CycleCloud project for Spectrum LSF.
Azure Cyclecloud is integrated with LSF RC as a resource provider.
See the IBM docs for details.
This product requires LSF FP9 (532214).
To use the fully automated cluster, or the vm image builder in this project LSF binaries and entitlement file must be added to the blobs/ directory.
- lsf10.1_lnx310-lib217-x86_64-532214.tar.Z
- lsf10.1_lnx310-lib217-x86_64.tar.Z
- lsf10.1_lsfinstall_linux_x86_64.tar.Z
- lsf_std_entitlement.dat
To use the install automation in this project add these files (or appropriate
kernel packages) to the blobs/
This project requires running Azure CycleCloud version 7.7.4 or later.
The most common introductory approach is to manually configure LSF master nodes to work with the CycleCloud LSF cluster type. The cluster type is available in the CycleCloud new cluster menu. The CycleCloud LSF cluster type does not have a master node(s), it's assumed that is a pre-existing resource.
This cluster also requires that the user creates a VM image with LSF pre-installed in a slave configuration. To facilitate this we supply some automation using Packer to create this image. These tools can be found in the /vm-image
CycleCloud has an example project that can deploy a fully managed LSF cluster to Azure.
CycleCloud LSF cluster is designed to support a number of compute scenarios including tightly-coupled MPI jobs, high-throughput parallel tasks, gpu-accelerated workloads and low priority VirtualMachines.
To enable these scenarios Azure recommends configuring a number of custom shared resource types.
Add these properties to lsb.shared
cyclecloudhost Boolean () () (instances from Azure CycleCloud)
cyclecloudmpi Boolean () () (instances that support MPI placement)
cyclecloudlowprio Boolean () () (instances that low priority / interruptible from Azure CycleCloud)
nodearray String () () (nodearray from CycleCloud)
placementgroup String () () (id used to note locality of machines)
instanceid String () () (unique host identifier)
Azure Datacenters have Infiniband network capability for HPC scenarios. These networks, unlike the normal ethernet, have limited span. The Infiniband network extents are described by "PlacementGroups". If VMs reside in the same placement group and are special Infiniband-enabled VM Types, then they will share an Infiniband network.
These placement groups necessitate special handling in LSF and CycleCloud.
Here is an example LSF template for Cyclecloud from cyclecloudprov_templates.json:
"templateId": "ondemandmpi-1",
"attributes": {
"nodearray": ["String", "ondemandmpi" ],
"zone": [ "String", "westus2"],
"mem": [ "Numeric", 8192.0],
"ncpus": [ "Numeric", 2],
"cyclecloudmpi": [ "Boolean", 1],
"placementgroup": [ "String", "ondemandmpipg1"],
"ncores": [ "Numeric", 2],
"cyclecloudhost": [ "Boolean", 1],
"type": [ "String", "X86_64"],
"cyclecloudlowprio": [ "Boolean", 0]
"maxNumber": 40,
"nodeArray": "ondemandmpi",
"placementGroupName": "ondemandmpipg1",
"priority": 448,
"customScriptUri": "",
"userData" : "nodearray_name=ondemandmpi;placement_group_id=ondemandmpipg1"
The placementGroupName
in this file can be anything but will determine the
name of the placementGroup in CycleCloud. Any nodes borrowed from CycleCloud
from this template will reside in this placementGroup and, if they're Infiniband-enabled VMs, will share an IB network.
Note that placementGroupName
matches the host attribute placementgroup
, this
intentional and necessary. Also that the
is set in userData
to be used in at
host start time.
The additional ondemandmpi
attribute is used to
prevent this job from
matching on hosts where placementGroup
is undefined.
We advise this template be used with a RES_REQ as follows:
-R "span[ptile=2] select[nodearray=='ondemandmpi' && cyclecloudmpi] same[placementgroup]"
By inspecting cyclecloudprov_templates.json and see how GPU jobs, both MPI and parallel can be supported, eg. for MPI job:
-R "span[ptile=1] select[nodearray=='gpumpi' && cyclecloudmpi] same[placementgroup] -gpu "num=1:mode=shared:j_exclusive=yes"
or parallel job (no placement group needed):
-R select[nodearray=='gpu' && !cyclecloudmpi] -gpus "num=2:mode=shared:j_exclusive=yes"
The only strictly required attributes in a LSF template are:
- templateId
- nodeArray
Others are inferred from the CycleCloud configuration, can be ommited, or aren't necessary at all.
- imageId - Azure VM Image eg.
override for CycleCloud cluster configuration. - subnetId - Azure subnet eg.
override for CycleCloud cluster configuration. - vmType - eg.
override for CycleCloud cluster configuration. - keyPairLocation - eg.
override for CycleCloud cluster configuration. - customScriptUri - eg. "", no script if not specified.
- userData - eg.
empty if not specified.
Cyclecloud/LSF automatically sets certain variables in the run environment of These variables are:
- rc_account
- template_id
- providerName (default: cyclecloud)
- clustername
- cyclecloud_nodeid
- anything specified in
template attribute.
- Choose an LSF install location; eg.
and use throughout. - Create a VM image with LSF installed
- Add installers and entitlement file to the
directory. - Follow instructions found in the vm_image directory.
- Add installers and entitlement file to the
- Configure the cyclecloud host provider on the LSF Master.
- Compose cyclecloudprov_config.json
- Compose cyclecloudprov_templates.json which can be based on the file in the examples directory.
- Edit script to appropriately set MASTER_LIST.
- Host the updated script in a URL allowing anonymous authentication, Azure Storage Account in public mode works well.
- Create a LSF cluster in the CycleCloud UI
- Along with VM types, Networking, and ImageId, set the
for the execute nodes when configuring.
- Along with VM types, Networking, and ImageId, set the
- Start the cluster
- Restart mbatchd on the master node and LSF should be integrated with the CycleCloud cluster.
- Start a job requesting resources from cyclecloudprov_templates.json
This repo contains the cyclecloud project. The fully-managed LSF cluster is a completely automated cluster which will start a filesystem for LSF_TOP, high-availability LSF master nodes, as well as all the LSF configuration files, and worker nodes.
The cluster template for this scenario is lsf-full.txt. To prepare the environment to run this cluster:
- Copy LSF installers into the
directory. - Upload the lsf binaries to the cyclecloud locker e.g.
pogo sync blobs/ az://<storage-account>/cyclecloud/blobs/lsf/
- Import the cluster as a service offering
cyclecloud import_cluster LSF-full -c lsf -f lsf-full.txt -t
- Add the cluster to your managed cluster list in the CycleCloud UI with the +add cluster button.
- Follow the configuration menu, save the cluster and START it.
NOTE : to avoid race conditions in HA master setup, transient software installation failures with recovery are expected.
NOTE : cyclecloudprov_templates.json is not automatically updated. The automation will initialize this file, but if you change the machine type then the host attributes (mem, ncpus, etc) will need to be updated and mbatchd restarted.
Once the cluster is running you can log into one of the master nodes and submit jobs to the scheduler:
cyclecloud connect master-1 -c my-lsf-cluster
bsub sleep 300
- You'll see an ondemand node start up and prepare to run jobs.
- When the job queue is cleared, nodes will autoscale back down.
There are a number of default queue types in the CycleCloud LSF cluster.
ondemand 30 Open:Active - - - - 0 0 0 0
ondemandmpi 30 Open:Active - - - - 0 0 0 0
lowprio 30 Open:Active - - - - 0 0 0 0
gpu 30 Open:Active - - - - 0 0 0 0
gpumpi 30 Open:Active - - - - 0 0 0 0
- ondemand - a general queue (default), for pleasantly parallel jobs.
- ondemandmpi - a queue for tightly-coupled jobs.
- lowprio - a queue for pre-emptible jobs which will run on low priority machines.
- gpu - parallel queue for jobs needing GPU co-processor.
- gpumpi - gpu mpi jobs.
Once the cluster is running you can log into one of the master nodes and submit jobs to the scheduler. Examples of supported job submissions:
bsub -J "testArr[100]"
(ondemand is default)bsub -n 4 -q ondemandmpi -R "span[ptile=2]"
bsub -gpu "num=2:mode=shared:j_exclusive=yes" -q gpu
There is a nodearray dedicated to login hosts. These hosts don't run jobs, but can submit jobs to the queue. Start them from the UI by going to Actions -> Add and follow the menu to add submit-type hosts.
NOTE : The submit hosts will be visible with the lshosts command but not the bhosts command.
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