Mariner information
Cloud Shell provides a large set of useful cloud management tools packaged inside a container. From
November 2020 to now, the base image for the container and the corresponding repository for packages
has been “Common Base Linux – Delridge” (aka CBL-D). Thanks to the support and feedback, Cloud
Shell is now moving to support additional Microsoft scenarios and requires a new base image.
We are currently updating Cloud Shell to a newer base image and repository called "Common Base Linux – Mariner" (aka CBL-Mariner). Mariner is a fully opensource RPM based Linux distribution that Microsoft uses internally to run Azure services and Edge appliances.
Tooling has been updated to reflect the new base image CBL-Mariner and should have little impact on
customers. If your scenario has been affected by these changes, please contact Azure support, or
create an issue in the Cloud Shell repository.
Some common Mariner packages
Package name | Version |
Ansible | 2.13.2 |
AZCopy | 10.15.0 |
Azure CLI | 2.38.0 |
Batch Shipyard | 3.9.1 |
Blobxfer | 1.11.0 |
Chef Workstation | Removed in Mariner! |
Cloud Foundry CLI | 8.4.0+2022-07-13 |
DC/OS CLI | 1.2.0 |
Docker-machine | Removed in Mariner! |
Dotnet runtime | 6.0 |
Dotnet sdk | 6.0.302 |
Draft | 0.16.0+g5433afe |
Gcc/G++ | 11.2.0 |
GitHub CLI | 2.13.0 |
Go | 1.18.3 |
Helm | 3.9.3 |
Istio | 1.14.1 |
Jenkins | * |
JQ | Jq-1.6 |
Kubectl | 1.24.3 |
Linkerd | stable-2.11.4 |
Nodejs | 16.14.2 |
Packer | 1.8.1 |
PowerShell | 7.2.5 |
Python | 3.9.13 |
Python2 | Removed in Mariner! |
Ripgrep | 13.0.0 |
Ruby | 3.1.2p20 |
Terraform | 1.2.2 |
*Version number is currently unknown but will be updated once information is received
To retrieve the complete list of packages, please type in rpm -qa
Some commands that are different between CBL-D and Mariner
Intent | CBL-D Command | Mariner command |
List packages | apt list --installed | rpm -qa |
Delete group | delgroup | groupdel |
Delete user | deluser | userdel |
G++ compiler | g++-8 | g++ |
composing gpg key | gpgcompose | Use the gpg command |
Iptables for networking | ip6tables-nft | We do not have iptables-nft but we do have the command iptables |
Creating an SSL certificate | make-ssl-cert | use openssl |
Verifying md5 hashes | md5sum.textutils | Use md5sum instead |
Python debugger | pdb | Use python3 -m pdb <python-script-file> |
Remote login | rlogin | use ssh instead |