Az 8.2.0
Gallery Module for Azure PowerShell:
To install Az
from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:
Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force
To update from an older version of Az
, run the following command:
Update-Module -Name Az
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
- Az-Cmdlets-
- F97BBA4C950EF722AF9546551A5D7F254D6A08D7F8EF024896EFC2D242B72051
8.2.0 - August 2022
- Implemented 'SupportsShouldProcess' for 'Invoke-AzRestMethod'
- Supported giving suggestions if an Azure PowerShell command cannot be found, for example when there is a typo in command name.
- Removed the warning messages for MSGraph migration [#18856]
- Added parameters 'PackageFileName', 'ConfigFileName' for 'New-AzGalleryApplicationVersion'
- General availability of 'Az.ConfidentialLedger'
- Added -MinimumTlsVersion to New-AzEventHubNamespace and Set-AzEventHubNamespace
- Added -SupportsScaling to New-AzEventHubCluster and Set-AzEventHubCluster to support self serve clusters
- Deprecation warning on a few parameters in cluster cmdlets that will be deprecated in the November major release
- Removed the warning messages for MSGraph migration [#18856]
- Fixed a cross-subscription issue
- Updated cmdlets to add new property of 'ExplicitProxy' in Azure Firewall Policy.
- 'New-AzFirewallPolicyExplicitProxy'
- 'New-AzFirewallPolicy'
- 'Set-AzFirewallPolicy'
- Added new cmdlets to create packet captures for Network Watcher:
- 'New-AzNetworkWatcherPacketCaptureV2'
- 'New-AzPacketCaptureScopeConfig'
- Added support for CustomV2 ssl policies for Application Gateway.
- Added 'CustomV2' to the validation set of 'PolicyType'
- Added 'TLSv1_3' to the validation set of 'MinProtocolVersion'
- Removed validation for null or empty cipher suites list since there can be empty cipher suites list for min protocol version of tls1.3
- Network Watcher Feature Change: Added new paramenter i.e. AzureVMSS as source endpoint in ConnectionMonitor.
- 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorEndpointObject'
- Added 'IdentifyTopFatFlow' parameter to 'AzureFirewall'
- 'New-AzFirewall'
- Enabled Azure Firewall forced tunneling by default (AzureFirewallManagementSubnet and ManagementPublicIpAddress are required) whenever basic sku firewall is created.
- 'New-AzFirewall'
- Fixed bug that causes an overflow due to incorrect SNAT private ranges IP validation.
- Added new cmdlets to create/manage L4(TCP/TLS) objects for ApplicationGateway:
- 'Get-AzApplicationGatewayListener'
- 'New-AzApplicationGatewayListener'
- 'Add-AzApplicationGatewayListener'
- 'Set-AzApplicationGatewayListener'
- 'Remove-AzApplicationGatewayListener'
- 'Get-AzApplicationGatewayBackendSetting'
- 'New-AzApplicationGatewayBackendSetting'
- 'Add-AzApplicationGatewayBackendSetting'
- 'Set-AzApplicationGatewayBackendSetting'
- 'Remove-AzApplicationGatewayBackendSetting'
- 'Get-AzApplicationGatewayRoutingRule'
- 'New-AzApplicationGatewayRoutingRule'
- 'Add-AzApplicationGatewayRoutingRule'
- 'Set-AzApplicationGatewayRoutingRule'
- 'Remove-AzApplicationGatewayRoutingRule'
- Updated cmdlet to add TCP/TLS Listener , BackendSetting , RoutingRule support for Application Gateway:
- 'New-AzApplicationGateway'
- Updated cmdlets to add TCP/TLS protocol support for Application gateway Health Probe configuration:
- 'Set-AzApplicationGatewayProbeConfig'
- 'Add-AzApplicationGatewayProbeConfig'
- 'New-AzApplicationGatewayProbeConfig'
- Updated cmdlets to add basic sku support on Azure Firewall and Azure Firewall Policy:
- 'New-AzFirewall'
- 'New-AzFirewallPolicy'
- 'Set-AzFirewallPolicy'
- Added new cmdlets to create/manage authorization objects for ExpressRoutePort:
- 'Add-AzExpressRoutePortAuthorization'
- 'Get-AzExpressRoutePortAuthorization'
- 'Remove-AzExpressRoutePortAuthorization'
- Added option parameter 'AuthorizationKey' to cmdlet 'New-AzExpressRouteCircuit' to allow creating ExpressRoute Circuit on a ExpressRoutePort with a different owner.
- Fixed bug that can't display CustomIpPrefix in PublicIpPrefix.
- Updated cmdlets to add new property of 'HubRoutingPreference' in VirtualHub and set property of 'PreferredRoutingGateway' deprecated .
- 'New-AzVirtualHub'
- 'Update-AzVirtualHub'
- Added optional parameter 'AuxiliaryMode' to cmdlet 'New-AzNetworkInterface' to enable this network interface as Sirius enabled. Allowed values are None(default) and MaxConnections.
- Multipool feature change: Updated cmdlets to add new optional property: 'ConfigurationPolicyGroups' object for associating policy groups.
- 'Update-AzVpnServerConfiguration'
- 'New-AzVpnServerConfiguration'
- Multipool feature change: Updated cmdlets to add new optional property: 'P2SConnectionConfiguration' object for specifying multiple Connection configurations.
- 'Update-AzP2sVpnGateway'
- 'New-AzP2sVpnGateway'
- Multipool feature change: Added new cmdlets to support CRUD of Configuration policy groups for VpnServerConfiguration.
- 'Get-AzVpnServerConfigurationPolicyGroup'
- 'New-AzVpnServerConfigurationPolicyGroup'
- 'Update-AzVpnServerConfigurationPolicyGroup'
- 'Remove-AzVpnServerConfigurationPolicyGroup'
- Added new cmdlets for RoutingIntent child resource of VirtualHub.
-'Set-AzRoutingIntent' - Updated cmdlets to add new option of 'HubRoutingPreference' in RouteServer.
- 'New-AzRouteServer'
- 'Update-AzRouteServer'
- Fixed bug that can't parse CustomIpPrefixParent parameter from swagger to powershell.
- Added 'Any' operator in New-AzApplicationGatewayFirewallCondition
- Made properties 'ApplicationSecurityGroups' and 'IpConfigurations' for 'PrivateEndpoint' updatable in the cmdlet 'Set-AzPrivateEndpoint'
- Onboarded Device Update for IoT Hub to Private Link Common Cmdlets
- Upgraded API version to 2022-01-01
- Removed the warning messages for MSGraph migration [#18856]
- [Breaking Change] Renamed cmdlet from '{}-AzADAppFederatedIdentityCredential' to '{}-AzADAppFederatedCredential'
- [Breaking Change] Renamed '-Id' to '-FederatedCredentialId' for
- 'Get-AzADAppFederatedCredential'
- 'Remove-AzADAppFederatedCredential'
- 'Update-AzADAppFederatedCredential'
- Upgraded API version from Beta to 1.0
- Removed the warning messages for MSGraph migration [#18856]
- Moved SQL Server and SQL Instance from ActiveDirectoryClient to MicrosoftGraphClient
- Supported cross-subscription Failover Group creation using 'PartnerSubscriptionId' parameter in 'New-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup' cmdlet
- Added check for storage account sas token is secured with the storage account key.
- 'New-AzStorageAccountSASToken'
- Supported Management Policy rule filter BlobIndexMatch
- Added a new cmdlet 'New-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyBlobIndexMatchObject'
- Added a new parameter 'BlobIndexMatch' in 'New-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyFilter'
- Set 'ResourceGroupName' as optional for 'Set-AzSynapseSqlAuditSetting' cmdlet
- Added LastCommitId parameter to 'New-AzureSynapseGitRepositoryConfig'
- Fixed the issue that update spark pool version fail by 'Update-AzSynapseSparkPool'
- Fixed 'Publish-AzWebapp' to handle relative paths properly [#18028]
Thanks to our community contributors
- Harish Karthic (@hkarthik7), Updated parameter name from
(#18882) - Oscar de Groot (@odegroot), Fix "save as pfx" example (#19003)
- @shiftychris, Update (#18972)