Az 10.0.0 RC1
Pre-releaseThis is the first release candidate of the upcoming Az 10.0.0 release.
Release Notes
Az.Accounts 2.12.3
- Updated System.Security.Permissions to 4.7.0.
Az.Aks 5.5.0
Fixed the issue of 'Enable-AzAksAddon' when there are no addons. [#21665]
Added parameter '-EnableAHUB' for 'New-AzAksCluster' and 'Set-AzAksCluster'
Added parameter '-WindowsProfileAdminUserPassword' for 'Set-AzAksCluster'
Az.Billing 2.0.2
- Fixed skip token for Consumption PriceSheet cmdlet
Az.Compute 6.0.0
Added new switch parameter 'OSImageScheduledEventEnabled' and string parameter 'OSImageScheduledEventNotBeforeTimeoutInMinutes' to the cmdlets 'New-AzVmssConfig' and 'Update-AzVmss'.
Fixed an issue that 'Add-AzVhd' throws 'FileNotFoundException' on Windows PowerShell. [#21321]
Removed the 'NextLink' parameter and parameter set from the 'Get-AzVM' cmdelt.
Az.CosmosDB 1.11.0
Added support for Continuous 7 Days backup mode.
Added new parameter 'EnablePartitionMerge' to 'Update-AzCosmosDBAccount' and 'New-AzCosmosDBAccount'.
Az.Databricks 1.5.1
- Fixed an issue that 'Update-AzDatabricksWorkspace' doesn't work as expected while enabling encryption. [#21324]
Az.DataProtection 2.0.0
Added support for Blob Hardened recovery points (VaultStore).
Added Cross Subscription Restore for 'AzureDisk', 'AzureDatabaseForPostgreSQL' and 'AzureBlob'.
Added 'Get-AzDataProtectionOperationStatus' command for long running cmdlets async.
Az.DesktopVirtualization 4.0.0
Upgraded API version to 2022-09-09
Added cmdlet:
Added parameters 'pageSize', 'isDescending' and 'initialSkip' to:
Added parameters 'AgentUpdateMaintenanceWindow', 'AgentUpdateMaintenanceWindowTimeZone', 'AgentUpdateType', 'AgentUpdateUseSessionHostLocalTime' to:
Added parameter 'FriendlyName' to:
Az.EventHub 4.0.0
Aliased 'New-AzEventHubNamespace', 'Remove-AzEventHubNamespace', 'Set-AzEventHubNamespace', 'Get-AzEventHubNamespace' with 'New-AzEventHubNamespaceV2', 'Remove-AzEventHubNamespaceV2', 'Set-AzEventHubNamespaceV2', 'Get-AzEventHubNamespaceV2' respectively
Replaced 'New-AzEventHubEncryptionConfig' by 'New-AzEventHubKeyVaultPropertiesObject'
Az.HDInsight 6.0.0
Breaking Change:
Removed the parameter '-RdpAccessExpiry' which has been marked as deprecated for a long time from cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster'
Removed the parameter '-RdpCredential' which has been marked as deprecated for a long time from cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster'
Az.KeyVault 4.10.0
Added breaking change announcement for parameter 'SoftDeleteRetentionInDays' in 'New-AzKeyVaultManagedHsm'. The parameter 'SoftDeleteRetentionInDays' is becoming mandatory
- This change will take effect on version 6.0.0
Changed the encoding way from a string into byte array in 'Invoke-AzKeyVaultKeyOperation' from ASCII to UTF8. UTF8 is backward-compatible with ASCII. [#21269]
Bug fix: Changed the decoding way from byte array into a string from system default encoding to UTF8 to match encoding way. [#21269]
Added parameter 'PolicyPath' and 'PolicyObject' in 'Import-AzKeyVaultCertificate' to support custom policy [#20780]
Az.Migrate 2.2.0
Added support for Windows Server OS upgrade while migrating the server to Azure using Azure Migrate
Added fix for keyvault SPN Id coming as null for some users
Az.Monitor 4.5.0
Added cmdlets for monitor workspace:
Az.Network 6.0.0
Added new cmdlets for RouteMap child resource of VirtualHub.
Updated cmdlets to add inbound/outbound route maps in routingConfiguration
Added the command 'New-AzFirewallPolicyApplicationRuleCustomHttpHeader'
Added the method 'AddCustomHttpHeaderToInsert' to 'PSAzureFirewallPolicyApplicationRule'
Added new cmdlets to support Rate Limiting Rule for Application Gateway WAF
Also updated cmdlet to add the property of 'RateLimitDuration', 'RateLimitThreshold' and 'GroupByUserSession'
Added support of 'AdditionalNic' Property in 'New-AzNetworkVirtualAppliance'
Added the new cmdlet for supporting 'AdditionalNic' Property
- 'New-AzVirtualApplianceAdditionalNicProperty'
Added new cmdlets to support Log Scrubbing Feature for Application Gateway WAF Firewall Policy
Also updated cmdlet to add the property of 'LogScrubbing'
Onboarded 'Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/cloudHsmClusters' to private link cmdlets
Updated cmdlet to add the property of 'DisableRequestBodyEnforcement', 'RequestBodyInspectLimitInKB' and 'DisableFileUploadEnforcement'
- 'New-AzApplicationGatewayFirewallPolicySetting'
Added optional property 'AuxiliarySku' to cmdlet 'New-AzNetworkInterface' to help choose performance on an 'AuxiliaryMode' enabled Network Interface.
Added a new value 'AcceleratedConnections' for existing property 'AuxiliaryMode' for 'New-AzNetworkInterface'
Az.RedisEnterpriseCache 1.2.0
- Upgraded API version to 2023-03-01-preview
Az.Relay 2.0.0
- Updated API version to 2021-11-01
Az.Resources 6.7.0
Added parameter '-CountVariable' for list operations, 'odataCount' can now be assigned to this variable [#20982]
Supported polymorphism for 'Get-AzADGroupMember', output of this cmdlet was now 'Application' 'ServicePrincipal', 'User' and 'Group' based on the 'odataType' [#19728]
Added '-Force' parameter on 'Publish-AzBicepModule' for supporting overwriting existing modules.
Fixed 'New-AzADApplication' when multiple redirect url types were provided. [#21108]
Fixed 'Update-AzADServicePrincipal' when empty array passed for 'IdentifierUri' [#21345]
Fixed an issue where location header was missing in the response from the service for 'New-AzManagedApplication'.
Fixed 'Get-AzResourceGroup' ignored the subscription ID in '-Id' [#21725]
Az.ServiceBus 3.0.0
Aliased 'New-AzServiceBusNamespace', 'Remove-AzServiceBusNamespace', 'Set-AzServiceBusNamespace', 'Get-AzServiceBusNamespace' with 'New-AzServiceBusNamespaceV2', 'Remove-AzServiceBusNamespaceV2', 'Set-AzServiceBusNamespaceV2', 'Get-AzServiceBusNamespaceV2' respectively.
Replaced 'New-AzServiceBusEncryptionConfig' by 'New-AzServiceBusKeyVaultPropertiesObject'
Az.ServiceFabric 3.2.0
- Added new cmdlet 'Add-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterNetworkSecurityRule' to update network security rules in managed cluster resource
Az.SignalR 2.0.0
Breaking change:
Removed 'HostNamePrefix' property of output type 'PSSignalRResource' of following cmdlets:
Az.Sql 4.7.0
Added new cmdlets 'Get-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLedgerDigestUpload', 'Disable-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLedgerDigestUpload', and 'Enable-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLedgerDigestUpload'
Added 'EnableLedger' parameter to 'New-AzSqlInstanceDatabase'
Added 'PreferredEnclaveType' parameter to 'NewAzureSqlElasticPool' and 'SetAzureSqlElasticPool' cmdlet
Az.SqlVirtualMachine 2.0.0
- Converted Az.SqlVirtualMachine to autorest-based module.
Az.StackHCI 2.0.0
Made Region parameter mandatory in 'Register-AzStackHCI' cmdlet.
Removed EnableAzureArcServer parameter from 'Register-AzStackHCI' cmdlet.
Removed 'Test-AzStackHCIConnection' cmdlet. Customers can use 'Invoke-AzStackHciConnectivityValidation' from AzStackHCI.EnvironmentChecker module for enhanced connectivity verification tests.
Added support for Managed Service identity (MSI) in Azure China Cloud.
Added support for Mandatory extensions, for OS versions starting 23H2.
Added parameter validations for 'Register-AzStackHCI' cmdlet.
Improved Error logging in Registration and Unregistration.
Az.Storage 5.7.0
Fixed issue of getting a single blob with leading slashes
- 'Get-AzStorageBlob'
Supported setting CORS rules in management plane cmdlets
Fixed an issue of 'StorageAccountName' field in context object when the context is invalid
- 'New-AzStorageContext'
Fixed an issue when a context does not have Crendentials field
Added '' to be a valid container name
Az.Synapse 3.0.0
- Removed the unnecessary breaking change of parameter '-SparkConfigFilePath' for 'New-AzSynapseSparkPool' and 'Update-AzSynapseSparkPool' cmdlets
Az.Websites 3.0.0
- Removed 'New-AzWebAppContainerPSSession' and 'Enter-AzWebAppContainerPSSession' cmdlets