This code repository contains implementation of the "FedSeIT" model proposed in "Federated Continual Learning for Text Classification via Selective Inter-client Transfer".
This code is based on the implementation of FedWeIT proposed by: Yoon, Jaehong, Wonyong Jeong, Giwoong Lee, Eunho Yang, and Sung Ju Hwang. "Federated continual learning with weighted inter-client transfer." In International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 12073-12086. PMLR, 2021.
However, we have made a large number of modifications to the codebase provided by the authors of FedWeIT, as cited in our research literature. Our modifications mostly revolved around (1) FedSeIT etc functionality not present in original work (2) Elimination of certain FedWeIT and FedWeIT legacy code which were not pertinent (3) Readability and Flexibility improvements, as well as Documentation.
python3.8 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Download 'glove.840B.300d.txt' and place it in Resources/
This needs to be called only once, to create tasks from the dataset
cd Config/r8/
cd Config/r8/
cd Config/r8/
Note that our codebase currently refers to FedSeIT as FedPrIT
A discussion of important parameters and their meaning can be found in FedWeIT/