Remove space of "IPv6 FirewallRule" in Microsoft.SQL 2023-05-01-preview #26511
openapi-pipeline-app / Swagger LintDiff
Nov 15, 2023 in 2m 20s
Swagger LintDiff failed
LintDiff: 8 Errors, 6 Warnings
The check status is neutral due to the check was suppressed by label Approved-LintDiff. If you have any question, pls contact [email protected]
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compared tags (via openapi-validator v2.1.6) | new version | base version |
package-preview-2023-05 | package-preview-2023-05(3d58510) | package-preview-2023-05(main) |
[must fix]The following errors/warnings are introduced by current PR:
Rule | Message | Related RPC [For API reviewers] |
RequiredPropertiesMissingInResourceModel |
Model definition 'IPv6FirewallRule' must have the properties 'name', 'id' and 'type' in its hierarchy and these properties must be marked as readonly. Location: Microsoft.Sql/preview/2023-05-01-preview/IPv6FirewallRules.json#L215 |
RPC-Get-V1-03, RPC-Put-V1-08 |
The following errors/warnings exist before current PR submission: