TensorflowJS text detection implementation (inference), mainly based on ctpn model in tensorflow, id card detect, connectionist text proposal network The origin paper can be found here. Also, the origin repo in caffe can be found in here. If you got any questions, check the issue first, if the problem persists, open a new issue.
npm i tfjs-text-detection-ctpn
NMS_FUNCTION: 'AUTH' | 'TF', specifies which non maximum suppression function we gonna use. TF faster, AUTH more accurate
PIXEL_MEANS: tf.tensor([[[102.9801, 115.9465, 122.7717]]]),
SCALES: [600,] , // model input layer preferable size
MAX_SIZE: 1000,
HAS_RPN: true,
DETECT_MODE: 'O' | 'H', // 'O' - Oriented mode (boxes will be rotated by angle), now supports only oriented one ( H - horisontal)
pre_nms_topN: 12000,
post_nms_topN: 2000,
nms_thresh:0.7, // threshold for nms function
min_size: 8,
import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs-node-gpu';
import CTPN from 'tfjs-text-detection-ctpn';
(async ()=> {
const cfg = {
PIXEL_MEANS: tf.tensor([[[102.9801, 115.9465, 122.7717]]]),
SCALES: [600,] ,
MAX_SIZE: 1000,
HAS_RPN: true,
pre_nms_topN: 12000,
post_nms_topN: 2000,
min_size: 8,
const ctpn = new CTPN(cfg);
const image = './test/007.jpg';
const predicted = await ctpn.predict(image);
ctpn.draw(image,'res.jpg',...predicted, 'black')