In this repo, The below list includes the profiled applications with data on RTX1650. However, I have included the scripts such that you can clone them into your local machines and runs them after small manipulations. To conduct this profiling analysis, you must provide application binaries correspondingly and re-configure the related .sh files.
In addition, the other Python files extract some of the features resulting from all the profiling results and record them to ProfRes.xlsx file.
For more information, you can contact with us or address your requests on the issues. :) [email protected]
BC Linear Base
BC Linear LB
BC Topo Base
BC Topo LB
BFS Linear Base
BFS Linear LB
CC Afforest
CC Base
CC Warp
MST Topo
PR Base
PR Warp
SPMV Vector
SSSP Linear Base
SSSP Linear LB
VC Linear Base
VC Linear Bitset
Datasets used for to test Gardenia applications:
4.mtx, 4w.mtx, asia_osm.mtx, chesapeake.mtx, coAuthorsCiteseer.mtx, coAuthorsDBLP.mtx,
coPapersCiteseer.mtx, coPapersDBLP.mtx, germany_osm.mtx, great-britain_osm.mtx, higgs-twitter_mention.mtx,
higgs-twitter_reply.mtx, higgs-twitter_retweet.mtx, higgs-twitter.mtx, indochina-2004.mtx,
italy_osm.mtx, min-1DeadEnd.mtx, ProfRes.mtx, socEpinions1.mtx, socLiveJournal1.mtx,
soc-Slashdot0811.mtx, soc-Slashdot0902.mtx, test_bc.mtx, test_cc.mtx, test_mst.mtx, test_pr.mtx,
test_scc.mtx, test_sgd.mtx, test_small_scc.mtx, web-Google.mtx, web-NotreDame.mtx, web-Stanford.mtx
2DConvolution 2mm 3DConvolution 3mm adi atax bicg correlation covariance doitgen fdtd2d gemm gemver gesummv jacobi1d jacobi2d lu mvt syr2k syrk
backrop bfs b+tree cfd_02M cfd_097K cfd_193K heartwall_40 hotspot huffman hybridsort lavaMD lud_cuda nn nw pathfinder srad_v1 srad_v2
alex_next cifar_net gru lstm res_net squeeze_net