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Out of Proc Worker Capabilities

Marie Hoeger edited this page Feb 10, 2021 · 2 revisions

Capabilities are well-known keys that the host and worker can send to each other to change behavior. List of capabilities is here, in RpcWorkerConstants

Below is a description of some of these capabilities.


Always serialize HTTP body as raw bytes.

Introduced here. Relevant code.


Knows how to handle TypedData collections like this. For example, with EventHub Cardinality=Many, we want to support an array of binary data and not a char[]. Supports string[], byte[][], long[], double[].

Introduced here. Relevant code.


De-dupe body (doesn't send "raw_body")

Introduced here. Relevant code.


Dedupe HTTP content from trigger metadata

Introduced here. Relevant code.


Ignores headers with empty string as value.

This was done to avoid (this issue)[]: a buffer overrun that happens with null values in a "map" type (that we use for things like headers). The more correct way to work around this is to use "UseNullableValueDictionaryForHttp"

Introduced here. Relevant code.


Part of throughput improvements to push back worker status info.

Introduced here. Relevant code.


Appropriately serializes protobuf "map" types that have empty values.

Introduced here. Relevant code for query, for headers, and for parameters.


Performance to not have to pass data over the wire and instead pass reference.

Introduced here. Relevant code.


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