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Changed Java build version to Java 17.
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vcolin7 committed Feb 21, 2024
1 parent f6285c3 commit 7e4eddb
Showing 1 changed file with 31 additions and 29 deletions.
60 changes: 31 additions & 29 deletions eng/pipelines/templates/stages/archetype-sdk-client-patch.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,11 +27,13 @@ parameters:
- name: JavaBuildVersion
type: string
default: $(JavaBuildVersion)
- name: JavadocSafeJavaBuildVersion
type: string
default: $(JavadocSafeJavaBuildVersion)
- name: TestPipeline
type: boolean
default: false

- stage: Build
Expand All @@ -46,8 +48,8 @@ stages:
name: azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2004-general

# Skip sparse checkout for the `azure-sdk-for-<lang>-pr` private mirrored repositories
# as we require the github service connection to be loaded.
# Skip sparse checkout for the `azure-sdk-for-<lang>-pr` private mirrored repositories as we require the GitHub
# service connection to be loaded.
- ${{ if not(contains(variables['Build.DefinitionName'], 'java-pr')) }}:
- template: /eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/sparse-checkout.yml
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,8 +105,9 @@ stages:
displayName: 'pip install markdown2 and BeautifulSoup4'
# Save the Package Properties
# ServiceDirectories variable is a plain, comma separated list of ServiceDirectories that is
# output by the generate_from_source_pom script above.
# ServiceDirectories variable is a plain, comma separated list of ServiceDirectories that is output by the
# generate_from_source_pom script above.
- pwsh: |
$ServiceDirs = '$(ServiceDirectories)'
foreach($ServiceDir in $ServiceDirs.Split(',')) {
Expand All @@ -113,25 +116,24 @@ stages:
workingDirectory: $(Pipeline.Workspace)
displayName: "Save Package Properties"
# Why is this necessary? Normal build and release jobs don't install reporting tools prior
# to building however they're still able to find the the build tools through the root aggregate
# pom file. The ClientFromSourcePom only contains what is necessary for the list of libraries
# and needs to have them installed explicitly otherwise the checkstyle plugin will fail to find
# which is a dependency. It does this in spite of the fact that we're
# not running actually running checkstyle, it loads it to skip it...well done.
# Why is this necessary? Normal build and release jobs don't install reporting tools prior to building however
# they're still able to find the build tools through the root aggregate pom file. The ClientFromSourcePom only
# contains what is necessary for the list of libraries and needs to have them installed explicitly otherwise the
# checkstyle plugin will fail to find which is a dependency. It does this in spite of
# the fact that we're not running actually running checkstyle, it loads it to skip it...well done.
- template: ../steps/install-reporting-tools.yml
JdkVersion: ${{ parameters.JavaBuildVersion }}

- task: Maven@3
displayName: 'Build From Source and Package, JDK Version: ${{ parameters.JavaBuildVersion }}'
displayName: 'Build From Source and Package, JDK Version: ${{ parameters.JavadocSafeJavaBuildVersion }}'
mavenPomFile: ClientFromSourcePom.xml
goals: 'deploy'
options: '$(DefaultOptions) -T ${{parameters.BuildParallelization}} -DskipTests -Dgenerate-overview -Dspotbugs.skip=true -Dcheckstyle.skip=true -Drevapi.skip=true -pl $(ProjectList) -am -DaltDeploymentRepository=id::default::file://$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/build' # We include template-module so we ensure it always builds in CI
options: '$(DefaultOptions) -T ${{parameters.BuildParallelization}} -DskipTests -Dgenerate-overview -Dspotbugs.skip=true -Dcheckstyle.skip=true -Drevapi.skip=true -Dspotless.apply.skip=true -pl $(ProjectList) -am -DaltDeploymentRepository=id::default::file://$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/build' # We include template-module, so we ensure it always builds in CI.
mavenOptions: '$(MemoryOptions) $(LoggingOptions)'
javaHomeOption: 'JDKVersion'
jdkVersionOption: ${{ parameters.JavaBuildVersion }}
jdkVersionOption: ${{ parameters.JavadocSafeJavaBuildVersion }}
jdkArchitectureOption: 'x64'
publishJUnitResults: false

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -250,7 +252,7 @@ stages:
filePath: eng/versioning/pom_file_version_scanner.ps1
arguments: -Debug:$$(IsDebug)

# Do all the verifications for all the artifacts after the sparse-checkout
# Do all the verifications for all the artifacts after the sparse-checkout.
- pwsh: |
$ArtifactsList = $('${{ convertToJson(parameters.Artifacts) }}' | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object name, groupId)
$ArtifactsList | Format-Table -Property GroupId, Name | Out-String | Write-Host
Expand All @@ -260,11 +262,12 @@ stages:
displayName: 'Verify artifact versions for release'
# Uber JARs release a flattened POM, as dependencies are incorporated into the JAR circumnavigating the
# need to list dependencies in the POM. The flattened POM is generated and won't comply with our versioning
# validation, so omit uberJars from the artifacts list to verify.
# Uber JARs release a flattened POM, as dependencies are incorporated into the JAR circumnavigating the need to
# list dependencies in the POM. The flattened POM is generated and won't comply with our versioning validation,
# so omit uberJars from the artifacts list to verify.
# Note: This is different from the Batch release verification step because the ServiceDirectory, for this
# pipeline, is attached to each Artifact. It needs to be in the query so it can be passed into the script
# pipeline, is attached to each Artifact. It needs to be in the query, so it can be passed into the script.
- pwsh: |
$ArtifactsList = $('${{ convertToJson(parameters.Artifacts) }}' | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object name, groupId, ServiceDirectory, uberJar | Where-Object -Not "uberJar")
$ArtifactsList | Format-Table -Property GroupId, Name, ServiceDirectory | Out-String | Write-Host
Expand All @@ -275,8 +278,8 @@ stages:
- template: /eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/verify-readme.yml
# For the moment, ServiceDirectories is JSON which may change to a comma delimited list instead of
# what's going on below
# For the moment, ServiceDirectories is JSON which may change to a comma delimited list instead of what's
# going on below
ScanPaths: $(ServiceDirectoriesFullPath)

- template: /eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/verify-samples.yml
Expand All @@ -289,25 +292,24 @@ stages:
SourceDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
BasePathLength: 38

# Verify changelog, the way it currently works would
# require a complete overhaul in order to be able to deal with multiple artifacts and
# multiple service directories. Even ignoring this, there's still the fact that each artifact's
# metadata can cause this step to be skipped so we still need to loop over this.
# Verify changelog, the way it currently works would require a complete overhaul in order to be able to deal
# with multiple artifacts and multiple service directories. Even ignoring this, there's still the fact that each
# artifact's metadata can cause this step to be skipped, so we still need to loop over this.
- ${{if ne(parameters.SDKType, 'data')}}:
- ${{ each artifact in parameters.Artifacts }}:
- ${{if ne(artifact.skipVerifyChangelog, 'true')}}:
- template: /eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/verify-changelog.yml
PackageName: ${{}}
ServiceName: ${{artifact.ServiceDirectory}}
# Note, for the patch release pipeline there's no point in verifying the non-release
# changelog since the only time this pipeline should run is for a patch release.
# Note: For the patch release pipeline there's no point in verifying the non-release changelog since
# the only time this pipeline should run is for a patch release.
ForRelease: true

- template: /eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/eng-common-workflow-enforcer.yml

# This pipeline should never get kicked off outside of an internal, manual run. Put the checks here
# so the pipeline never gets to the signing/release portions unless this is the case.
# This pipeline should never get kicked off outside an internal, manual run. Put the checks here so the pipeline never
# gets to the signing/release portions unless this is the case.
- ${{if and(in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'Manual', ''), eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'internal'))}}:
- template: archetype-java-release-patch.yml
Expand Down

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