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Update devops workitem helpers (#1806)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
- Switch to using rest instead of cli for querying work items
  as cli is limited to 1000 items only.
- Fix issues with Generated fields not being set.
- Correctly sort older workitems by version isntead of string.

Co-authored-by: Wes Haggard <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
azure-sdk and weshaggard authored Jun 30, 2021
1 parent 38c6e11 commit 2c759bd
Showing 1 changed file with 105 additions and 36 deletions.
141 changes: 105 additions & 36 deletions eng/common/scripts/Helpers/DevOps-WorkItem-Helpers.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,77 @@ function Invoke-AzBoardsCmd($subCmd, $parameters, $output = $true)
return Invoke-Expression "$azCmdStr" | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashTable

function Invoke-Query($fields, $wiql, $output = $true)

$body = @"
"query": "$wiql"

if ($output) {
Write-Host "Executing query $wiql"

$headers = $null
if (Get-Variable -Name "devops_pat" -ValueOnly -ErrorAction "Ignore")
$encodedToken = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes([string]::Format("{0}:{1}", "", $devops_pat)))
$headers = @{ Authorization = "Basic $encodedToken" }
# Get a temp access token from the logged in az cli user for azure devops resource
$jwt_accessToken = (az account get-access-token --resource "499b84ac-1321-427f-aa17-267ca6975798" --query "accessToken" --output tsv)
$headers = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $jwt_accessToken" }
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST `
-Uri "`$top=10000&api-version=6.0" `
-Headers $headers -Body $body -ContentType "application/json" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashTable

if (!$response.workItems) {
Write-Verbose "Query returned no items. $wiql"
return ,@()

$workItems = @()
$i = 0
$idBatch = @()
while ($idBatch.Count -lt 200 -and $i -lt $response.workItems.Count)
$idBatch += $response.workItems[$i].id

$uri = "$($idBatch -join ',')&fields=$($fields -join ',')&api-version=6.0"

Write-Verbose "Pulling work items $uri "

$batchResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $uri `
-Headers $headers -ContentType "application/json" -MaximumRetryCount 3 | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashTable

if ($batchResponse.value)
$batchResponse.value | % { $workItems += $_ }
Write-Warning "Batch return no items from $uri"
while ($i -lt $response.workItems.Count)

if ($output) {
Write-Host "Query return $($workItems.Count) items"

return $workItems

function LoginToAzureDevops([string]$devops_pat)
if (!$devops_pat) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,13 +135,14 @@ function FindParentWorkItem($serviceName, $packageDisplayName, $outputCommand =
$serviceCondition = "[ServiceName] <> ''"

$parameters = $ReleaseDevOpsCommonParametersWithProject
$parameters += "--wiql"
$parameters += "`"SELECT [ID], [ServiceName], [PackageDisplayName], [Parent] FROM WorkItems WHERE [Work Item Type] = 'Epic' AND ${serviceCondition}`""
$query = "SELECT [ID], [ServiceName], [PackageDisplayName], [Parent] FROM WorkItems WHERE [Work Item Type] = 'Epic' AND ${serviceCondition}"

$workItems = Invoke-AzBoardsCmd "query" $parameters $outputCommand
$fields = @("System.Id", "Custom.ServiceName", "Custom.PackageDisplayName", "System.Parent")

foreach ($wi in $workItems) {
$workItems = Invoke-Query $fields $query $outputCommand

foreach ($wi in $workItems)
$localKey = BuildHashKey $wi.fields["Custom.ServiceName"] $wi.fields["Custom.PackageDisplayName"]
if (!$localKey) { continue }
if ($parentWorkItems.ContainsKey($localKey) -and $parentWorkItems[$localKey].id -ne $ {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,9 +179,7 @@ function FindLatestPackageWorkItem($lang, $packageName, $outputCommand = $true)

# Note this only does string sorting which is enough for our current usages
# if we need absolute sorting at some point we would need to parse these versions
if ($wi.fields["Custom.PackageVersionMajorMinor"] -gt $latestWI.fields["Custom.PackageVersionMajorMinor"]) {
if (($wi.fields["Custom.PackageVersionMajorMinor"] -as [Version]) -gt ($latestWI.fields["Custom.PackageVersionMajorMinor"] -as [Version])) {
$latestWI = $wi
Expand All @@ -124,26 +194,26 @@ function FindPackageWorkItem($lang, $packageName, $version, $outputCommand = $tr

$fields = @()
$fields += "ID"
$fields += "State"
$fields += "System.ID"
$fields += "System.State"
$fields += "System.AssignedTo"
$fields += "Parent"
$fields += "Language"
$fields += "Package"
$fields += "PackageDisplayName"
$fields += "Title"
$fields += "PackageType"
$fields += "PackageTypeNewLibrary"
$fields += "PackageVersionMajorMinor"
$fields += "PackageRepoPath"
$fields += "ServiceName"
$fields += "Planned Packages"
$fields += "Shipped Packages"
$fields += "PackageBetaVersions"
$fields += "PackageGAVersion"
$fields += "PackagePatchVersions"
$fields += "Generated"
$fields += "RoadmapState"
$fields += "System.Parent"
$fields += "Custom.Language"
$fields += "Custom.Package"
$fields += "Custom.PackageDisplayName"
$fields += "System.Title"
$fields += "Custom.PackageType"
$fields += "Custom.PackageTypeNewLibrary"
$fields += "Custom.PackageVersionMajorMinor"
$fields += "Custom.PackageRepoPath"
$fields += "Custom.ServiceName"
$fields += "Custom.PlannedPackages"
$fields += "Custom.ShippedPackages"
$fields += "Custom.PackageBetaVersions"
$fields += "Custom.PackageGAVersion"
$fields += "Custom.PackagePatchVersions"
$fields += "Custom.Generated"
$fields += "Custom.RoadmapState"

$fieldList = ($fields | ForEach-Object { "[$_]"}) -join ", "
$query = "SELECT ${fieldList} FROM WorkItems WHERE [Work Item Type] = 'Package'"
Expand All @@ -160,14 +230,8 @@ function FindPackageWorkItem($lang, $packageName, $version, $outputCommand = $tr
if ($version) {
$query += " AND [PackageVersionMajorMinor] = '${version}'"
$parameters = $ReleaseDevOpsCommonParametersWithProject
$parameters += "--wiql", "`"${query}`""

$workItems = Invoke-AzBoardsCmd "query" $parameters $outputCommand

if ($workItems -and $workItems.Count -eq 1000) {
Write-Warning "Retrieved the max of 1000 items so item list might not be complete."
$workItems = Invoke-Query $fields $query $outputCommand

foreach ($wi in $workItems)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -316,8 +380,13 @@ function FindOrCreateClonePackageWorkItem($lang, $pkg, $verMajorMinor, $allowPro
$pkg.RepoPath = $pkg.fields["Custom.PackageRepoPath"]

$extraFields += "`"Generated=" + $latestVersionItem.fields["Custom.Generated"] + "`""
$extraFields += "`"RoadmapState=" + $latestVersionItem.fields["Custom.RoadmapState"] + "`""
if ($latestVersionItem.fields["Custom.Generated"]) {
$extraFields += "`"Generated=" + $latestVersionItem.fields["Custom.Generated"] + "`""

if ($latestVersionItem.fields["Custom.RoadmapState"]) {
$extraFields += "`"RoadmapState=" + $latestVersionItem.fields["Custom.RoadmapState"] + "`""

if ($allowPrompt) {
Expand Down

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