- This project is a development of a small set of Backbase Service SDK (Spring Boot and Cloud) based Microservices projects that implement cloud-native intuitive, Microservices design patterns, and coding best practices.
- The project follows CloudNative recommendations and the twelve-factor app methodology for building software-as-a-service apps to show how μServices should be developed and deployed.
- This project uses technologies used in broadly Backbase like Docker, Kubernetes, Java SE 11, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, TestContainers and Liquibase among others, all components covering integration & performance testing, and many more.
- This project is going to be developed as stages
Let's explain first the system structure to understand its components:
Backbase Golden Sample --> Parent folder.
|- config --> All system configuration files
|- config-server --> Centralized Configuration server
|- diagrams --> All docs and diagrams.
|-charts --> Helm Charts for easy deployment in k8s
|- product
|- review
|- store
|- assembly
|- docs
|- product-db
|- review-db
|- product-api
|- src/main/resources
|- product-integration-api-v1.yaml
|- product-service-api-v1.yaml
|- review-service-api
|- src/main/resources
|- openapi-v1.yaml
|- store-client-api
|- src/main/resources
|- openapi-v1.yaml
|- product --> Product Microservice
|- review --> Review Microservice
|- store --> Store Microservice
|- docker-compose.yml --> contains all services landscape including infra like MySQL, RabbitMQ, Zipkin, Prometheus, etc
Now, as we have learned about different system components, then let's start.
The microservice-based system landscape that we will use it consists of two core microservices, the Product, Review and services, all of which deal with one type of resource, and a composite microservice called the Product Composite service, which aggregates information
To keep the source code easy to understand, they have a minimal amount of business logic. The information model for the business objects they process is kept minimal for the same reason. In this section, we will go through the information that's handled by each microservice, plus infrastructure-related information that microservices handle.
The product service manages product information and describes each product with the following attributes:
- Product ID
- Name
- Weight
- Creation Date
The review service manages product review and stores the following information about each review:
- Product ID
- Review ID
- Author
- Subject
- Content
The store service is a product composite service that aggregates information from the core services and presents information about a product as follows:
- Product information, as described in the product service
- A list of product reviews for the specified product, as described in the review service
The following are the initially required software pieces:
Backbase SDK
Git: it can be downloaded and installed from https://git-scm.com/downloads.
Java 21 EA: it can be downloaded and installed from https://jdk.java.net/21/.
Spring Boot Initializer: This Initializer generates spring boot project with just what you need to start quickly! Start from here https://start.spring.io/.
Docker Desktop: The fastest way to containerize applications on your desktop, and you can download it from here https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop
For each future stage, We will list the newly required software.
Follow the installation guide for each software website link and check your software versions from the command line to verify that they are all installed correctly.
We recommend that you work with your Java code using an IDE that supports the development of Spring Boot applications such as Spring Tool Suite or IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition. So you can use the Spring Boot Dashboard to run the services, run each microservice test case, and many more.
All that you want to do is just fire up your IDE -> open or import the parent folder backbase-golden-sample,
and everything will be ready for you.
Lombok plugin is required for your IDE: https://projectlombok.org/setup/overview
The first thing to do is to open git bash command line, and then simply you can clone the project under any of your favorite places as the following:
> git clone
This project will be developed in steps, and each such step will be a release in its own, so you can go back and forward between versions to see the differences and how adding things solve specific problems we face.
The main idea of the project for now is three microservices: Store, Product and Review. Product and Review microservices are CRUD applications saving data in a MySQL Database, and Store Service calls the other two services (Product and Review) statically to generate client aggregate response for a specific product.
- Step 1: create project structure, essential services' skeleton, integration between them, and finally, write integration testing as well as semi-automated testing for the complete services' functionality.
- Step 2 Add openAPI specs and generate code from them
- Step 3 Add data layer
- database integration
- and Liquibase
- Step 4 Add Dockerization of our services and docker-compose
- Step 5 Add External config using Spring Cloud Config
- Step 6 Introduce service discovery
- Step 7 Introduce Security via Backbase Identity
- Step 8 Introduce Multitenancy via https://community.backbase.com/documentation/ServiceSDK/latest/multitenancy_configuration
- Step 9 events and https://www.asyncapi.com/
- Step 10 Introduce Resilience
- Step 11 Introduce Helm Charts
The first stage, aka (Release v1.0), is about creating and implementing a set of Microservices exposing a RestAPI and with Database access.
The following points are covered in this 1st stage (other stages topics will be documented in each release notice):
- Introducing the microservice landscape as a diagram.
- Generating skeleton for Store, Product, and Review microservices.
- Adding RESTful APIs.
- Adding Data layer
- Developing automated microservices integration tests in isolation.
- Developing Blackbox automated tests to the microservice landscape.
- We will add more business concepts while keeping the project software stack updated to the most recent software versions. Besides, adding more use cases and problems, ours teams are facing in a day by day work.
- The book Hands-On Microservices With Spring Boot and Spring Cloud book by Packt Publishing.
- CloudNative recommendations.
- Twelve-Factor application.
- Spring Cloud framework.
- Spring Boot framework.
Please create a branch and a PR with your contributions. Commit messages should follow semantic commit messages