Az 11.0.0
1473 commits
to internal/release
since this release
Gallery Module for Azure PowerShell:
To install Az
from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:
Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force
To update from an older version of Az
, run the following command:
Update-Module -Name Az
Docker images
Az.Accounts 2.13.2
- Enabled in-tool notification for version upgrade by default.
- Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.35.0.
Az.Aks 6.0.0
- Removed parameter 'DockerBridgeCidr' from 'New-AzAksCluster'
Az.App 1.0.0
- General availability for module Az.App.
- Upgraded api version to 2023-05-01.
Az.CloudService 2.0.0
- Downgraded the api version of referenced network to 2021-03-01.
Az.CognitiveServices 1.14.1
- Updated SDK via autorest.powershell.
Az.Compute 7.0.0
- Added update functionality in 'Update-AzVmss' for parameters 'SecurityType', 'EnableSecureBoot', and 'EnableVtpm' for the parameter set with the Put operation.
- Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.35.0.
- [Breaking change] Removed unversioned and outdated linux image aliases of 'CentOS', 'RHEL', 'UbuntuLTS' and 'Debian'.
- [Breaking change] 'New-AzVmss' will default to 'OrchestrationMode' set as 'Flexible' if it is not set as 'Uniform' explicitly.
- 'New-AzVmss' can now create VMSS with 'OrchestrationMode' set to 'Flexible' using '-SinglePlacementGroup' and '-UpgradePolicy'.
- Removed unversioned and outdated images from New-AzVmss '-ImageName' argument completers.
- [Breaking Change] Added defaulting logic for VM and VMSS creation to set SecurityType to TrustedLaunch and SecureBootEnabled and VTpmEnalbed to true when those are not set by the user.
- [Breaking Change] Added defaulting logic for Disk creation to default to TrustedLaunch when able. Allows the user to turn this off by setting the SecurityType to Standard.
- Added new parameter '-VirtualMachineScaleSetId' to 'Update-AzVm' cmdlet.
- Fixed 'New-AzVmss' and 'New-Azvm' to use 'SharedGalleryImageId' parameter.
- Reduced File Permissions from 0644 to 0600 for SSH Private Key File in 'New-AzVm'.
- Removed GuestAttestaion vm extension installation for Vmss and Vm creation cmdlets.
Az.ContainerInstance 4.0.0
- [Breaking Change] Fixed the typo that output property starting with PreviousState was misspelled as PreviouState. [#22268]
Az.ContainerRegistry 4.1.2
- Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.35.0.
Az.CosmosDB 1.13.0
- Added new parameter 'EnableBurstCapacity' to 'Update-AzCosmosDBAccount' and 'New-AzCosmosDBAccount'.
- Added new paramater 'MinimalTlsVersion' to 'Update-AzCosmosDBAccount' and 'New-AzCosmosDBAccount'.
- Added new property 'CustomerManagedKeyStatus' to 'Get-AzCosmosDBAccount'.
Az.Databricks 1.7.1
Az.DataFactory 1.17.1
- Added ParquetReadSettings in ADF
- Fixed minor issues
Az.DesktopVirtualization 4.2.0
- Added cmdlets:
- 'Get-AzWvdAppAttachPackage'
- 'Import-AzWvdAppAttachPackageInfo'
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
- Az-Cmdlets-
- FA6476896C6E7CCC5558692E8EA20FBBF1B35BFCF594C283CB71DADE6F2B37D1
- 'New-AzWvdAppAttachPackage'
- 'Remove-AzWvdAppAttachPackage'
- 'Update-AzWvdAppAttachPackage'
- FA6476896C6E7CCC5558692E8EA20FBBF1B35BFCF594C283CB71DADE6F2B37D1
- Added Private Link Cmdlets
- 'Get-AzWvdPrivateEndpointConnection'
- 'Get-AzWvdPrivateLinkResource'
- 'Remove-AzWvdPrivateEndpointConnection'
- Added Scaling Plan Personal Schedule cmdlets
- 'Get-AzWvdScalingPlanPersonalSchedule'
- 'New-AzWvdScalingPlanPersonalSchedule'
- 'Remove-AzWvdScalingPlanPersonalSchedule'
- 'Update-AzWvdScalingPlanPersonalSchedule'
- Added Scaling Plan Pooled Schedule cmdlets
- 'Get-AzWvdScalingPlanPooledSchedule'
- 'New-AzWvdScalingPlanPooledSchedule'
- 'Remove-AzWvdScalingPlanPooledSchedule'
- 'Update-AzWvdScalingPlanPooledSchedule'
- Updated rampDownCapacityThresholdPct minimum value from 0 to 1 on ScalingPlanPooledSchedule cmdlets
- Added showInFeed property to ApplicationGroups
Az.DevCenter 1.0.0
- General availability for module Az.DevCenter
Az.Dns 1.2.0
- Added cmdlets:
- 'Get-AzDnsDnssecConfig'
- 'New-AzDnsDnssecConfig'
- 'Remove-AzDnsDnssecConfig'
- Added three new record types, 'DS', 'TLSA' and 'NAPTR'.
Az.EventHub 4.2.0
- Added parameter 'PartitionCount' to 'Set-AzEventHub'
Az.Functions 4.0.7
- Used ARM API to get Stacks information for Functions [#14682]
- Removed support to create v3 function apps (Functions v3 has reached EOL) [#20838]
- Removeed Preview flag for Java 17 function apps [#20009]
- Added support to create dotnet-isolated apps [#16349]
- Added support for custom handler [#12542]
- Redacted appsettings output on Get-AzFunctionApp and Update-AzFunctionAppSetting [#23241]
Az.HDInsight 6.0.2
- Fixed a bug where the get cluster command does not display abfss storage information.
Az.KeyVault 5.0.0
- Removed non-core types creation in PowerShell scripts to be compatible in constrained language mode.
- Supported user assigned identity for Managed HSM in 'New/Update-AzKeyVaultManagedHsm'
- [Breaking Change] Changed parameter 'SoftDeleteRetentionInDays' in 'New-AzKeyVaultManagedHsm' to mandatory.
- Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.35.0.
Az.Kusto 2.3.0
- Supported sandbox custom image
- Supported database CMK
- Supported cluster migration
Az.Maintenance 1.4.0
- Added support for maintenance configuration cancellation.
Az.Monitor 5.0.0
- [Breaking Change] Action Group upgraded API version to stable 2023-01-01
- [Breaking Change] Use new and update cmdlets instead 'Set-AzActionGroup' cmdlet
- The receiver used subtype cmdlets to create a replacement for command 'New-AzActionGroupReceiver'
- New-AzActionGroupArmRoleReceiverObject
- New-AzActionGroupAutomationRunbookReceiverObject
- New-AzActionGroupAzureAppPushReceiverObject
- New-AzActionGroupAzureFunctionReceiverObject
- New-AzActionGroupEmailReceiverObject
- New-AzActionGroupEventHubReceiverObject
- New-AzActionGroupItsmReceiverObject
- New-AzActionGroupLogicAppReceiverObject
- New-AzActionGroupSmsReceiverObject
- New-AzActionGroupVoiceReceiverObject
- New-AzActionGroupWebhookReceiverObject
- [Breaking Change] Data collection Rule upgraded API version to stable 2022-06-01
- [Breaking Change] AMCS removed 'Set-AzDataCollectionRule' cmdlet
- Added cmdlets for data collection endpoint:
- 'Get-AzDataCollectionEndpoint'
- 'New-AzDataCollectionEndpoint'
- 'Remove-AzDataCollectionEndpoint'
- 'Update-AzDataCollectionEndpoint'
Az.Network 7.0.0
- [Breaking Change] Removed 'Geo' as a valid input for parameter 'VariableName' in 'NewAzureApplicationGatewayFirewallCustomRuleGroupByVariable'.
- Added AllowBranchToBranchTraffic property to New-AzRouteServer
- Added AllowBranchToBranchTraffic property to Get-AzRouteServer
- Changed Update-AzRouteServer functionality to fix bugs
- AllowBranchToBranchTraffic is now a bool
- Updating HubRoutingPreference property will not effect AllowBranchToBranchTraffic
Az.NetworkCloud 1.0.0
- General availability of 'Az.NetworkCloud' module
Az.PolicyInsights 1.6.4
- Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.35.0.
Az.PowerBIEmbedded 2.0.0
- Removed deprecated workspace collection cmdlets
Az.RecoveryServices 6.6.1
- Fixed minor issues
Az.RedisCache 1.8.1
- Fixed minor issues
Az.Resources 6.12.0
- Supported statements for user-defined types in Bicep files.
- Fixed reporting duplicate warnings when compiling Bicep files.
- Updated New and Set Management Group cmdlets to allow DeploymentSubscription to be optional.
- Fixed inexplicable error message when subscription and scope are neither provided in RoleAssignment/RoleDefinition related commands. [#22716]
Az.Security 1.5.0
- Fixed some minor issues
- Updated Pricing cmdlets to support extensions
Az.SecurityInsights 3.1.1
- Removed unnecessary breaking change messages.
Az.ServiceFabric 3.3.0
- Fixed minor issues
Az.Sql 4.11.0
- Added new parameters to 'New-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup', 'Set-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup'
- PartnerServers
- ReadOnlyEndpointTargetServer
- Added 'UseFreeLimit' and 'FreeLimitExhaustionBehavior' parameters to 'New-AzSqlDatabase', 'Get-AzSqlDatabase', 'Set-AzSqlDatabase'
- Added new cmdlets for Elastic Job Private Endpoints 'Get-AzSqlElasticJobPrivateEndpoint', 'New-AzSqlElasticJobPrivateEndpoint', 'Remove-AzSqlElasticJobPrivateEndpoint'
- Added new parameters 'WorkerCount', 'SkuName', 'Identity' to 'AzSqlElasticJobAgent' cmdlets
- Added support for optional SQL auth for Elastic Job Agent cmdlets
- The following parameters are now optional: 'CredentialName', 'OutputCredentialName', 'RefreshCredentialName'
Az.StackHCI 2.2.3
- Added support for ARC Onboarding using Cluster Managed Identity.
- Removed previous IMDS Reg Key during Registration/Repair-Registration.
- Removed creation of custom IMDS Reg Key during Arc Enablement.
- Improved logging experience.
Az.Storage 6.0.0
- Supported customer initiated migration
- Supported creationTime filter in Blob Inventory
- 'New-AzStorageBlobInventoryPolicyRule'
- Supported traling dot in Azure file and directory name by default
- 'Close-AzStorageFileHandle'
- 'Get-AzStorageFile'
- 'Get-AzStorageFileCopyState'
- 'Get-AzStorageFileContent'
- 'Get-AzStorageFileHandle'
- 'New-AzStorageDirectory'
- 'Remove-AzStorageDirectory'
- 'Remove-AzStorageFile'
- 'Rename-AzStorageDirectory'
- 'Rename-AzStorageFile'
- 'Set-AzStorageFileContent'
- 'Start-AzStorageFileCopy'
- 'Stop-AzStorageFileCopy'
- Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.35.0.
- [Breaking Change] Removed prefix '?' of the created SAS token
- 'New-AzStorageBlobSasToken'
- 'New-AzStorageContainerSasToken'
- 'New-AzStorageAccountSasToken'
- 'New-AzStorageFileSasToken'
- 'New-AzStorageShareSasToken'
- 'New-AzStorageQueueSasToken'
- 'New-AzStorageTableSasToken'
- Migrated following Azure Queue dataplane cmdlets from 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Queue 11.2.2' to 'Azure.Storage.Queues 12.16.0'
- 'New-AzStorageQueue'
- 'Get-AzStorageQueue'
- 'Remove-AzStorageQueue'
- 'New-AzStorageQueueStoredAccessPolicy'
- 'Get-AzStorageQueueStoredAccessPolicy'
- 'Set-AzStorageQueueStoredAccessPolicy'
- 'Remove-AzStorageQueueStoredAccessPolicy'
Az.StorageSync 2.1.0
- Fixed minor issues.
Az.Synapse 3.0.4
- Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.35.0.
Az.TrafficManager 1.2.2
- Fixed some minor issues
Az.Websites 3.1.2
- Adjusted 'Publish-AzWebApp' default behavior
Thanks to our community contributors
- Shivam Bhatnagar (@Bitnagar), fix typos in
(#23072) - Hiroshi Yoshioka (@hyoshioka0128), Typo "a Azure"→"an Azure" (#23235)
- Varun Dhand (@varundhand), fix: typo in file (#23093)