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Dasher - User App
🐞 Report a bug or 🙋‍♂️ request a feature
contributions welcome License

Dasher-user Docs

Do you want to know how your shipment is going and how long it will arrive? You just have to enter this app where you can review the travel of your shipment in real time, see the confirmation of departure and the confirmation of receipt.


javascript react

Pre requirements

Before to start you need have some requirements:

  1. Node.js > v14.0.0

    Node.js is a runtime environment for Javascript that allows us to use the language outside of the browser, in this case we use it to configure and run the development server.

  2. npm > v6.0.0

    npm is a package manager for Node.js and comes installed with it, we use it to install and manage application dependencies.

  3. Git > v2.0.0

    Git is a version control system for code, we use it to manage the different branches of the code.

  4. Connection to internet

  5. Visual Studio Code or another code editor (optional)

How to run the project:

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Go to the project folder
cd dasher-user
  1. Install dependencies
npm install


yarn install
  1. Run
npm start


yarn start

After executing any of the above commands, a development server will start; generally on port 3000. You must go to your browser and enter localhost:3000 and you will have access to the project.


The project has been developed using various technologies. Some of them are:


For the front, React has been used, which is a powerful framework that allows us to interact dynamically with the DOM and encapsulate tons of functionalities through components. React Docs


GraphQL is a language that allows us to manipulate the data to generate efficient and fast APIs. GraphQL Docs


We like that our projects handle a clean code; that's why every time you commit & push, EsLint will analyze your input to make sure it complies with best practices.

File Structure:

The magic of the project happens inside the src folder. It is there where you will find all the components, pages and styles.

assets: In this folder we place all the graphic resources. If you need to add / use a new image, this is the site.

components: The components are functionalities that we can reuse in many parts of our project. For example, if we need a button; we develop it only once and then we can call it as many times as we need it. We like to separate styles from logic and structure. That is why in this folder you will find styled components that are then used in the layout file.

pages: Here we place the structure of each section of the project and it is where we mostly use the components

services: GraphQL works with queries and mutations which are basically the way data is obtained and inserted respectively. The code for the manipulation of the data must go in this folder.

styles: Here we get the global styles that we can use throughout the project.

The styled components:

React allows us to develop html elements from css styles that we can then use in layouts. It is a practical way to organize our components and avoid the use of pure html and inline styles in the views.


There are some rules that apply when interacting with the project repository. This will allow us to have a standard that any developer can understand. It is important to comply with these rules so that the linting tool allows us to use the repository.


Every time an issue is assigned to you, you must create a new branch. This can be done through the command:

git branch <name of branch>

For convenience, the branches should have a defined structure. For example, if the issue is about adding a new feature, the branch should be:


Suppose we have issue #12 that asks us to add a header to the main page. Then, the branch would be as follows:


If it is about solving a bug, we just have to put the word "fix" in front of it. For example:



Like branches, commits must also follow a format. Notice how the commit message varies if it is a feature or a bug fix.

feat: added header to main page

fix: removed bad media queries in rating component

Pull Request (PR):

The PR’s are requests that as developers we make once the solution of an issue is completed and we want the code to be integrated into the master branch of the project. Before that, we must ensure that our code is fully functional and adhering to best practices.

Once we have done a commit & push in our branch, a notification with a yellow background will appear in the github repository and will ask us to continue with the PR. In the TextArea to perform the PR you will find several sections that you want to complete: A brief description of what you did, a snapshot (if applicable), the tasks that were completed and the steps to view them.


How do I create a new component?

In the component folder, create a new file with the .jsx extension. Make sure to put an appropriate name to the functionality that you are going to develop.


Israel Laguan email-icon Email me to [email protected] / linkedin-icon Connect to my Linkedin
Victor Peña email-icon Email me to [email protected] / linkedin-icon Connect to my Linkedin
Emmanuel Azócar email-icon Email me to [email protected]
Angelica Molina email-icon Email me to [email protected]
Roman Rodriguez email-icon Email me to [email protected]
Tony Tarco email-icon Email me to [email protected]
Ildebrando Quinchoa email-icon Email me to [email protected]
Denis Osuna email-icon Email me to [email protected]
Jose Hernandez email-icon Email me to [email protected]


contributions welcome

🤝 Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

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📝 This project is licensed under the Apache 2
Feel free to fork this project and improve it!