- Analytics reporting opt-in/out clearer.
- Shortcode method now always uses signed URL's / tokens.
- Added additional shortcode options, controls, autoplay, loop, preload and muted.
- Copy the contents of this repository (excluding the .git folder) to the following location within your WordPress installation:
- In the WordPress admin panel, visit the Plugins section Activate the Cloudflare Stream plugin.
Known Issues
- The Gutenberg Block method of adding videos is failing. This is failing in the original plugin too. Shortcode method is working though. Details on how to use it are below.
[cloudflare_stream uid="some video id"]
Replace some video id with an actual Cloudflare Stream video ID.
These are optional shortcode flags (with defaults shown here). These are all "true" or "false" options:
- controls="true"
- autoplay="false"
- loop="false"
- preload="false"
- muted="false"
They can be used in this way:
[cloudflare_stream uid="some video id" controls="true" autoplay="false" loop="false" preload="false" muted="false"]