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A blog built by using Koa2+Sequelize+EJS+Semantic UI

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Blog - Generic Blog System

A blog system developed by using Nodejs Major modules: Koa2, Sequelize(ORM), EJS(front end engine), Semantic UI

Preview: My New Blog


  • Nodejs v9.0+
  • MySQL 5.3+


  • Add, Delete, Update articles
  • Archive articles
  • project page
  • Introduction page


First install all the dependencies

$ npm install

And then config your blog. Finally, run it on your server. You can choose to use pm2

pm2 start app.js


You can login into the account set in the configuration file by accessing /manage/login.


First copy a config.js from config-example.js, and then modify it as your will.

  • title: The title of the website.
  • subtitle: The subtitle of the website.
  • author: Your name,
  • admins: all admins will be created at the first time of the execution. Keys are username and values are password.
  • article_per_page: You know
  • editor: the default editor( recommended)-> support: simditor /; the former one is a rich text editor, and the latter one is a markdown editor.
  • favicon: (Currently this item is not useful) The path to the favicon
  • article_cover_count: The number of front covers(starts with "material-" and ends with ".png", you can store them in /static/images)
  • db: database connection configuration
    • host: the host of the database
    • port: the port of the database
    • username: the root user that can access the database
    • password: the password of the user
    • dialect: type of databases(you can check Sequelize for supported database list)
  • manage: the configuration of the admin page
    • article_pageinate: the maximum count of articles listed in the manage list.
    • user_pageinate: (Currently this item is not useful)
  • live2d: configuration of live2d on the homepage
    • model: which model to use (see /static/live2d/model)
    • conf: configuration file of the model.
  • about: the data for about page
    • avatar_url: the url of the avatar
    • name: your nickname
    • introduction: your full self-intro
    • about_content: the markdown file in views/static that stores your long introduction. This supports features in markdown-it-decorate
    • skills: self-rating skills
  • session_sec: the session secrete key
  • url: the url of the blog
  • port: which port does the blog running on
  • mode: switch of logging


A blog built by using Koa2+Sequelize+EJS+Semantic UI







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