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ODT code by Alan Kerstein written in Fortran


Files that are subroutines or functions are named [name].f, where [name] is the name of the subroutine or function.

  • Input files are of the form [name].dat.
  • Names of files used for the default version begin with B, except for XRecord.f.
  • Other files might be needed to compile other versions of the code but the default version does not use them.

File *[name].dat is read by subroutine *Read[name], where * indicates that a B appears at the beginning of the subroutine or file name in the default version.

Inputs specifying the flow configuration are read from BConfig.dat by subroutine BReadConfig. These inputs are defined in the comments in BReadConfig.f.

Case options

The option index is the argument k of the array ioptions(k). The option value 0 is the default. Subroutine BReadOptions reads the option values from file BOptions.dat.

1 0 output in intercomparison (ABL) format
1 output in xmgrace format
2 0 vector (3 component) ODT
1 1 component ODT
3 0 no scalar fields
n>0 n scalar fields
4 0 bottom velocity B.C.s: Dirichlet
1 bottom velocity B.C.s: Neumann
5 0 top velocity B.C.s: Dirichlet
1 top velocity B.C.s: Neumann
6 0 bottom B.C.s of scalars: Dirichlet
1 bottom scalar B.C.s of scalars: Neumann
7 0 top scalar B.C.s of scalars: Dirichlet
1 top scalar B.C.s of scalars: Neumann
8 0 all B.C.s = 0. (value or derivative)
1 read B.C.s from an input file
9 0 all initial profiles are nominally zero
1 initial profiles linear between endpoints
that are read from a file
2 initial profiles are read from a file
(e.g., restart file)
3 initial profiles are computed in a subroutine,
which might read inputs from a file
10 0 no buoyancy
1 buoyancy; requires n>0, where the first scalar
is take to be density or a density surrogate
11 0 no Coriolis force
1 Coriolis force

In the main program, Bodt, the array size of property fields is hardwired as 100000 by a parameter statement. The input value of N must not exceed this. The hardwired value can be changed as needed to suit the application.

Structure of input file BPars.dat (algorithm parameters):

First line: number of integer parameters (one per each line that follows)

Integer parameters:

1 N = number of mesh cells for this run (<= NVAL)
2 number of eddy trials before an attempt to increase dt
3 number of mesh cells in one image of the smallest eddy: >= 2, <= N/3
4 number of mesh cells in one image of the most probable eddy: >= 2, <= N/3
5 number of mesh cells in one image of the largest eddy: >= 2, <= N/3
(in code, defaults to largest integer <= N/3 and truncates any larger
value that is specified)
6 isarg = index for initializing random number seeds

Next line: number of real parameters (one per each line that follows)

Real parameters:

1 maximum allowed acceptance probability
2 target average acceptance probability
3 largest allowed multiplicative increase of dt at a given time
4 specified ratio td/dt
fraction of CFL time for which advancement is allowed
6 initial value of dt
(negative means multiply the dt value computed in BInitIter by
the absolute value of this parameter)


ODT code by Alan Kerstein written in Fortran







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