A simple full stack web app that helps users to save and keep track of the job applications they made.
- React
- Node.js
- MongoDB
- Express
- Authentication
- Database to allow users to create, read, update, and delete job postings
- REST api to allow interaction between frontend and database
- UI that allows users to interact with their job postings.
- Implement web scraping to scrape job postings based on specified criteria
- Send an email to user to remind them to do followups after certain time for the jobs they applied
- Implement automation to allow users to login to their linkedin and scrape job postings
- Complete low fidelity Figma Mockup
- Connect the web server to Mongo Atlas
- Set up authentication with JWT
- Set up REST api
- UI: Login/Register pages
- UI: User Dashboard
- Job Search (Web Scraping)
- Email reminders to do followups
- Export to spreadsheet functionality