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Add optional test stage to autorest preview pipeline (#7213)
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hallipr authored Nov 1, 2023
1 parent df33197 commit 37221a2
Showing 1 changed file with 168 additions and 66 deletions.
234 changes: 168 additions & 66 deletions eng/pipelines/templates/stages/archetype-autorest-preview.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,26 +3,21 @@ parameters:
- name: BuildPrereleaseVersion
type: boolean

# Whether to use the `next` version of TypeSpec. This is passed as a flag to the init script.
# Whether to use the `next` version of TypeSpec. This is passed as a flag to the initialize script.
- name: UseTypeSpecNext
type: boolean

# The target to publish packages to. Currently supported values are 'internal' and 'public'.
- name: PublishTarget
type: string
# Whether to publish to the internal feed.
- name: PublishInternal
type: boolean

# Path to the emitter package's package.json file. If specified, it will be used to generate emitter-package.json in the artifact `build_artifacts`.
- name: EmitterPackageJsonPath
type: string
default: 'not-specified'

# Custom steps to run after the autorest repository is cloned. If custom build steps are specified, the default init and build scripts will not be run.
# The build steps should produce the directory `/artifacts` with contents:
# packages/
# autorest-csharp-2.0.0-alpha.4.tgz
# Microsoft.Azure.AutoRest.CSharp.2.0.0-alpha.4.nupkg
# typespec-csharp-1.2.3-alpha.4.tgz
- name: BuildSteps
# Custom steps to run in the Build and Test stages after the repositories are cloned.
- name: AutorestInitializationSteps
type: stepList
default: []

Expand All @@ -49,7 +44,30 @@ parameters:
type: number
default: 10

# Indicates if regenration matrix should only contain folders with typespec files
- name: OnlyGenerateTypespec
type: boolean
default: false

# Indicates the build matrix to use for post-build autorest validation
- name: TestMatrix
type: object
default: {}

# Indicates the build matrix to use for post-build autorest validation
- name: PublishDependsOnTest
type: boolean
default: false


# Build stage
# Responsible for building the autorest generator and typespec emitter packages
# Produces the artifact `build_artifacts` which contains the following:
# emitter-package.json: Will be used to generate the emitter-package-lock.json file and placed in the `/eng` folder
# of the sdk repository.
# overrides.json: Contains npm package version overrides for the emitter and generator
# packages/: Contains the packages to publish
- stage: Build
autorestRepositoryPath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/autorest
Expand All @@ -64,13 +82,6 @@ stages:
displayName: 'Get repository details'

# Validate parameters and fail early if invalid
- ${{ if notIn(parameters.PublishTarget, 'internal', 'public') }}:
- script: |
echo "Publish target ${{ parameters.PublishTarget }} is not supported"
exit 1
displayName: 'Unsupported PublishTarget'
condition: always()
- ${{ each package in parameters.Packages }}:
- ${{ if notIn(package.type, 'npm', 'nuget') }}:
- script: |
Expand All @@ -81,25 +92,30 @@ stages:
- checkout: self
path: s/autorest

- checkout: azure-sdk-tools

- ${{ parameters.BuildSteps }}
- ${{ parameters.AutorestInitializationSteps }}

- ${{ if eq(length(parameters.BuildSteps), 0) }}:
- script: >
npm run ci-init -- --useTypeSpecNext ${{ parameters.UseTypeSpecNext }}
displayName: 'Run init script'
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Run initialize script'
pwsh: true
filePath: $(autorestRepositoryPath)/eng/scripts/initialize.ps1
arguments: -UseTypeSpecNext:$${{ parameters.UseTypeSpecNext }}
workingDirectory: $(autorestRepositoryPath)
- script: >
npm run ci-build --
--publishTarget ${{ parameters.PublishTarget }}
--buildPrereleaseVersion ${{ parameters.BuildPrereleaseVersion }}
--buildNumber $(Build.BuildNumber)
--output $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
displayName: 'Run build script'
name: build_script

- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Run build script'
name: ci_build
pwsh: true
filePath: $(autorestRepositoryPath)/eng/scripts/build.ps1
arguments: >
-BuildNumber "$(Build.BuildNumber)"
-Output "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)"
-PublishInternal:$${{ parameters.PublishInternal }}
-Prerelease:$${{ parameters.BuildPrereleaseVersion }}
workingDirectory: $(autorestRepositoryPath)

- ${{ if ne(parameters.EmitterPackageJsonPath, 'not-specified') }}:
Expand All @@ -110,13 +126,14 @@ stages:
filePath: $(toolsRepositoryPath)/eng/scripts/autorest/New-EmitterPackageJson.ps1
arguments: >
-PackageJsonPath '${{ parameters.EmitterPackageJsonPath }}'
-OverridesPath $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/overrides.json
-OverridesPath '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/overrides.json'
-OutputDirectory '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
workingDirectory: $(autorestRepositoryPath)

- publish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
artifact: build_artifacts
displayName: Publish artifacts directory
- template: ../../../common/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-artifact.yml
artifactName: build_artifacts
artifactPath: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)

- pwsh: |
$branchName = 'autorest-failed-build-$(Build.BuildId)'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,8 +163,16 @@ stages:
condition: failed()
workingDirectory: $(autorestRepositoryPath)
# Publish stage
# Responsible for publishing the packages in `build_artifacts/packages` and producing `emitter-package-lock.json`
# Produces the artifact `publish_artifacts` which contains the following:
# emitter-package-lock.json: Created by calling `npm install` using `build_artifacts/emitter-package.json` and will
# be placed in the `/eng` folder of the sdk repository.
- stage: Publish
dependsOn: Build
- Build
- ${{ if and(parameters.PublishDependsOnTest, ne(length(parameters.TestMatrix), 0)) }}:
- Test
toolsRepositoryPath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
buildArtifactsPath: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/build_artifacts
Expand All @@ -161,12 +186,12 @@ stages:
displayName: Download build artifacts

# Create authenticated .npmrc file for publishing
- ${{ if eq(parameters.PublishTarget, 'internal') }}:
- ${{ if eq(parameters.PublishInternal, 'true') }}:
- template: ../steps/create-authenticated-npmrc.yml
npmrcPath: $(buildArtifactsPath)/packages/.npmrc
- ${{ elseif eq(parameters.PublishTarget, 'public') }}:
- ${{ else }}:
- pwsh: |
"//$(azure-sdk-npm-token)" | Out-File '.npmrc'
displayName: Authenticate .npmrc for
Expand All @@ -177,8 +202,8 @@ stages:
- ${{ if eq(package.type, 'npm') }}:
- pwsh: |
$file = Resolve-Path "${{ package.file }}"
Write-Host "npm publish $file --verbose --access public"
npm publish $file --verbose --access public
Write-Host "npm publish $file --verbose --access public --prefix $(buildArtifactsPath)/packages"
npm publish $file --verbose --access public --prefix $(buildArtifactsPath)/packages
displayName: Publish ${{ }}
workingDirectory: $(buildArtifactsPath)/packages
- ${{ elseif eq(package.type, 'nuget') }}:
Expand All @@ -201,9 +226,60 @@ stages:
-EmitterPackageJsonPath "$(buildArtifactsPath)/emitter-package.json"
-OutputDirectory "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)"
- publish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
artifact: publish_artifacts
displayName: Publish artifacts directory
- template: ../../../common/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-artifact.yml
artifactName: publish_artifacts
artifactPath: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)

# Test stage
# Responsible for running unit and functional tests using a matrix passed in as the parameter `TestMatrix`.
# Will only run if the parameter `TestMatrix` is not empty.
# The contents of the artficact `build_artifacts` are available under the path `$(buildArtifactsPath)`.
- ${{ if ne(length(parameters.TestMatrix), 0) }}:
- stage: Test
dependsOn: Build
autorestRepositoryPath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/autorest
toolsRepositoryPath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/azure-sdk-tools
- job: Test
matrix: ${{ parameters.TestMatrix }}
buildArtifactsPath: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/build_artifacts
- checkout: self
path: s/autorest # Use a predictable path for the `self` repo

- checkout: azure-sdk-tools

- download: current
artifact: build_artifacts
displayName: Download build artifacts

- ${{ parameters.AutorestInitializationSteps }}

- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Run initialize script'
pwsh: true
filePath: $(autorestRepositoryPath)/eng/scripts/initialize.ps1
arguments: -BuildArtifactsPath '$(buildArtifactsPath)'
workingDirectory: $(autorestRepositoryPath)

- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Run test script'
pwsh: true
filePath: $(autorestRepositoryPath)/eng/scripts/test.ps1
arguments: $(TestArguments)
workingDirectory: $(autorestRepositoryPath)

- template: ../../../common/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-artifact.yml
artifactName: test_artifacts_$(System.JobName)
artifactPath: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)

- stage: Regenerate
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -276,11 +352,12 @@ stages:
-OutputVariableName matrix
-JobCount ${{ parameters.RegenerationJobCount }}
-MinimumPerJob ${{ parameters.MinimumPerJob }}
-OnlyTypespec ${{ parameters.UseTypeSpecNext }}
-OnlyTypespec ${{ parameters.OnlyGenerateTypespec }}
- publish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
artifact: matrix_artifacts
displayName: Publish matrix artifacts
- template: ../../../common/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-artifact.yml
artifactName: matrix_artifacts
artifactPath: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)

- job: Generate
dependsOn: Initialize
Expand All @@ -303,14 +380,9 @@ stages:
SkipCheckoutNone: true

- download: current
artifact: build_artifacts
displayName: Download build artifacts
- download: current
artifact: publish_artifacts
displayName: Download pubish artifacts
- download: current
artifact: matrix_artifacts
displayName: Download matrix artifacts
displayName: Download pipeline artifacts

- ${{ parameters.SdkInitializationSteps }}

- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Call regeneration script
Expand All @@ -335,17 +407,47 @@ stages:
displayName: Create PR
- Generate
generateJobResult: $[dependencies.Generate.result]
generatorVersion: $[stageDependencies.Build.Build.outputs['ci_build.generatorVersion']]
- checkout: self
- checkout: azure-sdk-tools

- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Get source description
pwsh: true
filePath: $(toolsRepositoryPath)/eng/common/scripts/Get-BuildSourceDescription.ps1
arguments: >
-Variable 'BuildSourceDescription'
- pwsh: |
$generateJobResult = '$(generateJobResult)'
$generatorVersion = '$(generatorVersion)'
$repoUrl = '$(Build.Repository.Uri)'
$sourceBranch = '$(Build.SourceBranch)'
$buildNumber = '$(Build.SourceBranch)'
$queuedBy = '$(Build.SourceBranch)'
$preRelease = '${{ parameters.BuildPrereleaseVersion }}' -eq 'true'
$source = "[$sourceBranch]($repoUrl/tree/$sourceBranch)"
if ($sourceBranch -match "^refs/heads/(.+)$") {
$source = "branch: [$($Matches[1])]($repoUrl/tree/$sourceBranch)"
} elseif ($sourceBranch -match "^refs/tags/(.+)$") {
$source = "tag: [$($Matches[1])]($repoUrl/tree/$sourceBranch)"
} elseif ($sourceBranch -match "^refs/pull/(\d+)/(head|merge)$") {
$source = "pull request: $repoUrl/pull/$($Matches[1])"
$prBody = "Triggered from $source"
$prTitle = $preRelease `
? "Update autorest version to prerelease $generatorVersion" `
: "Update autorest version to $generatorVersion"
if ($generateJobResult -ne 'Succeeded') {
$prTitle = "Failed: $prTitle"
Write-Host "Setting variable 'PullRequestTitle' to '$prTitle'"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=PullRequestTitle]$prTitle"
Write-Host "Setting variable 'PullRequestBody' to '$prBody'"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=PullRequestBody]$prBody"
displayName: Get PR title and body
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Create pull request
Expand All @@ -359,7 +461,7 @@ stages:
-PROwner 'azure-sdk'
-PRBranch '$(branchName)'
-AuthToken '$(azuresdk-github-pat)'
-PRTitle 'Autorest Regen Preview alpha-$(Build.BuildNumber) by $(Build.QueuedBy)'
-PRBody 'Triggered from $(BuildSourceDescription)'
-PRTitle '$(PullRequestTitle)'
-PRBody '$(PullRequestBody)'
-OpenAsDraft $true
-PRLabels 'Do Not Merge'

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