The workshop is currently being re-written, and existing code remains for reference purpose only for previous attendees of this workshop.
Welcome to the Kubernetes Lab. This lab is designed to demonstrate how to build a DotNet Core applications and deploy it into Kubernetes on Azure (AKS).
Topics covered by this lab:
- Creating secure clusters via the Azure CLI and Terraform
- Building .Net Core applications with Docker and Docker Compose
- Usings Kubernetes Config Maps and Secrets within your applications
- App to app communication and Service Discovery using Core DNS
- Building YAML templates to deploy Pods, Services and Configs
- Setting Ingress rules for your applications
- Setting resource limits for Pods and testing them
- Setting auto scaling rules for Pods and testing them
- Setting network policies for your cluster and testing them
- Defining Cluster Roles, and assigning Service Accounts to your PODs
- Creating YAML based pipelines to multiple environments with Azure DevOps
- Monitoring your applications & infrastructure with Log Analytics, Container Insights and Application Insights
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