A collection of utility scripts for use with parsing files and data written in Python.
- The compare files script takes in two text files and compares if they are equal. An example use case of this script would be if you are comparing output of two programs to see if they are the same.
- The GREP script takes in a directory and a string of text to search for. It mimics the the grep functionality in a bash script. Essentially it searches through all folders and subfolders for text files and then searches that text file. If the string is in that file, it prints that file out.
- The Cryptography script takes in a string (to either encrypt or decrypt) and a key. It returns the translated version of the string. It is implemented using the Caesar encryption method. More info can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesar_cipher
Created by Tej Vuligonda Link to website: http://www.tej-vuligonda.tk