- npm install @expo/vector-icons
- npm/expo install react-native-gesture-handler
- npm/expo install @react-navigation/native
- npm/expo install @react-navigation/drawer
- npm/expo install @react-navigation/stack
- npm/expo install react-native-safe-area-context
- npm/expo install react-native-screens
- npm/expo install react-native-reanimated
- npm/expo install firebase
- npm/expo install @firebase/auth
- npm/expo install @firebase/firestore
- expo install react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view
- expo install react-native-elements
- expo install @react-navigation/bottom-tabs
- the config.js file location is shown like following image
- data inside config.js will be sent to instructors (Phil and Alex) via Slack DM
- setting up user authentication via firebase
- store user data properly in firebase firestore
- create login and register page with authentication works
- set up home screen and put necessary information inside home screen
- set up side bar navigation for all needed screen to be navigate
- set up logout navigation and functionality
- build on product screen
- implement bottom tab functionality inside product screen to differentiate different kinds of products
- build on product detail screen which shows more information about the selected product
- set up wishlist screen stores the products a login user selected
- set up shopping cart screen stores the products a login user wants to buy
- added 'add to wishlist' and 'add to cart' button to product detail screen
- added a textInput capture the quantity a login user want to purchase in product detail screen
- set up a search screen that allows users to search for a specific product (DONE)
- set up a SECURE payment screen allows users to pay for the cart products
- deploy this mobile application (Heroku)
- Login Screen
- Register Screen
- Home Screen
- Navigation
- Search Screen
- Product Screen
- Wishlist Screen
- Shopping Cart Screen
- Logout Screen