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Adding new resource type to SecurityInsights - already reviewed/approved in private repo #14499


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@mpo-sec mpo-sec commented May 20, 2021

Was review/approved for ARM and swagger already in private repo: Azure/azure-rest-api-specs-pr#3705


Please ensure to add changelog with this PR by answering the following questions.

  1. What's the purpose of the update?
    • new service onboarding
    • new API version
    • update existing version for new feature
    • update existing version to fix swagger quality issue in s360
    • Other, please clarify
  2. When you are targeting to deploy new service/feature to public regions? Please provide date, or month to public if date is not available yet.
  3. When you expect to publish swagger? Please provide date, or month to public if date is not available yet.
  4. If it's an update to existing version, please select SDKs of specific language and CLIs that require refresh after swagger is published.
    • SDK of .NET (need service team to ensure code readiness)
    • SDK of Python
    • SDK of Java
    • SDK of Js
    • SDK of Go
    • PowerShell
    • CLI
    • Terraform
    • No, no need to refresh for updates in this PR

Contribution checklist:

If any further question about AME onboarding or validation tools, please view the FAQ.

ARM API Review Checklist

  • Ensure to check this box if one of the following scenarios meet updates in the PR, so that label “WaitForARMFeedback” will be added automatically to involve ARM API Review. Failure to comply may result in delays for manifest application. Note this does not apply to data plane APIs, all “removals” and “adding a new property” no more require ARM API review.

    • Adding new API(s)
    • Adding a new API version
    • Ensure to copy the existing version into new directory structure for first commit (including refactoring) and then push new changes including version updates in separate commits. This is required to review the changes efficiently.
    • Adding a new service
  • Please ensure you've reviewed following guidelines including ARM resource provider contract and REST guidelines. Estimated time (4 hours). This is required before you can request review from ARM API Review board.

  • If you are blocked on ARM review and want to get the PR merged with urgency, please get the ARM oncall for reviews (RP Manifest Approvers team under Azure Resource Manager service) from IcM and reach out to them.

Breaking Change Review Checklist

If there are following updates in the PR, ensure to request an approval from Breaking Change Review Board as defined in the Breaking Change Policy.

  • Removing API(s) in stable version
  • Removing properties in stable version
  • Removing API version(s) in stable version
  • Updating API in stable or public preview version with Breaking Change Validation errors
  • Updating API(s) in public preview over 1 year (refer to Retirement of Previews)

Action: to initiate an evaluation of the breaking change, create a new intake using the template for breaking changes. Addition details on the process and office hours are on the Breaking change Wiki.

Please follow the link to find more details on PR review process.

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Hi, @mpo-sec Thanks for your PR. I am workflow bot for review process. Here are some small tips.

  • Please ensure to do self-check against checklists in first PR comment.
  • PR assignee is the person auto-assigned and responsible for your current PR reviewing and merging.
  • For specs comparison cross API versions, Use API Specs Comparison Report Generator
  • If there is CI failure(s), to fix CI error(s) is mandatory for PR merging; or you need to provide justification in PR comment for explanation. How to fix?

  • Any feedback about review process or workflow bot, pls contact swagger and tools team. [email protected]

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    [Call for Action] To better understand Azure service dev/test scenario, and support Azure service developer better on Swagger and REST API related tests in early phase, please help to fill in with this survey It will take 5 to 10 minutes. If you already complete survey, please neglect this comment. Thanks.

    @openapi-workflow-bot openapi-workflow-bot bot added the WaitForARMFeedback <valid label in PR review process> add this label when ARM review is required label May 20, 2021
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    Hi, @mpo-sec your PR are labelled with WaitForARMFeedback. A notification email will be sent out shortly afterwards to notify ARM review board([email protected]). cc @

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    openapi-pipeline-app bot commented May 20, 2021

    Swagger Validation Report

    ️❌BreakingChange: 2 Errors, 0 Warnings failed [Detail]
    Rule Message
    1038 - AddedPath The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version.
    New: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2021-03-01-preview/Metadata.json#L37:5
    1038 - AddedPath The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version.
    New: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2021-03-01-preview/Metadata.json#L100:5
    ️⚠️LintDiff: 1 Warnings warning [Detail]
    The following errors/warnings are introduced by current PR:
    Rule Message
    ⚠️ R3010 - TrackedResourceListByImmediateParent The child tracked resource, 'watchlistItems' with immediate parent 'Watchlist', must have a list by immediate parent operation.
    Location: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2021-03-01-preview/Metadata.json#L302

    The following errors/warnings exist before current PR submission:

    Only 10 items are listed, please refer to log for more details.

    Rule Message
    R4018 - OperationsApiResponseSchema The response schema of operations API '/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/operations' does not match the ARM specification. Please standardize the schema.
    Location: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2021-03-01-preview/operations.json#L37
    ⚠️ R1006 - PutInOperationName 'PUT' operation 'ProductSettings_Update' should use method name 'Create'. Note: If you have already shipped an SDK on top of this spec, fixing this warning may introduce a breaking change.
    Location: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2021-03-01-preview/Settings.json#L185
    ⚠️ R2029 - PageableOperation Based on the response model schema, operation 'ProductSettings_List' might be pageable. Consider adding the x-ms-pageable extension.
    Location: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2021-03-01-preview/Settings.json#L38
    ⚠️ R2029 - PageableOperation Based on the response model schema, operation 'SentinelOnboardingStates_List' might be pageable. Consider adding the x-ms-pageable extension.
    Location: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2021-03-01-preview/OnboardingStates.json#L187
    ⚠️ R2057 - InvalidSkuModel Sku Model definition 'Sku' is not valid. A Sku model must have 'name' property. It can also have 'tier', 'size', 'family', 'capacity' as optional properties.
    Location: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2021-03-01-preview/Settings.json#L482
    ⚠️ R3017 - GuidUsage Guid used in model definition 'UserInfo' for property 'objectId'. Usage of Guid is not recommanded. If GUIDs are absolutely required in your service, please get sign off from the Azure API review board.
    Location: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2021-03-01-preview/Watchlists.json#L700
    ⚠️ R3018 - EnumInsteadOfBoolean Booleans are not descriptive and make them hard to use. Consider using string enums with allowed set of values defined. Property: isEnabled
    Location: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2021-03-01-preview/Settings.json#L380
    ⚠️ R3018 - EnumInsteadOfBoolean Booleans are not descriptive and make them hard to use. Consider using string enums with allowed set of values defined. Property: isEnabled
    Location: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2021-03-01-preview/Settings.json#L408
    ⚠️ R3018 - EnumInsteadOfBoolean Booleans are not descriptive and make them hard to use. Consider using string enums with allowed set of values defined. Property: customerManagedKey
    Location: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2021-03-01-preview/Settings.json#L462
    ⚠️ R3018 - EnumInsteadOfBoolean Booleans are not descriptive and make them hard to use. Consider using string enums with allowed set of values defined. Property: eyesOn
    Location: Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2021-03-01-preview/Settings.json#L466
    ️️✔️Avocado succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
    Validation passes for Avocado.
    ️️✔️ModelValidation succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
    Validation passes for ModelValidation.
    ️️✔️SemanticValidation succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
    Validation passes for SemanticValidation.
    ️️✔️Cross-Version Breaking Changes succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
    There are no breaking changes.
    ️️✔️CredScan succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
    There is no credential detected.
    ️️✔️[Staging] SDK Track2 Validation succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
    Validation passes for SDKTrack2Validation

    The following errors/warnings are introduced by current PR:

    |:speech_balloon: AutorestCore/Exception|"readme":"securityinsights/resource-manager/",
    "details":"> Installing AutoRest extension '' (1.8.0)"|
    |:speech_balloon: AutorestCore/Exception|"readme":"securityinsights/resource-manager/",
    "details":"> Installed AutoRest extension '' (1.8.0->1.8.0)"|

    The following errors/warnings exist before current PR submission:

    |:speech_balloon: AutorestCore/Exception|"readme":"securityinsights/resource-manager/",
    "details":"> Loading AutoRest extension '@autorest/modelerfour' (4.15.456->4.15.456)"|

    ️️✔️[Staging] PrettierCheck succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
    Validation passes for PrettierCheck.
    ️️✔️[Staging] SpellCheck succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
    Validation passes for SpellCheck.
    ️️✔️[Staging] Lint(RPaaS) succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
    Validation passes for Lint(RPaaS).
    Posted by Swagger Pipeline | How to fix these errors?

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    openapi-pipeline-app bot commented May 20, 2021

    Swagger Generation Artifacts

    ️️✔️[Staging] ApiDocPreview succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
     Please click here to preview with your @microsoft account. 
    ️️✔️[Staging] SDK Breaking Change Tracking succeeded [Detail] [Expand]

    Breaking Changes Tracking

    ️️✔️ azure-sdk-for-net succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
    ️️✔️ azure-sdk-for-go succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
    • ️✔️Succeeded [Logs]Release - Generate from b01e25f. SDK Automation 14.0.0
      command	sh ./ ../../../../../azure-sdk-for-go_tmp/initInput.json ../../../../../azure-sdk-for-go_tmp/initOutput.json
      command	go run ./tools/generator/main.go ../../../../../azure-sdk-for-go_tmp/generateInput.json ../../../../../azure-sdk-for-go_tmp/generateOutput.json
    • ️✔️securityinsight/mgmt/v1.0/securityinsight [View full logs]  [Release SDK Changes] Breaking Change Detected
      info	[Changelog] This package was removed
    • ️✔️securityinsight/mgmt/2020-01-01/securityinsight [View full logs]  [Release SDK Changes] Breaking Change Detected
      Only show 40 items here, please refer to log for details.
      info	[Changelog] - New const `SuspiciousActivity`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `DefenseEvasion`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `CredentialAccess`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `KindAzureAdvancedThreatProtection`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `AzureActiveDirectoryIdentityProtection`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `KindToggleSettings`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `System`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `Fusion`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `KindAzureActiveDirectory`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `KindAmazonWebServicesCloudTrail`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `Available`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `Exfiltration`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `PrivilegeEscalation`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `Medium`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `User`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `GreaterThan`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `Discovery`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `High`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `Collection`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `KindAlertRule`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `Low`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `NotAvailable`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `Persistence`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `MicrosoftCloudAppSecurity`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `KindMicrosoftCloudAppSecurity`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `KindScheduled`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `KindSettings`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `Informational`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `Enabled`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `FalsePositive`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `AzureSecurityCenter`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `IncorrectAlertLogic`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `Installed`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `SuspiciousButExpected`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `KindOffice365`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `Undetermined`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `InaccurateData`
      info	[Changelog]
      info	[Changelog] Total 59 breaking change(s), 59 additive change(s).
      info	[Changelog]
    • ️✔️preview/securityinsight/mgmt/2019-01-01-preview/securityinsight [View full logs]  [Release SDK Changes] Breaking Change Detected
      Only show 40 items here, please refer to log for details.
      info	[Changelog] - New const `HKEYPERFORMANCENLSTEXT`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `KindProcess`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `KindAccount`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `HKEYPERFORMANCETEXT`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `NotContains`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `PrivilegeEscalation`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `KindMalware`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `KindSettings`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `NotFinal`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `Inbound`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `Equals`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `System`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `Enabled`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `HKEYCURRENTUSERLOCALSETTINGS`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `KindFileHash`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `Discovery`
      info	[Changelog] - New const `Intraorg`
      info	[Changelog] - New function `NewIPGeodataClientWithBaseURI(string, string) IPGeodataClient`
      info	[Changelog] - New function `NewIPGeodataClient(string) IPGeodataClient`
      info	[Changelog] - New function `DomainWhoisClient.GetSender(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error)`
      info	[Changelog] - New function `DomainWhoisClient.Get(context.Context, string, string) (EnrichmentDomainWhois, error)`
      info	[Changelog] - New function `IPGeodataClient.GetResponder(*http.Response) (EnrichmentIPGeodata, error)`
      info	[Changelog] - New function `IPGeodataClient.GetPreparer(context.Context, string, string) (*http.Request, error)`
      info	[Changelog] - New function `NewDomainWhoisClientWithBaseURI(string, string) DomainWhoisClient`
      info	[Changelog] - New function `DomainWhoisClient.GetPreparer(context.Context, string, string) (*http.Request, error)`
      info	[Changelog] - New function `IPGeodataClient.GetSender(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error)`
      info	[Changelog] - New function `DomainWhoisClient.GetResponder(*http.Response) (EnrichmentDomainWhois, error)`
      info	[Changelog] - New function `IPGeodataClient.Get(context.Context, string, string) (EnrichmentIPGeodata, error)`
      info	[Changelog] - New function `NewDomainWhoisClient(string) DomainWhoisClient`
      info	[Changelog] - New struct `DomainWhoisClient`
      info	[Changelog] - New struct `EnrichmentDomainWhois`
      info	[Changelog] - New struct `EnrichmentDomainWhoisContact`
      info	[Changelog] - New struct `EnrichmentDomainWhoisContacts`
      info	[Changelog] - New struct `EnrichmentDomainWhoisDetails`
      info	[Changelog] - New struct `EnrichmentDomainWhoisRegistrarDetails`
      info	[Changelog] - New struct `EnrichmentIPGeodata`
      info	[Changelog] - New struct `IPGeodataClient`
      info	[Changelog]
      info	[Changelog] Total 145 breaking change(s), 173 additive change(s).
      info	[Changelog]
    ️⚠️ azure-sdk-for-python-track2 warning [Detail]
    • ⚠️Warning [Logs]Release - Generate from b01e25f. SDK Automation 14.0.0
      command	sh scripts/ ../azure-sdk-for-python_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-python_tmp/initOutput.json
      cmderr	[] WARNING: Skipping azure-nspkg as it is not installed.
      command	sh scripts/ ../azure-sdk-for-python_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-sdk-for-python_tmp/generateOutput.json
    • ️✔️track2_azure-mgmt-securityinsight [View full logs]  [Release SDK Changes]
      error	breakingChangeTracking is enabled, but version or changelogItem is not found in output.
    ️️✔️ azure-sdk-for-js succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
    • ️✔️Succeeded [Logs]Release - Generate from b01e25f. SDK Automation 14.0.0
      warn	Skip initScript due to not configured
      command	autorest --version=V2 --typescript --license-header=MICROSOFT_MIT_NO_VERSION [email protected]/[email protected] --typescript-sdks-folder=/home/vsts/work/1/s/azure-sdk-for-js/azure-sdk-for-js ../../azure-rest-api-specs/specification/securityinsights/resource-manager/
    • ️✔️@azure/arm-securityinsight [View full logs]  [Release SDK Changes]
      cmderr	[npmPack] loaded rollup.config.js with warnings
      cmderr	[npmPack] (!) Unused external imports
      cmderr	[npmPack] default imported from external module 'rollup' but never used
      cmderr	[npmPack] ./esm/securityInsights.js → ./dist/arm-securityinsight.js...
      cmderr	[npmPack] created ./dist/arm-securityinsight.js in 475ms
    ️️✔️ azure-cli-extensions succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
    • ️✔️Succeeded [Logs]Release - Generate from b01e25f. Azure CLI Automation 14.0.0
      warn	Skip initScript due to not configured
      command	npx n 12
      command	python3 -m venv venv
      command	pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel pip
      command	pip install pathlib jinja2 msrestazure
      command	autorest --az --use=@autorest/az@latest --version=3.0.6271 --clear-output-folder=true --azure-cli-extension-folder=/home/vsts/work/1/s/azure-cli-extensions ../azure-rest-api-specs/specification/securityinsights/resource-manager/
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/AllOfWhenYouMeantRef): Schema 'AwsCloudTrailDataConnectorDataTypes-logs' is using an 'allOf' instead of a $ref. This creates a wasteful anonymous type when generating code.
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/AllOfWhenYouMeantRef): Schema 'OfficeDataConnectorDataTypes-exchange' is using an 'allOf' instead of a $ref. This creates a wasteful anonymous type when generating code.
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/AllOfWhenYouMeantRef): Schema 'OfficeDataConnectorDataTypes-sharePoint' is using an 'allOf' instead of a $ref. This creates a wasteful anonymous type when generating code.
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/AllOfWhenYouMeantRef): Schema 'OfficeDataConnectorDataTypes-teams' is using an 'allOf' instead of a $ref. This creates a wasteful anonymous type when generating code.
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/AllOfWhenYouMeantRef): Schema 'TIDataConnectorDataTypes-indicators' is using an 'allOf' instead of a $ref. This creates a wasteful anonymous type when generating code.
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/SchemaMissingType): The schema 'ActionsList' with an undefined type and decalared properties is a bit ambigious. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/SchemaMissingType): The schema 'AlertRuleTemplatesList' with an undefined type and decalared properties is a bit ambigious. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/SchemaMissingType): The schema 'AlertRulesList' with an undefined type and decalared properties is a bit ambigious. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/SchemaMissingType): The schema 'BookmarkList' with an undefined type and decalared properties is a bit ambigious. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/SchemaMissingType): The schema 'CloudError' with an undefined type and decalared properties is a bit ambigious. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/SchemaMissingType): The schema 'DataConnectorList' with an undefined type and decalared properties is a bit ambigious. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/SchemaMissingType): The schema 'IncidentCommentList' with an undefined type and decalared properties is a bit ambigious. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/SchemaMissingType): The schema 'IncidentList' with an undefined type and decalared properties is a bit ambigious. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/SchemaMissingType): The schema 'OfficeConsentList' with an undefined type and decalared properties is a bit ambigious. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/SchemaMissingType): The schema 'Operation' with an undefined type and decalared properties is a bit ambigious. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/SchemaMissingType): The schema 'OperationsList' with an undefined type and decalared properties is a bit ambigious. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/SchemaMissingType): The schema 'Resource' with an undefined type and decalared properties is a bit ambigious. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/SchemaMissingType): The schema 'ResourceWithEtag' with an undefined type and decalared properties is a bit ambigious. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/SchemaMissingType): The schema 'ErrorResponse' with an undefined type and decalared properties is a bit ambigious. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/SchemaMissingType): The schema 'ErrorAdditionalInfo' with an undefined type and decalared properties is a bit ambigious. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/CheckDuplicateSchemas): Checking for duplicate schemas, this could take a (long) while.  Run with --verbose for more detail.
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (PreCheck/PropertyRedeclarationWarning): Schema 'MCASDataConnectorDataTypes' has a property 'alerts' that is already declared the parent schema 'AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector' but isn't significantly different. The property has been removed from MCASDataConnectorDataTypes
      cmdout	[Autorest] WARNING (): is not true, skip visibility cleaner
      cmderr	[Autorest] --------------------------------------------------------
      cmderr	[Autorest]   test-scenario:
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /Actions/put/Creates or updates an action of alert rule.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /Actions/get/Get all actions of alert rule.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /Actions/get/Get an action of alert rule.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /Actions/delete/Delete an action of alert rule.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /AlertRules/put/Creates or updates a Fusion alert rule.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /AlertRules/put/Creates or updates a MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreation rule.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /AlertRules/put/Creates or updates a Scheduled alert rule.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /AlertRules/get/Get a Fusion alert rule.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /AlertRules/get/Get a MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreation rule.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /AlertRules/get/Get a Scheduled alert rule.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /AlertRules/get/Get all alert rules.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /AlertRules/delete/Delete an alert rule.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /AlertRuleTemplates/get/Get alert rule template by Id.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /AlertRuleTemplates/get/Get all alert rule templates.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /Bookmarks/put/Creates or updates a bookmark.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /Bookmarks/get/Get a bookmark.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /Bookmarks/get/Get all bookmarks.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /Bookmarks/delete/Delete a bookmark.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /DataConnectors/put/Creates or updates an Office365 data connector.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /DataConnectors/put/Creates or updates an Threat Intelligence Platform data connector.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /DataConnectors/get/Get a ASC data connector.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /DataConnectors/get/Get a MCAS data connector.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /DataConnectors/get/Get a MDATP data connector
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /DataConnectors/get/Get a TI data connector.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /DataConnectors/get/Get all data connectors.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /DataConnectors/get/Get an AAD data connector.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /DataConnectors/get/Get an AATP data connector.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /DataConnectors/get/Get an AwsCloudTrail data connector.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /DataConnectors/get/Get an Office365 data connector.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /DataConnectors/delete/Delete an Office365 data connector.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /IncidentComments/put/Creates an incident comment.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /IncidentComments/get/Get all incident comments.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /IncidentComments/get/Get an incident comment.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /Incidents/put/Creates or updates an incident.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /Incidents/get/Get all incidents.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /Incidents/get/Get an incident.
      cmderr	[Autorest]     - name: /Incidents/delete/Delete an incident.
      cmderr	[Autorest] --------------------------------------------------------
    • ️✔️securityinsight [View full logs]  [Release Azure CLI Changes]
    ️️✔️ azure-resource-manager-schemas succeeded [Detail] [Expand]
    • ️✔️Succeeded [Logs]Release - Generate from b01e25f. Schema Automation 14.0.0
      command	.sdkauto/ ../azure-resource-manager-schemas_tmp/initInput.json ../azure-resource-manager-schemas_tmp/initOutput.json
      warn	File azure-resource-manager-schemas_tmp/initOutput.json not found to read
      command	.sdkauto/ ../azure-resource-manager-schemas_tmp/generateInput.json ../azure-resource-manager-schemas_tmp/generateOutput.json
    • ️✔️securityinsights [View full logs]  [Release Schema Changes]
    Posted by Swagger Pipeline | How to fix these errors?

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    NewApiVersionRequired reason:

    A service’s API is a contract with customers and is represented by using the api-version query parameter. Changes such as adding an optional property to a request/response or introducing a new operation is a change to the service’s contract and therefore requires a new api-version value. This is critically important for documentation, client libraries, and customer support.

    EXAMPLE: if a customer calls a service in the public cloud using api-version=2020-07-27, the new property or operation may exist but if they call the service in a government cloud, air-gapped cloud, or Azure Stack Hub cloud using the same api-version, the property or operation may not exist. Because there is no clear relationship between the service api-version and the new property/operation, customers can’t trust the documentation and Azure customer have difficulty helping customers diagnose issues. In addition, each client library version documents the service version it supports. When an optional property or new operation is added to a service and its Swagger, new client libraries must be produced to expose this functionality to customers. Without updating the api-version, it is unclear to customers which version of a client library supports these new features.

    @JeffreyRichter JeffreyRichter added the Approved-BreakingChange DO NOT USE! OBSOLETE label. See label May 24, 2021
    @RamyasreeChakka RamyasreeChakka added the ARMChangesRequested <valid label in PR review process>add this label when require changes after ARM review label May 26, 2021
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    RamyasreeChakka commented May 26, 2021

    @mpo-sec Please take a look at the comments and let me know once you update the PR.

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    mpo-sec commented May 26, 2021

    @RamyasreeChakka I have updated the id fields to follow your suggestions. Also I double checked and I have all "kind" fields and not any "type", matching the RPC

    "$ref": "#/definitions/metadataVersion",
    "description": "Version of the content. Default and recommended format is numeric (e.g. 1, 1.0, 1.0.0,, following ARM template best practices. Can also be any string, but then we cannot guarantee any version checks"
    "kind": {
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    I would recommend to rename 'kind' field as well. Kind is a top-level property in Azure.
    Look at the list of top-level properties here

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    Just rename the 'kind' property here. Rest all places should be fine.

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    @RamyasreeChakka I have updated the id fields to follow your suggestions. Also I double checked and I have all "kind" fields and not any "type", matching the RPC

    RPC mentioned some set of properties. You can refer the full list of top level properties here

    . Please just rename the properties.kind and rest should be fine.

    I am signing off assuming you will make above change.

    @RamyasreeChakka RamyasreeChakka added ARMSignedOff <valid label in PR review process>add this label when ARM approve updates after review and removed WaitForARMFeedback <valid label in PR review process> add this label when ARM review is required WaitForARMRevisit labels May 27, 2021
    @njuCZ njuCZ merged commit b01e25f into Azure:master May 27, 2021
    mkarmark pushed a commit to mkarmark/azure-rest-api-specs that referenced this pull request Jul 21, 2021
    …ved in private repo (Azure#14499)
    * Copy commit from private repo
    * Make new API version
    * Remove old examples
    * Fix exclusion for Metadata list endpoint
    * Move back to initial preview version
    * Change id to contentId, sourceId
    * Fix sourceId in get all example
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    Approved-BreakingChange DO NOT USE! OBSOLETE label. See ARMChangesRequested <valid label in PR review process>add this label when require changes after ARM review ARMSignedOff <valid label in PR review process>add this label when ARM approve updates after review CI-BreakingChange-Go
    None yet

    Successfully merging this pull request may close these issues.

    5 participants