This project have two parts I) Webserver, ii) ORM and it's in under development cycle. The main purpose of the project for creating the REST - API in rappid way with the support of built-in Asyncronous ORM functionality for PostgreSql.
This is built on sanic web framework for creating the fastest async REST - API with sanic blueprint
This is built on asyncpg world's fastest asynchronous postgresql database interface library. provides CURD operations
Use the package manager pip to install required packages.
#Clone the project
git clone
cd celertix
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install asyncio
pip3 install asyncpg
pip3 install sanic
pip3 install Sanic-Auth
# DB Configuration
# Create Database manually through console or pgadmin
# DB config on celertix
# Go to celertix ---> configs --->
'dbname' : 'gres', #Database Name
'dbpass' : 'odoo@123', #Postgres user password or DB password
'dbport' : 5432, # Postgresql running port (Default 5432)
'dbuser' : 'odoo', #Database user
'dbhost' : '' #Database Host
# Server will start by run the following command inside the project
Project dir should be following for example to create the res_users table with their routes.
addons #root dir
|__resusers #res_users table dir
|____ models #resusers models dir
| |___
| |___ #reseusers table file
|____ routes
|___ #resusers table route
Please create the each models inside the addons and should be follow the above order of directory. If you want use other names please go to configure in config ---->
# Fields
Integer, Char, Datetime, Date, Float
# Examples
name = Char(string="Name")
age = Integer(string="Age")
department = Char(string="Department")
create_dt = Datetime(string="CreateDt")
write_dt = Date(string="WriteDt")
salary = Float(string="Salary")
vals = {'name': 'balavignesh', 'age': 24, 'department': 'IT', 'blood_group': 'A+'}
userobj = await clxuniv.env['res.user'].create(vals=vals)
# Access the Attribute with values
>> userobj._id
>> userobj.blood_group
>> userobj.age
>> userobj.department
search_ids = [1,8,10]
userobj = await clxuniv.env['res.user'].browse(search_ids)
userobj # contains list of objects
#Accessing the each objects in the list
for obj in userobj:
name = 'bala'
age = 20
# SELECT age, blood_group, department, name, id FROM res_user WHERE name = 'bala' AND age = 90;
userobj_l = await clxuniv.env['res.user'].search([('name', '=',name), '&', ('age', '=', age)])
# Access each record with objects
for user in userobj_l:
# Operators
'=' : '=',
'&' : 'AND',
'!=': '!=',
'|' : 'OR',
'in': 'IN',
'not in': 'NOT IN'
name = 'bala'
age = 20
userobj = await clxuniv.env['res.user'].search([('name', '=',name), '&', ('age', '=', age)])
for user in userobj:
await user.write({'name': 'vignesh', 'age': 20})
name = 'bala'
age = 20
userobj = await clxuniv.env['res.user'].search([('name', '=',name), '&', ('age', '=', age)])
for user in userobj:
await user.unlink()
Below Example for creating the res_user table
from celertix.models.celertix_orm import Model
from celertix.models.celertix_fields import *
class ResUers(Model):
_name = 'res.user'
_id = 0
_migrate = True
name = Char(string="Name")
age = Integer(string="Age")
department = Char(string="Department")
blood_group = Char(string="BloodGroup")
create_dt = Datetime(string="CreateDt")
write_dt = Date(string="WriteDt")
salary = Float(string="Salary")
Model Variable Details
_name = 'res.user' #This is table name should be declare with '.' it will create the table with name res_user in postgres
_id = 0 #This is should be declare for record id
_migrate = True #This is for field and table migration signal if you declare False the new fields of the model not create in the database if you declare True means declared fields are created in the database and also initally creating table you should use Ture then only table wil create in the database.
from import clx, Clxauth, ClxBlr,ClxRsp,ClassRegistry
resusersaction = ClxBlr('res_users', url_prefix='/users')
@resusersaction.route('/user/create', methods=['POST'])
async def action_create_user(request):
vals = {'name': request.form.get('name'), 'age': int(request.form.get('age'))}
userobj = await clxuniv.env['res.user'].create(vals=vals)
print(userobj._id,, userobj.age)
return ClxRsp.json({'msg': 'Success Token','res_code': 2000, 'result': 'good'})
# http://localhost:8000/users/user/search?age=20&name=bala
@resusersaction.route('/user/search', methods=['GET'])
async def action_search_user(request):
name = request.args.get('name')
age = request.args.get('age')
userobj_l = await clxuniv.env['res.user'].search([('name', '=',name), '&', ('age', '=', age)])
for user in userobj_l:
return ClxRsp.json({'msg': 'Success Token','res_code': 2000, 'result': 'good'})
@resusersaction.route('/user/update', methods=['POST'])
async def action_search_user(request):
name = request.args.get('name')
age = request.args.get('age')
userobj = await clxuniv.env['res.user'].search([('name', '=',name), '&', ('age', '=', age)])
for user in userobj:
await user.write({'name': 'vignesh', 'age': 20})
return ClxRsp.json({'msg': 'Success Token','res_code': 2000, 'result': 'good'})
@resusersaction.route('/user/delete', methods=['POST'])
async def action_search_user(request):
name = request.args.get('name')
age = request.args.get('age')
userobj = await clxuniv.env['res.user'].search([('name', '=',name), '&', ('age', '=', age)])
for user in userobj:
await user.unlink()
return ClxRsp.json({'msg': 'Success Token','res_code': 2000, 'result': 'good'})
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.