An eccommerce website to order wine!
WireFrame: Karen, Steven, Kalvin
HTML: Kalvin, Karen, Wayne
CSS: Karen, Steven, Kalvin, Jimmy
Javascript: Wayne, Jimmy, Steven
Github to do list: Everyone
Login/Register- Where a customer can login or create a new account to the website.
Navigation- Which will let users easily browse through various pages.
Shopping cart- will hold the item and tally the price based on the customer selection.
- Message pop ups after contact and registration if passes form validations
- Sorting/Filtering - Allows a user filter out different wine selections
- User shopping cart interactions - Allows a user to adjust the quantity of the selected item within the cart.
- Login
- Register
- Gallery
- Landing Page
- Shop
- Cart
- Checkout
- Contact
Color Palette:
- #f0ece3
- #dfd3c3
- #c7b198
- #596e79
Font Choice:
- link: href=",wght@0,300;0,500;0,700;1,400&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"
Design Principles:
- Contrast
- Alignment
- Repetition
- Proximity
- Navbar (Nav items, Login link, Register link)
- Labels/Inputs: Account & Password
- Login Button
- Sign Up link
- Labels/Inputs: First Name, Last Name, Email, Address, Password & Confirm Password
- Sign up button
- Sign In link
- Brand / Logo
- Banner / Carousel
- Heading / Introduction
- Picture gallery with a variety of images
- Search
- Filter
- Wine Products (Picture, Types, Price, Name, Descrption)
- Input for quantity(type=number)
- Checkout Item list
- Price/Total Price
- Continue Shopping Link
- Checkout Button
- Shipping Info Form
- Submit Button
- Receipt
- Back to Cart Link
- Feedback Form (Name, Customer Email, Message, Submit)
- Address
- Social Media
- CSS/SASS/Bootstrap/JQuery
- Javascript
- LocalStorage Data Structure: 1: {3}, 3: {4}, 4:{5}, 7:{1} (Key is the wine ID, Value is the quantity purchased)
- JSON (Optional)
- Gallery. Images from Walla Walla Vinters