An implementation of a scheduler and a memory manager to simulate the function of a mini operating system.
This is CMPN303 course project - Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.
Scheduler: non pre-emptive Highest Priority First (HPF), Round Robin (RR), pre-emptive Shortest Remaining Time Next (SRTN).
Memory Manager: Buddy System Allocation Algorithm
headers.h contains clk functions, it should be included anywhere the clock functions are used. This clock is just an emulation for synchronization purposes.
To get time call: getClk();
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To compile your project, use the command:
To run your project, use the command:
make run
A .txt file containing id, arrival time, running time, priority and required memory size of each process.
You can generate a random file using the command:
Contains the timeline of start, pause, resume and finish of each process after running the selected algorithm.
Contains the CPU utilization percentage, as well as both the mean and the standard deviation of the weighted turnaround time.
Contains the timeline of memory allocation and deallocation after applying the buddy system allocation algorithm.