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Update to new api version 2023-06-30 (#36161)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* Initial generation

* Fix double line break, add API version to rest client  options

* Generate API

* add old versions back in to fix build

* creation of new test resources and updated test recordings

* new bulk tests skeleton

* update/add test for import api

* move new test variables into service specific config file

* fixing tests and updated rest api spec commit id

* final testing changes

* serialize entire exception in the case of test failure

* initial job lifecycle sample code

* add code to upload input blob to storage container for quickstart sample

* updates to quickstart sample

* Updated code to latest api version

* Updated samples for clarity

* fixed build errors

* Add separate meterprovider for standard metrics (#36369)

* Add separate meterprovider for standard metrics

* assert cloud role name value

* remove unnecessary using

* Remove defunct template (#36543)

Co-authored-by: James Suplizio <[email protected]>

* [ACS JobRouter] Protocol methods for merge-patch support to remove properties (#36513)

* protocol methods for merge-patch support to remove properties

* address review feedback

* Change foreach loop to use ref readonly for tag/event/link enumeration (#36544)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.ApplicationInsights (#36541)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Analysis (#36539)

* Add ThumbprintString property to mgmt (#36320)

* Add ThumbprintString property to websites.

* Add ThumbprintString for automation.

* Update

* Add ThumbprintString for batch

* Add Thumbprint for iothub

* Add ThumbprintString for notificationhubs

* update

* update

* update

* Fix test

* Add obsolete attribute and make Thumbprint backwards compatible.

* enable model factory (#36499)

* enable model factory (#36519)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration (#36567)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.AppPlatform (#36568)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.ArcScVmm (#36569)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Attestation (#36570)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Authorization (#36571)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Cdn (#36576)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Chaos (#36577)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.BotService (#36578)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.BillingBenefits (#36581)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.ChangeAnalysis (#36579)

* Update AutoRest C# version to 3.0.0-beta.20230528.2 (#36574)

* Update Generator Version 3.0.0-beta.20230528.2

* Update SDK codes

* Introduce model factory to mgmt SDK batch 3 (#36500)

* enable model factory

* do not need release hci

* update

* enable model factory (#36527)

* enable model factory (#36528)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Blueprint (#36590)

* Introduce model factory to mgmt SDK batch 7 (#36529)

* enable model factory

* update databox version

* enable model factory (#36531)

* enable model factory (#36559)

* enable model factory (#36560)

* enable model factory (#36561)

* enable model factory (#36562)

* enable model factory (#36566)

* enable model factory (#36573)

* enable model factory (#36575)

* enable model factory (#36580)

* enable model factory (#36582)

* Introduce model factory to mgmt SDK batch 19 (#36583)

* enable model factory (#36584)

* enable model factory (#36585)

* enable model factory (#36586)

* enable model factory (#36588)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Automation (#36592)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Confluent (#36593)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Automanage (#36594)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Billing (#36595)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Avs (#36597)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Consumption (#36598)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Communication (#36596)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.ConnectedVMwarevSphere (#36600)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Batch (#36599)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.CognitiveServices (#36601)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.ConfidentialLedger (#36602)

* enable model factory (#36589)

* enable model factory (#36591)

* Introduce model factory to mgmt SDK batch 13 (#36563)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance (#36604)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Datadog (#36605)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.DataBoxEdge (#36606)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers (#36608)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry (#36609)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.DataLakeAnalytics (#36607)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights (#36610)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.DataMigration (#36611)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB (#36612)

* Abhishesingh msft/dtmf actions live tests (#36557)

* Live test for Continuous Dtmf Detection and Send Dtmf scenario

* Live test for Start Continuous Dtmf Recognition

* enable model factory (#36603)

* Fix deserialization for empty ResourceIdentifier (#36613)

* Introduce tags related test cases (#36232)

* update resourcemanager

* introduce test cases, but not fully working

* introduce a fix

* record all the new test cases

* bump version (#36617)

* handle null status code (#36547)

* Return CLR null for JSON elements with JsonValueKind.Null (#36552)

* Return JsonElements with JsonValueKind.Null as CLR null

* Add tests and return null from indexer as well.

* Add cases validating exceptions are thrown

* STG 88 Release Prep (#36624)

* [Storage][DataMovement] Change test event asserts to CollectionAssert (#36553)

* Removed Batch's project reference on Core (#36631)

* Increment version for storage releases (#36629)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.Storage.Blobs.Batch (#36635)

* Use test registry in npmrc for alpha packages (#36628)

Co-authored-by: Patrick Hallisey <[email protected]>

* [Text Analytics] Rename ExtractSummary and AbstractSummary (#36555)

* Enable model factory for PolicyInsights (#36618)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Grafana (#36667)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Kusto (#36691)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.HybridContainerService (#36692)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.ManagedServices (#36690)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.NetworkFunction (#36693)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices (#36689)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.GuestConfiguration (#36663)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.ExtendedLocations (#36664)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.HDInsight (#36665)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.MixedReality (#36696)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.MarketplaceOrdering (#36698)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Nginx (#36697)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.NetApp (#36702)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Network (#36701)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.MobileNetwork (#36700)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Media (#36699)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.MySql (#36695)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.NewRelicObservability (#36694)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.EventGrid (#36661)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning (#36688)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.ManagedServiceIdentities (#36687)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Marketplace (#36686)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Maps (#36685)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance (#36684)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.HybridCompute (#36683)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Logic (#36682)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.IotHub (#36681)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.HybridData (#36680)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Kubernetes (#36677)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.KeyVault (#36678)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.ManagementPartner (#36679)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.ManagedNetwork (#36676)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute (#36675)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting (#36674)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.HybridConnectivity (#36673)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.KubernetesConfiguration (#36672)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.IotCentral (#36671)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.HealthcareApis (#36670)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.HealthBot (#36669)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.FluidRelay (#36668)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.FrontDoor (#36666)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService (#36643)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.DataShare (#36644)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.DataProtectionBackup (#36645)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.DataBox (#36646)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Dns (#36647)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.DataLakeStore (#36648)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.DevSpaces (#36649)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.DeviceUpdate (#36650)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager (#36651)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.DnsResolver (#36652)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.DeviceProvisioningServices (#36653)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Dynatrace (#36654)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.DevTestLabs (#36655)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.DigitalTwins (#36656)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.EventHubs (#36657)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.ElasticSan (#36658)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.Elastic (#36659)

* Increment package version after release of Azure.ResourceManager.EdgeOrder (#36660)

* Updated changelog to describe new import job feature

* Sync eng/common directory with azure-sdk-tools for PR 6222 (#36703)

* Updated typespec common script

* Updated per the review comment


Co-authored-by: raychen <[email protected]>

* doc for sdk release (#34837)

* doc for sdl release

* sdk release

* sdk release

* updated version in SessionRecords json file

* updated version number

* version changed in json file

* updated version

* updated version

* sdk release

* sdk generation

* sdk release

* sdk release

* sdk release

* Update sampes

* Merge from main and regenerate code.

* SDK release

* sdk release

* sdk release

* doc for sdk release

* doc for sdk release

* Update


Co-authored-by: Wei Hu <[email protected]>

* Sync eng/common directory with azure-sdk-tools for PR 6250 (#36708)

* Revert the change and return tsplocation folder

* Out null for the new-item command

* exit if return failure when call sync script

* Added repo assignment in local path scenario

* Added more output

* Fix path processing in windows

* exit when run generate script with error


Co-authored-by: raychen <[email protected]>

* Enable model factory for hci (#36712)

* Resolve architect feedback (#36637)

Resolves #36514

* Calculate `timeSinceEnqueued` for consumer spans (#36625)

* calculate timesinceenqueued

* refactor

* Update sdk/monitor/Azure.Monitor.OpenTelemetry.Exporter/src/Internals/TraceHelper.cs

Co-authored-by: Rajkumar Rangaraj <[email protected]>

* address pr comments

* address pr comments

* align

* Address pr comments

* spelling


Co-authored-by: Rajkumar Rangaraj <[email protected]>

* [Storage][DataMovement] Add a small delay before asserting job status events (#36636)

* Initial generation

* Fix double line break, add API version to rest client  options

* Generate API

* add old versions back in to fix build

* creation of new test resources and updated test recordings

* new bulk tests skeleton

* update/add test for import api

* move new test variables into service specific config file

* fixing tests and updated rest api spec commit id

* final testing changes

* serialize entire exception in the case of test failure

* initial job lifecycle sample code

* add code to upload input blob to storage container for quickstart sample

* updates to quickstart sample

* Updated code to latest api version

* Updated samples for clarity

* fixed build errors

* Updated changelog to describe new import job feature

* updated tests and test records


Co-authored-by: Sebastian Herzig-Patel <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Rachel Teitelbaum <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Austin Lynch <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Vishwesh Bankwar <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Azure SDK Bot <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: James Suplizio <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Rajarshi Sarkar <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Rajkumar Rangaraj <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Wei Hu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Chengming <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: abhishesingh-msft <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Dapeng Zhang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Anne Thompson <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Sean McCullough <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jacob Lauzon <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Patrick Hallisey <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jose Arriaga Maldonado <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: raychen <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: rohithkumar91 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Wei Hu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Heath Stewart <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
1 parent 8a0a766 commit 52f593e
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 1,187 changed files with 285,901 additions and 35,033 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion eng/Packages.Data.props
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
All should have PrivateAssets="All" set so they don't become package dependencies
<PackageReference Update="Microsoft.Azure.AutoRest.CSharp" Version="3.0.0-beta.20230525.3" PrivateAssets="All" />
<PackageReference Update="Microsoft.Azure.AutoRest.CSharp" Version="3.0.0-beta.20230528.2" PrivateAssets="All" />
<PackageReference Update="Azure.ClientSdk.Analyzers" Version="0.1.1-dev.20230131.1" PrivateAssets="All" />
<PackageReference Update="coverlet.collector" Version="1.3.0" PrivateAssets="All" />
<PackageReference Update="Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers" Version="7.0.1" PrivateAssets="All" />
Expand Down
119 changes: 0 additions & 119 deletions eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/docs-metadata-release.yml

This file was deleted.

8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions eng/common/scripts/TypeSpec-Project-Generate.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,14 @@ function NpmInstallForProject([string]$workingDirectory) {

Write-Host("Copying package.json from $replacementPackageJson")
Copy-Item -Path $replacementPackageJson -Destination "package.json" -Force

$useAlphaNpmRegistry = (Get-Content $replacementPackageJson -Raw).Contains("-alpha.")

if($useAlphaNpmRegistry) {
Write-Host "Package.json contains '-alpha.' in the version, Creating .npmrc using public/azure-sdk-for-js-test-autorest feed."
"registry= `n`nalways-auth=true" | Out-File '.npmrc'

npm install --no-lock-file
Expand Down
67 changes: 49 additions & 18 deletions eng/common/scripts/TypeSpec-Project-Process.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ function CreateUpdate-TspLocation([System.Object]$tspConfig, [string]$TypeSpecPr
# Create service-dir if not exist
$serviceDir = Join-Path $repoRoot $serviceDir
if (!(Test-Path -Path $serviceDir)) {
New-Item -Path $serviceDir -ItemType Directory
New-Item -Path $serviceDir -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
Write-Host "created service folder $serviceDir"

# Create package-dir if not exist
$packageDir = Join-Path $serviceDir $packageDir
if (!(Test-Path -Path $packageDir)) {
New-Item -Path $packageDir -ItemType Directory
New-Item -Path $packageDir -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
Write-Host "created package folder $packageDir"

Expand All @@ -59,11 +59,15 @@ function CreateUpdate-TspLocation([System.Object]$tspConfig, [string]$TypeSpecPr

# Update tsp-location.yaml
$tspLocationYaml["commit"] = $CommitHash
Write-Host "updated tsp-location.yaml commit to $CommitHash"
$tspLocationYaml["repo"] = $repo
Write-Host "updated tsp-location.yaml repo to $repo"
$tspLocationYaml["directory"] = $TypeSpecProjectDirectory
Write-Host "updated tsp-location.yaml directory to $TypeSpecProjectDirectory"
$tspLocationYaml["additionalDirectories"] = $additionalDirs
Write-Host "updated tsp-location.yaml additionalDirectories to $additionalDirs"
$tspLocationYaml |ConvertTo-Yaml | Out-File $tspLocationYamlPath
Write-Host "updated tsp-location.yaml in $packageDir"
Write-Host "finished updating tsp-location.yaml in $packageDir"
return $packageDir

Expand All @@ -87,26 +91,17 @@ function Get-PackageDir([System.Object]$tspConfig) {
return $packageDir

$repo = ""
if ($RepoUrl) {
if ($RepoUrl -match "^<repo>[^/]*/azure-rest-api-specs(-pr)?).*") {
$repo = $Matches["repo"]
else {
Write-Host "Parameter 'RepoUrl' has incorrect value: $RepoUrl. It should be similar like ''"
exit 1

$repoRootPath = (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot .. .. ..)
$repoRootPath = Resolve-Path $repoRootPath
$repoRootPath = $repoRootPath -replace "\\", "/"
$tspConfigPath = Join-Path $repoRootPath 'tspconfig.yaml'
$tmpTspConfigPath = $tspConfigPath
$repo = ""
# remote url scenario
# example url of tspconfig.yaml:
if ($TypeSpecProjectDirectory -match '^<repo>Azure/azure-rest-api-specs(-pr)?)/blob/(?<commit>[0-9a-f]{40})/(?<path>.*)/tspconfig.yaml$') {
try {
$TypeSpecProjectDirectory = $TypeSpecProjectDirectory -replace "", ""
$TypeSpecProjectDirectory = $TypeSpecProjectDirectory -replace "/blob/", "/"
$TypeSpecProjectDirectory = $TypeSpecProjectDirectory -replace "*)/(tree|blob)", "`$1"
Invoke-WebRequest $TypeSpecProjectDirectory -OutFile $tspConfigPath -MaximumRetryCount 3
catch {
Expand All @@ -119,17 +114,53 @@ if ($TypeSpecProjectDirectory -match '^<repo>Azure/azure-re
$CommitHash = $Matches["commit"]
# TODO support the branch name in url then get the commithash from branch name
} else {
# local path scenario
$tspConfigPath = Join-Path $TypeSpecProjectDirectory "tspconfig.yaml"
if (!(Test-Path $tspConfigPath)) {
Write-Error "Failed to find tspconfig.yaml in '$TypeSpecProjectDirectory'"
exit 1
$TypeSpecProjectDirectory = $TypeSpecProjectDirectory.Replace("\", "/")
if ($TypeSpecProjectDirectory -match "^.*/(?<path>specification/.*)$") {
$TypeSpecProjectDirectory = $Matches["path"]
} else {
Write-Error "$TypeSpecProjectDirectory doesn't have 'specification' in path."
exit 1
if (!$CommitHash) {
Write-Error "Parameter of Commithash is not provided in the local path scenario."
exit 1
if (!$RepoUrl) {
Write-Error "Parameter of RepoUrl:$RepoUrl is not provided in the local path scenario."
exit 1
if ($RepoUrl -match "^<repo>[^/]*/azure-rest-api-specs(-pr)?).*") {
$repo = $Matches["repo"]
else {
Write-Error "Parameter 'RepoUrl' has incorrect value:$RepoUrl. It should be similar like ''"
exit 1

$tspConfigYaml = Get-Content $tspConfigPath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Yaml

# delete the tmporary tspconfig.yaml downloaded from github
if (Test-Path $tmpTspConfigPath) {
Remove-Item $tspConfigPath
# call CreateUpdate-TspLocation function
$sdkProjectFolder = CreateUpdate-TspLocation $tspConfigYaml $TypeSpecProjectDirectory $CommitHash $repo $repoRootPath

# call TypeSpec-Project-Sync.ps1
& "$PSScriptRoot/TypeSpec-Project-Sync.ps1" $sdkProjectFolder
$syncScript = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot TypeSpec-Project-Sync.ps1
& $syncScript $sdkProjectFolder

# call TypeSpec-Project-Generate.ps1
& "$PSScriptRoot/TypeSpec-Project-Generate.ps1" $sdkProjectFolder
$generateScript = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot TypeSpec-Project-Generate.ps1
& $generateScript $sdkProjectFolder

return $sdkProjectFolder
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion eng/emitter-package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"main": "dist/src/index.js",
"dependencies": {
"@azure-tools/typespec-csharp": "0.2.0-beta.20230525.3"
"@azure-tools/typespec-csharp": "0.2.0-beta.20230528.2"
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions sdk/analysisservices/Azure.ResourceManager.Analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
# Release History

## 1.1.0-beta.2 (Unreleased)

### Features Added

### Breaking Changes

### Bugs Fixed

### Other Changes

## 1.1.0-beta.1 (2023-05-25)

### Features Added
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<!--The ApiCompatVersion is managed automatically and should not generally be modified manually.-->
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Release History

## 1.1.0-beta.1 (Unreleased)
## 1.1.0-beta.2 (Unreleased)

### Features Added

Expand All @@ -10,6 +10,17 @@

### Other Changes

## 1.1.0-beta.1 (2023-05-25)

### Features Added

- Enable the model factory feature for model mocking, more information can be found [here](

### Other Changes

- Upgraded dependent Azure.Core to 1.32.0.
- Upgraded dependent Azure.ResourceManager to 1.6.0.

## 1.0.0 (2022-08-29)

This release is the first stable release of the App Configuration Management client library.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,4 +103,4 @@ This package follows the [new Azure SDK guidelines](

This package is a Public Preview version, so expect incompatible changes in subsequent releases as we improve the product. To provide feedback, submit an issue in our [Azure SDK for .NET GitHub repo](

> NOTE: For more information about unified authentication, please refer to [Microsoft Azure Identity documentation for .NET](
> NOTE: For more information about unified authentication, please refer to [Microsoft Azure Identity documentation for .NET](
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -415,4 +415,16 @@ public AppConfigurationStorePatch() { }
public string SkuName { get { throw null; } set { } }
public System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> Tags { get { throw null; } }
public static partial class ArmAppConfigurationModelFactory
public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.AppConfigurationKeyValueData AppConfigurationKeyValueData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string key = null, string label = null, string value = null, string contentType = null, Azure.ETag? eTag = default(Azure.ETag?), System.DateTimeOffset? lastModifiedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), bool? isLocked = default(bool?), System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> tags = null) { throw null; }
public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationNameAvailabilityResult AppConfigurationNameAvailabilityResult(bool? isNameAvailable = default(bool?), string message = null, string reason = null) { throw null; }
public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.AppConfigurationPrivateEndpointConnectionData AppConfigurationPrivateEndpointConnectionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationProvisioningState?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier privateEndpointId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationPrivateLinkServiceConnectionState connectionState = null) { throw null; }
public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationPrivateEndpointConnectionReference AppConfigurationPrivateEndpointConnectionReference(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationProvisioningState?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier privateEndpointId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationPrivateLinkServiceConnectionState connectionState = null) { throw null; }
public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.AppConfigurationPrivateLinkResourceData AppConfigurationPrivateLinkResourceData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string groupId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> requiredMembers = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> requiredZoneNames = null) { throw null; }
public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationPrivateLinkServiceConnectionState AppConfigurationPrivateLinkServiceConnectionState(Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationPrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationPrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatus?), string description = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationActionsRequired? actionsRequired = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationActionsRequired?)) { throw null; }
public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationStoreApiKey AppConfigurationStoreApiKey(string id = null, string name = null, string value = null, string connectionString = null, System.DateTimeOffset? lastModifiedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), bool? isReadOnly = default(bool?)) { throw null; }
public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.AppConfigurationStoreData AppConfigurationStoreData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, string skuName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationProvisioningState?), System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string endpoint = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationKeyVaultProperties encryptionKeyVaultProperties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationPrivateEndpointConnectionReference> privateEndpointConnections = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationPublicNetworkAccess? publicNetworkAccess = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationPublicNetworkAccess?), bool? disableLocalAuth = default(bool?), int? softDeleteRetentionInDays = default(int?), bool? enablePurgeProtection = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationCreateMode? createMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.Models.AppConfigurationCreateMode?)) { throw null; }
public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppConfiguration.DeletedAppConfigurationStoreData DeletedAppConfigurationStoreData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier configurationStoreId = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation? location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation?), System.DateTimeOffset? deletedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? scheduledPurgeOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> tags = null, bool? isPurgeProtectionEnabled = default(bool?)) { throw null; }
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