and run:
npm i
After installing dependencies you need to build project with
npm run build
You would need installed postgres as we use this DB to store game data. First thing first you would need to create db with
Check that chess_game db was created and move to next step - migration. You'll need to install CLI first. And run:
cd backend
make migration_up
Check that you have games table in the chess_game db. And we can run backend:
go run main.go
The app should be running on https://localhost. You would only need to accept unknown tls certificate